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macrumors 6502
Aug 28, 2009
I can’t really notice anything with your X.

We had a 2017 LG OLED TV with burn in from watching cable news. The right hand bottom corner would should green blobs burn in but only on backgrounds that were red, orange or brown.

When we were looking for a new TV, we bought HD LED. But guess what? The picture quality was awful. No matter how much tweaking I did, it was like looking through 5 dirty windows. We ended up returning it and getting a new OLED.
You will need to click the image to look at it larger. Here is a zoom:



macrumors 6502
Aug 28, 2009
When we were looking for a new TV, we bought HD LED. But guess what? The picture quality was awful. No matter how much tweaking I did, it was like looking through 5 dirty windows. We ended up returning it and getting a new OLED.
Many LCD TVs are quite awful. But newer micro-LED lit LCD displays can be equal to OLED. Great examples are the screens on the new 14" and 16" MacBook Pros. Those screens are incredible.

When your OLED TV burned in you replaced it. That's kind of the thing with OLED; they look amazing, but are somewhat disposable. The expectation is that you will replace them after 3 to 5 years.

Fred Zed

macrumors 603
Aug 15, 2019
Florida Unfortunately
If you would like to see what image burn-in looks like on an iPhone X, here is a photo I just took. I'm not upset about this, as it's not something you really notice unless on a mostly white screen (and I tend to use "dark mode" for most things).

Image burn in is a normal thing for all OLED screens due to the organic nature of the display. Over years it can happen if you use applications where a single part of the screen stays in place for long periods of time. This is why I chose an LED for our main TV, as I play a lot of games that have static components on-screen (and we keep our TVs for 10 years or more). I'm also happy with my MBP 14" LED screen, as if I had some sort of burn-in on my laptop display it would absolutely drive me nuts. And I'm pretty sure I'll still be using my MBP in 7 years. But on a phone it's really not nearly as big of a deal; and it's hard for a phone to last much beyond 7 years.

In the case of our iPhone X; my wife shot a number of long videos (45 minutes to an hour). During that time the camera app will show certain interface elements (like the button).

I started noticing the burn in when I would use her phone at around the 3 year mark, but didn't mention it to her (and she never noticed it or at least never mentioned it to me). No reason to point out something like this to someone who is enjoying their device; as it may be hard to "un-see", haha.

This is a well cared for iPhone X (still looks like new). I bought it at launch for my wife and just upgraded her to a 13 Pro. I think I will now use the X for a few years more. We tend to buy highest end iPhones and then keep them in the family until Apple no longer allow OS updates for the model.

Shot with a Canon 5D. Had to adjust the exposure to see what the eye sees; as it would be hard to capture this normally. Sorry for the hair in the corner; we have a dog and I'm too lazy to re-shoot. Ignore the moire; it's caused by the camera, and the exposure level. I could have probably done better with this photo if I took more time; but I figured this served the purpose.

Screen is at about 45% brightness. You will likely need to click the image or go to full screen on the image to see the burn in.

View attachment 1967391
That looks beautiful. Sure don’t make them like they used to.
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