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macrumors regular
Sep 11, 2013
This is so great. Twitter was a tool to spread woke ideology and censored any opposing opinions. I got banned from Twitter for 30 days for writing that each time I see Greta Thunberg trending, I hope that she got eaten by sharks.

If a private platform is a place were hundreds of millions communicate, it should not have the power to censor anything based on strange "community guidelines". Otherwise these problem pose a great thread to democracy. The funny thing is that people from the left see it as a threat if those platform do NOT censor content. Since when was having NO censorship a threat to democracy?

I also got banned from Facebook when I wrote something like "I do not like modern women. They only focus on their career. So I swipe left if a woman has a job. Those women should better marry their boss. That helps boosting their career". That post may be controversial and women might not like it, but on woke platforms like Facebook it is enough to get banned for a while. I hope Twitter will be different now.
Really hope this is satire


macrumors 6502a
Oct 13, 2021
It really shocked me how the big companies did everything to ban Trump. When Trump was banned by Twitter, people said that it he free to go somewhere else. So he went to Parler - or at least copies of his tweets went there - but as a result Parler was banned from the App Store, from the Google Play Store and Amazon Web Services, who hosted Parler so far, shut down the website from one day to the next. Sometimes even credit card companies or other payments services like Paypal just stop processing payments to certain platforms. Then those platforms are basically sanctioned like Iran or Russia, but by private companies. That is why it is important to restrict their power.


macrumors 65816
Jan 4, 2022
London, UK
I don't think anyone actually realises what the notion of free speech is.

You can indeed speak freely on Twitter now. But you're going to look like a dick on the public record. Firstly people will challenge you and knock you down because that's their right to do so. Secondly you're doing it on the public record and believe me there are software companies out there right now with huge databases of twitter content they can objectively tie to your reputation which will follow you around until you're dead.

Don't say anything regrettable in public.

Treat each other with respect and as equals, not crow over your superiority and your ideological superiority. Life is better that way.


macrumors regular
Jan 1, 2013
Brilliant news! Thank goodness. Twitter shouldn't be a place where those on the right are banned or silenced for 24 hours whilst the Russian, Chinese and Taliban regimes have almost total free reign to vilify the basic freedoms we cherish here in the West. I think free speech is important and hope that Musk protects our rights.


macrumors 6502a
Oct 13, 2021
And why do you wish for a young girl who has more balls and brains than every conservative in the universe to be killed?
That little girl is one of the most dangerous people on this planet, because she can freely attack others and tell them they destroyed her childhood, but any time someone fights back, people say you can't attack this harmless woman. Just think about how much life has gotten more expensive just because all those new carbon taxes. Greta started all that nonsense. While I sent the tweet she was sailing across the Atlantic to visit the United Nations. So how could she be trending while on the open sea? A shark attack was my hope.


macrumors 65816
Jan 4, 2022
London, UK
Brilliant news! Thank goodness. Twitter shouldn't be a place where those on the right are banned or silenced for 24 hours whilst the Russian, Chinese and Taliban regimes have almost total free reign to vilify the basic freedoms we cherish here in the West. I think free speech is important and hope that Musk protects our rights.
Musk didn't buy it to protect your free speech. He bought it to protect his free speech.

Watch what happens.


macrumors 6502a
Feb 1, 2008
Brilliant news! Thank goodness. Twitter shouldn't be a place where those on the right are banned or silenced for 24 hours whilst the Russian, Chinese and Taliban regimes have almost total free reign to vilify the basic freedoms we cherish here in the West. I think free speech is important and hope that Musk protects our rights.
This is the first reasonable argument in this thread pro right wing hate speech. But I’d argue, actually Twitter should have been doing much more in Russia, china, etc to limit the appalling content posted there.


macrumors 68030
Jul 21, 2009
That little girl is one of the most dangerous people on this planet, because she can freely attack others and tell them they destroyed her childhood, but any time someone fights back, people say you can't attack this harmless woman. Just think about how much life has gotten more expensive just because all those new carbon taxes. Greta started all that nonsense. While I sent the tweet she was sailing across the Atlantic to visit the United Nations. So how could she be trending while on the open sea? A shark attack was my hope.

This is why I’m starting to support climate change, humans don’t deserve this Earth as proven by this truly nutso post.


macrumors 6502a
Feb 1, 2008
That little girl is one of the most dangerous people on this planet, because she can freely attack others and tell them they destroyed her childhood, but any time someone fights back, people say you can't attack this harmless woman. Just think about how much life has gotten more expensive just because all those new carbon taxes. Greta started all that nonsense. While I sent the tweet she was sailing across the Atlantic to visit the United Nations. So how could she be trending while on the open sea? A shark attack was my hope.
Dangerous? Nah, the danger is in climate change. She didn’t start that discussion. If that’s what you think then you’re very poorly informed.


macrumors 68040
Just like I deleted FB years ago for their practices, I deleted my Twitter account yesterday as I have no interest in participating in a forum where people think they should be expressing their hate for others, because it’s free speech. I don’t mean this as a political statement, but rather my desire for people to be kind and considerate humans.


macrumors 68030
Jul 21, 2009
Look at the profile pictures, look at the user names, look at the join dates. Use a shred of common sense.

There’s your proof.

That’s your proof lol?

C’mon man, why don’t you guys ever just be honest? Those accounts are going ******* right now because they get to freely express their racism and anti Semitism. That’s what the right means by “free speech”, don’t sugar coat it. Nobody is being fooled here.


May 3, 2013
Berlin, Berlin
Yeah like he really needs titles :p Maybe he did it for the reasons he wrote Tweet link
Sorry, I don't use Twitter. And I see no use for "one common digital town square". But I can see, he wasn't able to put his thoughts into 280 characters himself, more like 280 words over two pictures, which are cut off top and bottom to fit some artificial tweet height limit? Maybe Twitter is as useless as it seems.

EDIT: Oh no, now I see it's actually three pictures! 🤦
No, that's no way to communicate. I stay on MacRumors. Thanks!
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