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Original poster
Sep 24, 2009

Does anyone have ANY links to the event live? I don't want to read it or see pictures, i want the full experience!! I am so excited its making me crazy thinking i can't watch it!!

Is there anywhere on the web that WILL have it live? OR else, a FULL recording after the event?? I know Apple themselves put up the broadcasts sometimes at, but is that even for certain? and how long will it take till it is up?

Any ideas? Please?! I can't miss this!! Been waiting for months for this!!!! :(


Sep 7, 2008
forlod bygningen

Does anyone have ANY links to the event live? I don't want to read it or see pictures, i want the full experience!! I am so excited its making me crazy thinking i can't watch it!!

Is there anywhere on the web that WILL have it live? OR else, a FULL recording after the event?? I know Apple themselves put up the broadcasts sometimes at, but is that even for certain? and how long will it take till it is up?

Any ideas? Please?! I can't miss this!! Been waiting for months for this!!!! :(

NO, repeat NO, live video broadcast (including streams).

And Apple puts this keynote up for sure. Especially this keynote.


macrumors member
Jan 15, 2007
Keep an eye on ustream or other live stream places but their is no official live stream. Various blogs with be "liveblogging" that's about as close as your going to get.

Apple will for sure put there recording on there podcast. Search apple in itunes.

Storm Shadow

macrumors regular
Oct 27, 2008
There is a no spoilers thread in this forum - go to macrumors page 2 and it is on there.

Apple will put the video up although it can sometimes take hours. They will also put the podcast up on itunes although the description may give away some spoilers.

The spoiler free thread will have the direct links to the quicktime videos as soon as they are available online. Other than that I do not think there are any live video streams. I would assume that as Apple don't offer one themselves they would not want people at the event to stream video live - which is why liveblogs tend to be just text and photos.


macrumors 68040
Jan 11, 2008
Edit (thanx to mickbab):

Engadget 9to5Mac claims to be offering some new kind of coverage of the tablet event.

"I'm not going to tip our hand here but stop by (and tell your friends to as well!) for the tablet announcement coverage. Just about everybody is going to do liveblogs or twitter updates.

We're going to do something different.

(You'll know exactly what's being said within seconds of it coming out of Steve's mouth.)"

Here's the link.


macrumors 65816
Sep 13, 2008
Sydney, Australia
Engadget claims to be offering some new kind of coverage of the tablet event.

Here's the link.

Correct me if I'm wrong but I believe it was 9 to 5 Mac who said this? Can't find the exact post right now but I did read it before. Also here is something else:
9to5mac twitter acount said:
Are you going to look at a "liveblog" tomorrow or are you going to listen, and hopefully watch it on 9to5mac? Tell people!
about 14 hours ago from Tweetie

EDIT: here is the 9 to 5 Mac liveblog details link which you said was engadget:
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