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macrumors 68000
Apr 16, 2002
Originally posted by howard
i just joined last night...
first off, thanks for joining our team. every bit helps. :)
i'm new here...does that mean that each protein has a different number of points??
technically, they're not whole proteins, but rather small parts called work units (WUs). each WU has a score directly associated to the amount of processor time it takes to complete it.
so you can complete 1 protein and get more than one point from it??
yes. look here to see how much your current protein is worth, as well as some other info. long will it take for me to show up on the macrumors team??
usually a day or two after you send your work unit in. Look here for your name:

Stanford's stat site
Statsman's more detailed site

The key is pateince, as sometimes the servers that accept the work units are down or the protein takes days to complete.

happy folding :) :)


macrumors 65816
Jan 3, 2002
Originally posted by howard
i just joined last night...i've had folding on for almost a day and its just about takes so long on my 700mhz ibook!! i heard someone say they're on a 9 pointer?...i'm new here...does that mean that each protein has a different number of points?? so you can complete 1 protein and get more than one point from it?? long will it take for me to show up on the macrumors team??

You are added to the team after your first submission.


macrumors 68000
Dec 30, 2001
The SimCity Deli
My PC downloaded something strange the other day -- new F@H system software along with the data unit. And it crunches weirder too: after only two-thirds done with a data unit, it has to send.


macrumors 68000
Apr 16, 2002
if you don't specify a F@H core in the advances preferences, then it might give you a different core that does strange things. you can change your setup by doing [pathname]OSX-3.12 -config, then going through the setup again.

i've never had these "strange" cores and i specify F@H core specifically every time. rower_cpu has had this problem, so I know what you're talking about.


macrumors 6502
Apr 20, 2002
Los Angeles
I just joined!

I'm running a 863 mhz PIII 24/7. Soon to have a 1.8 P4 running 24/7 for the team as well.

I have been Folding for several weeks under "No Team Designation" and have a score of 70.06 with 13 WUs completed.

I just changed the team id # to 3446. Will the stats transfer over?

I hope!


Over Achiever

macrumors 68000
Originally posted by pimentoLoaf
My PC downloaded something strange the other day -- new F@H system software along with the data unit. And it crunches weirder too: after only two-thirds done with a data unit, it has to send.

I think it downloaded the Genome @ Home core...make sure you have in the configuration panel under the advanced tab at the bottom...remember to pick folding at home ;)


Moderator emeritus
Jun 25, 2002
Originally posted by Chad4Mac

We'll at least I started now and not later...

****, though.


Yeah really. I had 274 points when I switched. They're still out there, but I wish that I could have brought them to this team. :)

Great to have you new people with us!


macrumors 6502
Apr 20, 2002
Los Angeles
Can anyone tell me if I am doing this right?

I have two computers running Folding. The Username and Team name are the same on each computer. Do they count as one?

Should I configure in a different way?

I really want to make sure that Team MacRumors is getting the credit...




macrumors regular
Jul 17, 2002
Far as I know, you're fine. The stats will show you as having two active processors and your points should be consolidated.


macrumors 6502
Apr 20, 2002
Los Angeles
I'm a little confused with how the Folding@home utilizes the processor of a computer.

If I have several computers running Folding@home only (I mean absolutely nothing else on the computer; I'll never use them for anything else), will the Folding@home application utilize a majority of the processor? Or, by default, does it only utilize a certian (max) about?

It's like I want to turn up the juice and get these processors really humming.



macrumors regular
Jul 17, 2002
The folding app will automatically take up any of the processor's free cycles, so there isn't really much you can do...


macrumors 68000
Dec 30, 2001
The SimCity Deli
I have noticed, however, that F@H doesn't eat processor cycles as aggressively as SETI@Home; while typing this message, S@H causes the letters to lag a bit after my typing them, whereas F@H doesn't.

My system? iceBook 500 w/640mb RAM. (Mo' RAM is better.)


macrumors 68000
Apr 16, 2002
a slightly more technical description…

Originally posted by Chad4Mac
I'm a little confused with how the Folding@home utilizes the processor of a computer.
Every process on a Unix machine has a value associated with it. -20 is the lowest priority and 20 has the highest priority.

In a simple sense the machine has a priority queue in which to execute instructions in any given cycle. The processes with a -20 priority will get executed first, while the ones with 20 are executed last.

From what I've heard, F@H has a priority of 20 associated with it. That means any other process will bump it out of the way for CPU time if the need arises. It always wants to use 100% CPU, but it only gets the difference of the leftover cycles from the lower priority processes.

This why F@H is said to take up idle CPU, since the instructions for F@H are the very last in the queue. Trying to re-prioritize the process/binary seems to have no effect on WU speed from my experiences. I've never used SETI, so I can't compare it to F@H.


Moderator emeritus
Jun 25, 2002
Re: a slightly more technical description…

Originally posted by mc68k


Trying to re-prioritize the process/binary seems to have no effect on WU speed from my experiences. I've never used SETI, so I can't compare it to F@H.

From what I understand, in the configuration, you can assign the priority to folding@home. If you've been doing it another way, it's probably reset it, for your convenience. I've always left the default since I don't want it to affect the machine greatly and, when I'm gone, it gets all the CPU time it needs.


macrumors 68000
Dec 30, 2001
The SimCity Deli
Neato! First post of the NEW NEW NEW year!


My PC is working thru p621_trpzip1_nc_ext, and instead of xx/100, it reads xx/400, and I don't understand why.

Any ideas about this?
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