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macrumors Nehalem
Nov 30, 2013
Gotta be in it to win it
USA has the most complex tax system in the world. The us federal system regulates more things that we would say is none of their buisness. And your courts make laws and regulations as well. In EU a court can't make new laws or regulationa, that's completely out of their power

Yes evidence for an opinion that seems to be false and made up. So do you have anything substantial or its just plucked from the eather?

Because it seems American companies just like to break EU laws instead of following them.
Not turning a discussion about what I believe to be government overreach into a discussion about the IRS tax code. We could go down that rabbit home but the posts would disappear.


macrumors 68020
May 2, 2021
You really need entrepreneurs. Bullying Americans doesn’t make you rich.
No we don't need US entrepreneurs. They exist everywhere.

And we aren't bullying Americans. But it seems Americans are surprised the world isn't America. When in Rome do as the Roman's.

Apple and other companies aren't selling in eu for the goodness of their hearts. If you want our money you follow our rules. You came to us, we didn't go to you.
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