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macrumors bot
Original poster
Apr 12, 2001
Apple's iTunes for Windows launch proudly displayed the phrase "Hell Froze Over" on their corporate site.

Hell freezing over humorously referred to the fact that Apple had finally developed a major consumer application (iTunes) for the Windows platform.

In recent weeks, Apple's site has seen a few changes due to the release of iBooks and Mac OS X Panther, but their 'Introducing iTunes for Window' splash page now removes the amusing 'Hell 'reference.

We received a report that the reason for this is due to the objection of some higher level individuals who were involved in the Richmond, VA school system iBook purchase (23,000). Due to this (high profile) objection, Apple reportedly changed their page to remove the reference.


macrumors 6502a
Jul 17, 2003
Adelaide, Australia
Didn't the Eagles use that very phrase for a very similar reason?


  • hell freezes over.jpg
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macrumors 68030
Sep 18, 2003
London, UK
Originally posted by manitoubalck
Didn't the Eagles use that very phrase for a very similar reason?
Yep - 14 years prior to its release they said hell would freeze over before they would get back together. They did, hence the album name. Didn't hear any objections about that one. Great album too.


macrumors newbie
Oct 27, 2003
Reference to Windows


So that reference to an Eagles album is BRILLIANT, because it's like Apple had said before "We'll be doing windows software when hell freezes over", like the Eagles said of a band reunion.
A great reference because we're talking about music here, so...
I loved it, what a pity it doesn't show anymore!



macrumors member
Jun 21, 2003
There might also be other reasons for this. For example, as I already pointed out in another post Apple said they would bring 2-Button mice as soon as either Steve Jobs leaves the company or hell freezes over. Well, as they apparently don't want those mice they had to prevent hell from freezing over.


macrumors 6502
Feb 22, 2003
I thought the "hell freezing over" apple page was the best and funniest I'd ever seen. I should have known that anything I found that amusing must be offensive to someone.

And now that hell has frozen over hopefully we CAN have a two button mouse :D


macrumors regular
Jun 14, 2002
I happen to be one of the people in the richmond VA Ibook program (senior at godwin high school), and on the behalf of all the kids here who think beurocratic nonsence like this, I would like to thorowly appoligize for the removal of the hell freezes over joke.

BTW, im posting this on my ibook. :)


macrumors 6502a
Jan 20, 2003
As liberal as I am, I don't have a problem with it.

I don't have a problem with Apple using the reference, or a large customer asking it be removed. I actually respect Apple for removing it.


macrumors 6502a
Sep 16, 2003
Akron, OH
Originally posted by Raiden
I happen to be one of the people in the richmond VA Ibook program (senior at godwin high school), and on the behalf of all the kids here who think beurocratic nonsence like this, I would like to thorowly appoligize for the removal of the hell freezes over joke.

BTW, im posting this on my ibook. :)

Ditto, same here


macrumors 68000
Jan 14, 2003
Now this is odd

Let me get this straight: the objection to Apple posting that hell froze came not from a religious body but from an educational one?! Richmond educators should put away their bibles and do what the are supposed to do: give their students a modern education.

Mr. Anderson

Moderator emeritus
Nov 1, 2001
That is a bit pathetic, but not all that matter what, you can't please everyone and some are just more annoying and narrow minded than others.



macrumors 6502
Jul 17, 2002
Silicon Valley
I think it's not so much of a religious matter as the idea that "Hell" is considered a kissing-cousin to a cuss word in some more genteel quarters. It certainly is an "adult" word, in many contexts. (In other words, you'd look askance at a, say, 5 year old uttering "Hell!")

That being said, it's being used to advertise a music store with all kinds of mature content in it. Actually, I'm surprised that Apple hasn't been asked/forced to come out with a screen that blocks sales of "Explicit" songs.

And for anyone thinking this is just a conservative/religious thing, just remember that it was Tipper Gore (husband of a certain Apple Board member) who pushed _that_ whole concept.


macrumors 65816
Oct 9, 2003
A Higher Level
I think the educators are right. And the phrase didnt make any sense anyway. Quicktime is already on windows. Apple knows that ignorant people love unimaginative phrases.


macrumors newbie
Oct 27, 2003
Seattle, WA
Who's to blame here?

Most people would probably call me a conservative Christian, but this situation seems ridiculous to me. But who's really to blame here?

Apple? Nope -- they're looking out for potential future sales and they don't want to risk those just for a (very clever) web banner.

(Alleged) Conservative Christians? Nope -- they are as entitled to their beliefs as anyone else, and are free to express them in the marketplace.

The ACLU? Perhaps, but probably not -- maybe this purely cultural reference to hell will be interpreted by a secular zealot as an attempt to impose religious values in our schools. ;)

The program administrators? Not really -- they probably aren't scared of single four letter word, instead they're frightened of...

Lawyers? -- That's it! Let's blame the attorneys who would take some group's irrational objection and turn it into a (frivolous) (very pofitable) lawsuit against the school district.

I'm a Recovering Attorney myself, and a former school district employee. I can see the fingerprints of our overly litigious culture all over this silly move.


macrumors 603
Jun 19, 2003
Chicago, IL
PC Moron...NO the OTHER PC!!!!

$(@*&(@#@#(*&#!#!#!#~~~!!!! with a $*(@#*#@# while stuffing a banana up your *$!!@*#()$$*@#&!!!!**&# with a )$@$)(*)@(#*@# while strung upside down )*!*#$&&$*@) #(@#) #@ while #$*) in a very uncomfortable @#%)_!)$))(%(%#%# and the horse you rode in on.

PS- People like this need to be taken out back and given a severe beating for gross stupidity. Oh. I'm sorry Apple deflowered your virgin eyes. Heaven help you. How will you ever survive now that you've read those three little letter. :eek: And I hate to say this but its not like some kid isn't going to hear a word like HELL 10,000 times in his/her life. :rolleyes:

Thank god Jobs didn't have the slogan:
holy ****!!! HELL froze over!! There would be a national campaign to kick Apple out of the country.


macrumors regular
Aug 29, 2003
Hell Hell Hell, why is it that anything can be construed to offend someone. Boycott the Eagles, they used it first. I wonder how many teachers in VA listen to the Eagles. What about Time magazine, they have had hell on the cover if I recall correctly. This is unfortunately a time in our society where just about anything you say can offend someone.

Let's change it to purgatory froze over, or heaven heated up...

Just my view, I'm sure I will offend someone somehow just by saying this...


Moderator emeritus
Oct 8, 2002
The Bamboo Forest
Re: PC Moron...NO the OTHER PC!!!!

Originally posted by SiliconAddict
$(@*&(@#@#(*&#!#!#!#~~~!!!! with a $*(@#*#@# while stuffing a banana up your *$!!@*#()$$*@#&!!!!**&# with a )$@$)(*)@(#*@# while strung upside down )*!*#$&&$*@) #(@#) #@ while #$*) in a very uncomfortable @#%)_!)$))(%(%#%# and the horse you rode in on.

From Sam & Max Hit the Road

Sam: Percent sign, Ampersand, Dollar Sign.
Max: And colon, semi-colon too!
Telekenic Guy: What are you two F@*#&*g doing?
Sam: Swearing in longhand asterisk mouth


macrumors 65816
Sep 1, 2003
What the hell! Stupid humorless bible thumpers. Hell is using peecees so clearly there's hell on earth. People who lack humor need to go to hell.
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