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macrumors member
Original poster
Aug 18, 2020
Hello! I decided to install a SSd on my old MBP mid 2009 13" to use it for basic programming and, before buyign the SSD, decided to boot it and see if it still worked.

Somehow, I managed to break the system in a weird glitch, and the computer was now unable to boot from it's original HDD. So, of course, I made a bootable USB stick with leopard and decided to plug the drive on my windows desktop to format it so I could reinstall leopard on it. I do not have any other mac, other than the MBP avalible.

The installer is working perfectly, but it is unable to recognize or install in it's original drive again. if I use the standart formation I did in windows, it says I need to repartition the disk using GUID Partition Table. I cannot follow what it says int he picture (attatched to this post) because I do not own a working mack with macOS to do it.

I tried to follow an online guide,, but then the drive won't even show up in the list while in the installer.

How can I format the drive to then install leopardo on it? I have to learn to isntall leopardo on it if I want to install it on a SSD.


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macrumors 604
Dec 19, 2004
Since your installer boots. You run Disk Utility from the installer. In Leopard I believe it was a menu drop down option Utilities > Disk Utility.

Once you open Disk Utility you can format the drive. Make sure you change it from MBR to GPT (Intel bootable). Use HFS+ (Mac OS Extended) for your boot partition.
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