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macrumors newbie
Jan 10, 2015
That's great , I probably got confused.
I'll default all the files and start with the celestial.

Would be nice to get full volume at FULL, whatever dB that is max for the hardware with no distortion, and eu toggle at 85, and warning at >100 up to full.


macrumors newbie
Dec 17, 2014
That's great , I probably got confused.
I'll default all the files and start with the celestial.

Would be nice to get full volume at FULL, whatever dB that is max for the hardware with no distortion, and eu toggle at 85, and warning at >100 up to full.

Think all you'd need to do is make the change in Celestial and not bother installing the tweak to remove the warnings then. Leave the other Frameworks files as stock and see what you get.


macrumors newbie
Jan 10, 2015
Had a quick play with this:
Left the frameworks as stock.
Changed the celestial to 1.2.

RTA=97.5db (my reading)

Switching the EU volume limit toggle defaulted the setting in the celestial to 1.

If I set the celestial to 1.5.
RTA=99.1db (my reading)
Set celestial to 25

The higher the number in the celestial the lower the range on the slider, at 25 the slider used about 1mm from 0 to 99db. The iphone seems to top out at 99.1.

The EU toggle resets the celestial headphone pref to 1.
The only reason to keep the toggle would be to set the full vol at 99db and eu toggle it back to 85 or 100 should anyone use the iphone with Apples sensitive buds.

*Again the DB values I used are just from my pc with jack lead. From stock I calibrated the software to 85 with the EU toggle on and just a piece of white noise audio.


macrumors newbie
Jan 10, 2015
More investigation:

Checking my default settings and locations of volume entries:


root - volumeLimits - headphone = 1 (if changed affects volume, changes back to 1 when EU toggle switched.)
Changing this above 1.25 will max out volume whatever the setting.
The higher this is changed the lower down the volume slider the volume output will hit max.

root - Headphone~hdft~Wired Headphones = 0.9 (changes when changing above.)


root - LowVolumeLimit = 0.6
root - HighVolumeLimit = 0.83999999999999991


root - HighVolumeLimit = 0.84


root - LowVolumeLimit = 0.63
root - HighVolumeLimit = 0.9

Delete these 2 files, volume output hits max but EU toggle causes respring.


macrumors newbie
Jan 10, 2015
Tried mikoto, didn't make any difference to the max volume on my 5 with IOS 8.

The only thing that maxes out the volume is changing the value in


Set at 1.25 the volume maxes out at 2 clicks, with the hard buttons, from max on the volume slider. My SPL software reads the max I have seen 99.1dB, from changing any settings, only with this value changed.

The value resets if you touch the max volume slider, or EU toggle in settings-music.

The volume reading doesnt get any higher with a higher value, it just causes the slider to make out further down.

I don't think this is the correct place to change volume limits at all, as the slider shouldn't make out further down, it has the desired effect changing this but it not correct.

Setting any lower, 1.24 value, is the same as value 1. Slider at full, 97.5dB on my reading.


macrumors 6502
Jun 17, 2008
I followed these instruction from another forum:

The Full volume limit is now RTA=99db
With the EU volume limit toggle on the RTA=73db

Cool, I thought, maybe the EUVolumeLimit.plst number is a percentage of the slider and the top of the slider is now 1.2 as opposed to 1. When toggling the EU Limit the volume slider does indeed jump to about halfway rather then 3/4.

But, exiting settings and music apps and running them again the limits reverted to as I had them set in the previous post.


I'm the poster on that Head-fi link and with that original post on Head-fi that I quoted from a member there, I was able to get my iPhone 5S loud with adjusting the EU cap.


macrumors newbie
Mar 13, 2017
I'm the poster on that Head-fi link and with that original post on Head-fi that I quoted from a member there, I was able to get my iPhone 5S loud with adjusting the EU cap.


I am on IOS 10.1 now, jailbroken with Yalu! Any idea if we can still remove the EU cap?

I tried this method to change the values but nothing seems to change. I even tried to raise the value all the way to 2 but nothing happened, the volume is the same.

If anyone has successfully raised the volume on iOS 10 jailbroken with Yalu, please post the tutorial, I will be eternally grateful !

Thanks everyone.


macrumors newbie
Dec 17, 2014

I am on IOS 10.1 now, jailbroken with Yalu! Any idea if we can still remove the EU cap?

I tried this method to change the values but nothing seems to change. I even tried to raise the value all the way to 2 but nothing happened, the volume is the same.

If anyone has successfully raised the volume on iOS 10 jailbroken with Yalu, please post the tutorial, I will be eternally grateful !

Thanks everyone.

I'll point you over to a new thread I've made on the topic for iOS 10 here, as I've asked the same question:
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