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macrumors 6502
Jan 7, 2003
The 909
I have no problem with the UNIX command line being available in OS X, but it always annoys me that there are things that the GUI won't do. You should never NEED the command line for anything. The "classic" os was very good about letting you do everything you needed to do from the GUI. If you need the command line for ANYTHING, that should be a red flag that the graphical shell is inadequate or poorly designed. OS X is not as bad as KDE and GNOME in this respect (I have never been able to accomplish much of anything in Linux without the command line), but it does have serious limitations.
It should be noted that the old (OS 9 and Earlier) Mac OS also included a command line, which IMO was more arcane than UNIX is. But, it was also well concealed and unnecessary (unlike OS X).


macrumors regular
Jan 29, 2003
coolsoldier said:
I have no problem with the UNIX command line being available in OS X, but it always annoys me that there are things that the GUI won't do. You should never NEED the command line for anything. The "classic" os was very good about letting you do everything you needed to do from the GUI. If you need the command line for ANYTHING, that should be a red flag that the graphical shell is inadequate or poorly designed. OS X is not as bad as KDE and GNOME in this respect (I have never been able to accomplish much of anything in Linux without the command line), but it does have serious limitations.
It should be noted that the old (OS 9 and Earlier) Mac OS also included a command line, which IMO was more arcane than UNIX is. But, it was also well concealed and unnecessary (unlike OS X).

What was this 'command line'?


There are a few people who may want to discuss Unix in general-- don't use Unix if you don't want to, but don't just rant endlessly on why it 'sucks' or why you 'hate it so much'.



macrumors 6502
Jan 7, 2003
The 909
Ajmbc said:
What was this 'command line'?

In the early OS 8 days, you could access a mac's command line interface in a terminal emulator (ZTerm and MacTerminal were available at the time). IIRC it required a second mac and a serial cable, but I think there was also a way to access it locally. I don't know if you could still do this with OS 9 on the newer (USB-Only machines), since all of the USB macs I've used have been OS X.

I don't really know much at all about this interface other than that it exists -- I tend to stay away from command line interfaces as much as I can.


macrumors regular
Jan 29, 2003
I love command line interfaces, they cut out all of the stuff that you dont need.

OSX is still beautiful though. ;)



macrumors 6502
Jan 7, 2003
The 909
Ajmbc said:
I love command line interfaces, they cut out all of the stuff that you dont need.

To each his own, I guess. I'm all for cutting out stuff you don't need, it's just that I "need" some cues -- I can never remember which programs do what, let alone what commands I need to type to make them do that ;). My idea of a "good" command line interface is something sort of like LaunchBar :p

BTW, I think MacOSXHints already has a lock on the OS X "Unix" discussion...


macrumors regular
Jan 29, 2003
coolsoldier said:
To each his own, I guess. I'm all for cutting out stuff you don't need, it's just that I "need" some cues -- I can never remember which programs do what, let alone what commands I need to type to make them do that ;). My idea of a "good" command line interface is something sort of like LaunchBar :p

BTW, I think MacOSXHints already has a lock on the OS X "Unix" discussion...

Haha- I like launchBar too. :)

I hope that Arn reads this- we really need a unix discussion/help- it would benefit many people trying to use the command line without having their thread going unnoticed.


Doctor Q

Staff member
Sep 19, 2002
Los Angeles
The question of this thread is whether or not a dedicated area for Unix issues would be of benefit to MacRumors members.

The most likely spot for it would be as a new subforum of "Software Discussion and Help", joining "Mac OS X 10.3 (Panther) Discussion" and "GarageBand Discussion".

Presumably, this wouldn't change the number of people interested in the topics of Darwin, Terminal, installing/porting Unix packages, etc., but would provide a specific location for these types of topics.

Those who want to discuss the pros and cons of Unix itself should find other threads for it. Keep this thread on topic.


macrumors newbie
Jun 23, 2003
Melbourne Australia
I do not think that support question are that vital for unix on mac osx their are already a few places online that already meet this need extremely well. I see macrumors as a news site, and it should include news of interest to mac users beyond just the GUI. This is were a core/UNIX/Darwin/ style ruomrs/news would be really great to keep people informed in he going on in the broader Mac/Darwin world.
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