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macrumors regular
Original poster
Nov 4, 2004
Chi town
Now here is what the Apple ad campaign should have been. Instead of spending time and money with a silly dated stereo-typical set of ads they should have made a connection between the iPod campaign and the Mac campaign.

These are new ads by HP and they effectively tie HP to the iPod in my mind. Are they perfect? Hell no. They are kinda cheese but the underlying look and idea would have been perfect for the Mac. Start with the mac and then have it lead into an iPOd commercial. Guy sitting at hte mac compose a song download it then the traditional iPod commercial fades in and out to end the commercial.

HP Personal Again

To see the commercial click viewing room.


I agree, actually - I wan't convinced by the website, and I'm still not 100% sure of the type, but the advert was good. The computers looked cool, the people looked nice, it all looked tempting. It wasn't slagging anyone else off, it wasn't being superior, it just made them look good. It would make you subconciously associate HP computers with being nicely designed, simple computers used by creative and friendly people. Now, who does that remind you of?!


macrumors 6502a
Jan 26, 2005
What a strange font they used... Kinda artsy, but kinda weird, somewhat lame, somewhat okay... hmmmm....


macrumors regular
Original poster
Nov 4, 2004
Chi town
Everytime I see the font i think of NIghtmare before Christmas. It looks a little creepy.

THe campaign has some oddness going on such as font and the general dark nature to it but the visuals they use and the concept is what Apple should be trying. The iPod comecials are iconic and instantly recognized. This is a fact. Mac's and OSX are not instantly recognized. Making a strong connection between a Mac ad and an iPod ad just makes sense. I still like the idea of making a prequel to some of hte iPod ads. would be slick I just see a guy jamin on his guitar and laying down a track and then talking with some band mates via ichat then syncs it to his player and he walks out the door and as he walks out it fades into him being the silhouette and then he dances and what ever.

I like it because it shows a Mac as a tool to create.


macrumors 6502a
Jan 7, 2006
New York -> SF
Lau said:
I agree, actually - I wan't convinced by the website, and I'm still not 100% sure of the type, but the advert was good. The computers looked cool, the people looked nice, it all looked tempting. It wasn't slagging anyone else off, it wasn't being superior, it just made them look good. It would make you subconciously associate HP computers with being nicely designed, simple computers used by creative and friendly people. Now, who does that remind you of?!

Yea. Same here. I don't really like the all.


macrumors 6502a
Jan 1, 2006
honestly the commercial is not bad.. they just forgot to tell the truth about windows. (yearly renewals for spyware, firewall and antivirus protection required, monthly formats, daily virus scans that takes hours and will find nothing (daily scans unless you want to format weekly) random blue screens and restarts, shutting down your system is not a press of a button (you will be required to watch your hp windows pc shut down as you might have to ctrl+alt+del) identity theft happens on buggy software, we are not responsible for microsoft windows security flaws). <- This should be a warning on every windows based system.
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