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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jun 12, 2023
United States
Hey guys,

I have an iFlash-Solo in my Classic 6.5 Gen. Works great, love it. Unfortunately while I was driving, randomly between songs. it froze. Had it for 3 weeks, and used it everyday. so not too bad i thought.

Except when I soft reset it, it went to the restore screen. Like my SD had been corrupted. At least thats what i assumed.
The PC could not see any drive when the ipod was plugged in, so i assumed the partition table got ****ed up. So I figured I take the ipod apart, pop the SD back into my Linux machine to re-write the partition table, and then stick it back in the ipod. But when i took it apart..

The SD card had physically ejected while closed up inside the ipod (between songs was just a coincidence). the spring went off and caused the SD card to remove itself. This happened while it was on my passenger seat, driving along. I haven't dropped it, it didn't bounce or anything (just cruising along the freeway). Plugging it in caused the ipod to work normally. no restore required. SD was not corrupted.
Any one else experience overly sensitive SD ejects on theirs? why the heck isnt is pressure fit. I obviously want to prevent this from happening again, because the ipod is hella difficult to get into. and I'm definitely risking breaking something every time i do it.

Any suggestions?
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macrumors regular
May 5, 2022
I saw a YouTuber use a bit of Kapton tape over the end of the SD slot to hold the card in place in case of accidental ejection from a knock. I’ve not had a problem with mine but I’ve only used iFlash quad boards. I think those are pressure fit although it’s been a while since I last went inside my iPod! 😅


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jun 12, 2023
United States
I saw a YouTuber use a bit of Kapton tape over the end of the SD slot to hold the card in place in case of accidental ejection from a knock. I’ve not had a problem with mine but I’ve only used iFlash quad boards. I think those are pressure fit although it’s been a while since I last went inside my iPod! 😅
Kinda what i was thinking. not sure it would actually prevent the eject if it happened though. Maybe i'll throw some super glue on the thing, and cover it with kapton
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