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macrumors 68020
Feb 20, 2007
America's Third World
I think Edward himself is fascinating. He seems like a very bright and articulate young man that's at ease with himself. He seems like a real American with good moral character and a good understanding of the United States Constitution.

I was ready to write off 2013 as another boring year, but now I'm looking forward to watching this grand black comedy unfold and unravel.

Hollywood itself couldn't have done a better job casting of character, nor could Orwell have written a better plot...

James Clapper reminds me the archetypal James Bond villain.


And NSA's new $1.2 billion, one million square-foot, data center in Utah, said to have a storage capacity that will be measured in "five zettabytes" is mind-blowing -- because of the sheer number of zeros, if nothing else! (Twenty seven! Count 'em. 27.)

PBG4 Dude

macrumors 601
Jul 6, 2007
Earning $200K a year, had top security clearance, and never graduated from high school. Amazing.

Hard to believe some people still pay based on skills vs. where you slept off your hangovers between 18-22, right?

My grandfather never made it to high school, but as a farmer, he could run a handful of dirt through his hands and tell you what the land was worth. He was paid very handsomely by local banks for being their consultant because of this skill.


macrumors 601
Jul 3, 2011
Hard to believe some people still pay based on skills vs. where you slept off your hangovers between 18-22, right?

My grandfather never made it to high school, but as a farmer, he could run a handful of dirt through his hands and tell you what the land was worth. He was paid very handsomely by local banks for being their consultant.

People tend to forget that it's the application of knowledge that makes you valuable.


macrumors 65816
Hard to believe some people still pay based on skills vs. where you slept off your hangovers between 18-22, right?

My grandfather never made it to high school, but as a farmer, he could run a handful of dirt through his hands and tell you what the land was worth. He was paid very handsomely by local banks for being their consultant because of this skill.

I wasn't denigrating Mr. Snowden's employment at all. My amazement was that such opportunity still exists, at least in the private sector.


macrumors 68000
Mar 6, 2003
Toronto, Canada
Pretty stoic. Fact that people are having all these terrorism related discussions is fact sufficient that 911 has changed America.

What I was aiming to say, was that with all the international conflicts the USA has been embroiled in, that the American citizentry have been unaware of, or apathetic towards, in favour of, or against, that 9/11 did not represent a noticeable escalation of conflict. The act itself did not put the USA in a greater danger than any of the large world wars, where it managed to better maintain its citizen's rights. It is only the disproportionate overreaction to it, that has changed America. So yes, there has been a change, but it's important to understand the true nature and cause of it.


Very well stated, thank you. It is a shame we allowed our fears to dominate our senses, zealotry to quench our blood thirst, and politicians to strip away our rights. This isn't a partisan issue, not even an American issue, rather a global epidemic. We have allowed our elected officials to manipulate us through rhetoric, dividing us further until we have become so antagonistic towards one another we stopped paying attention. We need to work together, collectively, forgetting party lines and realizing we all want the same thing, let's find a way to get there. :)

P.S. if you're adopting, let me know. Or sponsoring, or have anyone who needs to get married. I love hockey and brooming! :p

No, I think you did a better job of stating it :)


macrumors 68020
Jan 12, 2011
Los Angeles, CA
This is scary stuff, but not entirely surprising. Everything that goes through the internet is public, so it makes sense that it could be monitored (unless encrypted), either by a government entity, or someone else (cyber criminals?).
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Oct 24, 2007
Yes, but as an American I don't care if you find our behavior offensive, what are you or anyone else going to do about it?

As a Australian I think you should have a look at the awful laws Howard pushed through during his tenure, noting that we escaped the sedition clause that he tried to add. Prism is completely legal, the Australian laws are also legal just as bad.

So, in summary, try not to be a hypocrite when you're having a bout of righteous anger.
I didn't mean to offend you. It's just how it comes across. And I can't agree more about how bad Howard was. Glad I never voted for his party.
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