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macrumors 68040
Jun 12, 2011
It depends how it's being used, if you use very few apps and/or always clear out recent apps from the multitasker you're less likely to run into iOS needing more memory and triggering a Jetjam event. If you never clear apps from the multitasker they'll remain in RAM until the current active app requires more, combine this with using a bunch of RAM hungry apps like games and you'll stack up Jetjam events. Memory leaks and OS hogging will of course add to this.
This page has information on iOS/OSX memory management including Jetsam. This bit in particular is relevant.
"In iOS, memorystatus/jetsam does not print out messages, but certainly leaves a trail of its victims' carcasses in /Library/Logs/CrashReporter/LowMemory-YYYY-MM-DD-hhmmss.plist - These logs are generated by the CrashReporter, and similar to crash logs they contain a dump. If you have a Jailbroken device, an easy way to force mass executions by jetsam is to run a small binary which keeps on allocating and memset()ing memory in chunks of 8MB (left as an exercise for the avid reader), and run it. You will see applications die, until the offending binary is (eventually) slain."

Very good article! I got most of it, although truth be told I'm not a software guy (I deal with the hardware), but still I got the premise. I do tend to close out my apps often (at least every 3 hours or so) on my iPhone because of the RAM problems. I just got used to doing it after iOS 8 came out. Sometimes it just low resource apps like Messages, but other time its full of apps like Safari and Maps. The memory purging (or Jetsam, which I found out thanks to that article is a past-tense verb and not a noun) has gotten better as I think Apple has compressed iOS more in the most recent releases (like 8.3). It still can cause Safari webpages to reload even if I just deviate for a quick minute, but it's not happening as often which I hope is a sign on things to come with 9.


Jun 30, 2007
On my 6+ 128 I have about 50 jetsam logs. But never had any crashes ...


macrumors member
Original poster
Feb 24, 2011
On my 6+ 128 I have about 50 jetsam logs. But never had any crashes ...

Thanks for checking :) I have read so many articles in the last week and am convinced the resprings I am seeing on my phone are probably related to some kind of memory leak. Waiting for iOS 8.4 to drop to see if the problem goes away.


macrumors 6502
Mar 1, 2015
if you have 8.3 installed on your device..that's the fw bug, springboard crashes several times,especially updating apps on the app store. there is nothing faulty on your devices. that's all about a fw bug.
What is a fw bug? What is it?

I have the 6+ and i have also dozen of jetsam logs, what is it?


macrumors 6502
Mar 1, 2015
I only have 6 jetsam logs. Have had the phone since February. Not one reboot. Came with 8.1.2 and have updated OTA with both versions of iOS.
If you hook your phone on itunes, your crash log will be empty. So thats why you have so less.


macrumors 6502a
Dec 20, 2011
I have a lot of the JetsamEvents and encounter a lot of crashes, but that is because I'm on 8.4 and its pretty buggy. Hell when I do something on my Apple Watch and my iPhone is on charge it sometimes causes a full reboot  logo and everything.. But that's beta for you :)


macrumors 604
Sep 19, 2013
While this may be the case, I only have 1 log per day....unlike others who report 5-10 a day.

Do you perchance use your phone less than them? I have a 6+ and drain the full battery every single day. It would figure that I have more Jetsam logs than someone who charges every other day?


macrumors 6502
Mar 1, 2015
I have also a log of " Coretime " what is that actually?


macrumors 6502
Jun 24, 2013
iPhone 6 plus, 64GB
there are tons of JetsamEvent logs
never cleared apps in multitasking cause this helps save battery


macrumors 604
Sep 19, 2013
iPhone 6 plus, 64GB
there are tons of JetsamEvent logs
never cleared apps in multitasking cause this helps save battery

It would if you had bags of RAM and every app actually stayed in memory. As almost all will reload when you go back to them you aren't saving any battery life by leaving them in your multitasking tray.


macrumors 6502
Jun 24, 2013


macrumors 604
Sep 19, 2013

Now I'm confused
I'm with the link's side of story anyway coz I'm too lazy to always double tap the home button

What I mean is that in theory the info in the link is correct. In practice, no. If the app reloads when you go back to it, which it almost certainly will, then it wasn't held in memory at all. Therefore when you think that you're keeping it 'open' to preserve battery life, in actual fact you're not because the device doesn't have sufficient RAM/the coding to do so.


macrumors 6502
Mar 1, 2015
What I mean is that in theory the info in the link is correct. In practice, no. If the app reloads when you go back to it, which it almost certainly will, then it wasn't held in memory at all. Therefore when you think that you're keeping it 'open' to preserve battery life, in actual fact you're not because the device doesn't have sufficient RAM/the coding to do so.

Could you tell me what coretime log exactly is?


macrumors 604
Feb 3, 2010
United Kingdom
I know this thread hasn't been updated in a month or so, but just a quick update.

My phone was constantly freezing and generating about 40-50 of these Jetsam Events everyday, even after a clean DFU restore.

It was replaced two weeks ago and now averages 2-3 a day, and it hasn't frozen or crashed. If you're seeing an abnormally large amount combined with crashing or respringing, I'd recommend taking it to Apple.


macrumors 6502a
Jul 29, 2013
I still have maybe 1-2 per day. I don't ever remember my iPhone 6+ crashing. I must have lucked out the first time (as I knock on wood!)


macrumors 6502a
Jul 29, 2013
have you got any 3rd party keyboards installed? and what's the device fw ? 8.3 or 8.4?
Running 8.4, no 3rd party keyboards installed. The app that causes me the most problems is Audible. I listen to audio books on the way to work. The app is extremely buggy. I have 20-30 of those listed on the days I use it. Given that the app locks up and crashes, this does not surprise me. Really that is the only app that causes me any issues, the others seem to just work.

I haven't had near the number of JetSam events since updating to 8.4. My last entry was two days ago.


macrumors 6502a
Sep 14, 2014
Running 8.4, no 3rd party keyboards installed. The app that causes me the most problems is Audible. I listen to audio books on the way to work. The app is extremely buggy. I have 20-30 of those listed on the days I use it. Given that the app locks up and crashes, this does not surprise me. Really that is the only app that causes me any issues, the others seem to just work.

I haven't had near the number of JetSam events since updating to 8.4. My last entry was two days ago.

so your issue is about an uncompatible software. last update is on 29 june. it may be not compatible with 8.4

but try removing from usage - manage storage section. restart your device and install again than check it again.

Jayson A

macrumors 68030
Sep 16, 2014
I think there's a faulty app installed on your iPhone. My fiancé's iPhone randomly restarts, but mine does not. The only difference is that she uses a bunch of apps, and I am completely stock. I prefer to do everything via safari. I am a believer that one does not need a different app for every single little task they need to do on their iPhone. Websites usually work just fine.


macrumors demi-god
Oct 3, 2014
Sage, Lightning, and Mountains
Update 1: With 8.4 my Jetsam events have significantly dropped. I do not have any 3rd party keyboards.

Update 2: While writing this on my Lenovo notebook, I watched my iPhone do a respring and see a recorded Jetsam event. It was while I was in D&U. No updates were in progress.


macrumors newbie
Sep 20, 2016
I have an iPhone 6 (128G) and have fully restored my device (As New) over and over again. I am going in for a swap today, but took a look at my Diags just now. I have pages upon pages upon pages of JetSamEvents. My messenger and Siri had. Even so affected, they have sent my Apple Watch in to depot because it is not reading my activity. Once the phone was unpaired from the phone, I see that my phone itself is not tracking any activity, either. When I imported all of my photos to my MBP last night, I saw that I had a TON of recent screenshots that were distorted upon importing...but, not when I viewed them on my phone.

I updated to iOS 10 the day it was released.


macrumors 6502a
Jul 29, 2013
I just traded my iPhone 6+ 128G for an iPhone 7+ 128G yesterday. I was aware of the JetSamEvents and my phone would frequently list them but usually just a couple dozen and I never had any issues with it. I have read where others have had major problems that seem to be linked to JetSamEvents in the log.

I had updated the 6+ to iOS 10 with no problems and I would have kept the phone except my carrier made it actually cheaper to trade it in. And it lowered my monthly bill.

My apple watch was paired to it and they worked well together. I wish I had some insight to offer but my 6+ performed flawlessly. I never had to fully restore it or even reset all settings. I kept it in a minimally protective case and it was never dropped or sat on.

I did have the camera replaced when there was a recall on it. I had noticed a bit of blurring on some photos so I took it to an apple store and they replaced the camera in about an hour. I shot pictures and videos on it that looked good.

In my opinion - for what it is worth - I would have it replaced or upgrade. So far my iPhone 7+ is working great. I have shot some video and have been pleasantly impressed. If it performs as well as my 6+ I will be very pleased.

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