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macrumors 68030
Original poster
Dec 8, 2019
Goofy bug just started happening to my old 2014 Nest Thermostat I've had for years. All of a sudden around 6AM to 7AM, no matter how cold it is outside, (like this morning it was 16 degrees F) it up and turns the A/C on, set to 70 F. I have NO routines set on any platform, app or ecosystem (not even in the Google Home app) to switch MODES.

It's been doing this for a few weeks. I have to manually switch it or it's colder than crap if I forget and go to work without checking. Yesterday I came home to it being 56 F indoors. No, this is NOT Eco Mode. It's actually switching out of Heat to Cool for no apparant reason. I can't find anything online and the only two Reddit threads are unanswered. I have nothing linked to Nest, and recently disconnected and unlinked both SmartThings (hub died!) and Phillips Hue (also died, thought there was no internet when there was). I have no other accounts linked other than C by GE and Merkury and that's just smart bulbs.


macrumors 6502
Jun 21, 2014
Other than being a fault with the Nest hardware, is it possible you have a "friend" playing games with you and hacking your thermostat?


macrumors 68030
Original poster
Dec 8, 2019
Not likely. It's on a secure wifi, and nothing in the Nest app or the Home app show anything like that. It does this mode change sometime between 6 and 7 AM each day. It's likely some 'reduce carbon footprint' feature that got enabled via software update but I can't find anything online about it. It seems to do it only when the high temp for the day can reach 50 degrees F or above. But today it was 16 degrees F and it switched to Cool 70 degrees from the setting of Heat 68 degrees.

I did have a SmartThings routine last year that switched modes whenever a sensor outside detected a temperature above a certain threshold but I've long since unlinked SmartThings and disconnected the hub since it got fried in a thunderstorm (the one in December that leveled Mayfield, KY). So there's literally no way that even that can influence it.


macrumors 6502
Jun 21, 2014
Well I am stumped, I have had my Nest move to eco mode, but switching from hot to cold randomly is a head scratcher.


macrumors 68030
Original poster
Dec 8, 2019
It's an old thermostat as well. Perhaps it's part of that new 'Nest Renew' feature? I know it's supposed to limit heating if you're heating with fossil fuels (I use natural gas) so perhaps it's switching to prevent harm to the planet or something?

Mine does switch to eco when I leave the house (uses phone to sense location) but when I'm at home around 6-7AM it definitely switches out of heat to cool, but never from cool to heat.


macrumors 6502a
Dec 17, 2004
Goofy bug just started happening to my old 2014 Nest Thermostat...

I am facing the same problem...

Curious, are you still on the legacy Nest-only account or have you switched to Google for your Nest login?

Are you using a Starling hub or HomeBridge?

Mine is a Gen 3 and I have never seen this happen. However, I only have it wired to a boiler so AC is impossible. It's never changed modes; when OFF, it stays off and I leave mine powered all year long even when it's not in use. I don't have any of the learning or ECO options enabled... I just control it and let my Nest Protects connect so they can shut down the system when there is smoke or CO. I do not allow control based on my location, but I have allowed it to sense when my phone is at home (FWIW).

Since this has nothing to do with HomeKit or Apple, have you tried calling Nest support and reporting the issue?

Why not post screenshots of your settings screens here? Since there seems to be two of you in this thread with the same problem, maybe you'll discover a bug with a setting or combination of settings you two have in common.
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