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macrumors 6502a
Oct 18, 2011
Honestly, it sounds like people on these forums are constantly inventing things to worry about on their Macs instead of just using them and enjoying them.

It is a little remarkable the extent to which people seem to buy things they don't actually need, don't know how to use, don't really think through how they work, and in many cases can't afford. But then, rather than looking past all that and at least enjoying it once they have it, instead they worry about problems that don't exist.


macrumors 601
Jul 14, 2015
East Coast, United States
It is a little remarkable the extent to which people seem to buy things they don't actually need, don't know how to use, don't really think through how they work, and in many cases can't afford. But then, rather than looking past all that and at least enjoying it once they have it, instead they worry about problems that don't exist.
It’s like a plague around here…the obsession about battery life/preservation being the most prevalent. And then the 8GB DRAM vs 16GB, which leads into the SSD lifespan debate, which leads to the (unrelated) how much the price should be versus what Apple charges and now the “can I wear out my Bluetooth?”. What’s next? How long should these rubber feet on my MacBook last? How many time can I open my MacBook before the hinge breaks? Should I count how many times I use my Command key(s)?

People, these are not art pieces, I don’t care how much they cost. If you’re that concerned that everyday usage is dangerous or it’s giving you serious anxiety, I would honestly suggest that you consult a psychiatric professional. And stock up on pens and paper.


macrumors 6502
May 29, 2020
You're getting good answers, but to put it to you as straight as humanly possible.... the thing you're worried about is NOT AT ALL A PROBLEM. Stop thinking about it entirely. Use your computer and accessories as they are intended.
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macrumors regular
Apr 21, 2020
Honestly, it sounds like people on these forums are constantly inventing things to worry about on their Macs instead of just using them and enjoying them. This has been the trend since the iPhone “throttling” escapade.

If you’re that concerned, you really can’t go wrong with a pen/pencil and a pad of paper.
But then that causes wear and tear on the tip of the pencil, and that's unacceptable.

I'm kidding of course, but absurd threads like this one just show us this strange development where people truly believe we have to serve technology, not that technology is there to serve us. Computers, phones, whatever, are just tools. Implements to accomplish a task, nothing more than that.


macrumors 6502a
Oct 18, 2011
How long should these rubber feet on my MacBook last?

Oh sure, making excuses for Big Rubber, the corporate rubber overlords cutting corners to line their pockets and producing substandard no-skid feet. And don't even get me started on how the design of the rubber feet has gone absolutely in the toilet since Sir Jony Ive is no longer at the helm, insuring pliable rubber perfection.



macrumors 65816
Mar 11, 2009
Northwest Indiana
Yes, the radiation damage from all the Bluetooth will half its lifetime (at best). You’ll also get a lot more random bit flips in RAM (Bluetooth was named after bluescreen by Microsoft). Due to interference with wifi, they compound each other exponentially as well. it was named after Harold Bluetooth...and has nothing to do with Microsoft
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macrumors 68020
Jul 11, 2013
I have a basic question ? is it safe for the health for the condition of the Mac Mini to constantly have Bluetooth on and be connected with a Bluetooth Keyboard and a Bluetooth Mouse ?


Does it not harm/alter the life of Mac Mini ? From a Hardware Standpoint ?


How does Apple Magic Keyboard and Trackpad connect to a Mac Mini ? is it also via Bluetooth or can you connect them using a Cable aswell?

You can connect the keyboard with a cable, but the mouse can only be used via Bluetoot.

Bluetooth on an wireless device like an iPhone and iPad is so taxing on the Hardware resources on those devices

You’ve been misinformed. Refer to my answers above to your first two questions.


Jun 28, 2023
I never even worried about worrying about this worry 😂

What about being connected to wifi? I hope it doesn’t damage my Apple products that are designed to be obsolete anyways in short order
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macrumors 6502
Original poster
May 23, 2021
the Mini is a stationary computer that takes power from the grid.

So since the Mini does not have battery and it takes the power to get the Bluetooth from the circuit there is all the more no reason for any damage happening on the Hardware I mean the Circuit or anything of that sort ?
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macrumors Core
Oct 14, 2008
So since the Mini does not have battery and it takes the power to get the Bluetooth from the circuit there is all the more no reason for any damage happening on the Hardware I mean the Circuit or anything of that sort ?

Sorry, I am unable to parse what you wrote here.

Again, using Bluetooth will not harm your hardware in any way, no matter what hardware we are talking about. The idea is just as preposterous as suggesting that using a radio will harm the radio.


macrumors 604
Sep 5, 2005
Bath, United Kingdom
So since the Mini does not have battery and it takes the power to get the Bluetooth from the circuit there is all the more no reason for any damage happening on the Hardware I mean the Circuit or anything of that sort ?
Seriously OP, no need to continue worrying about this.

Just to put your mind at ease, I use a Mac Mini 2018 with Bluetooth peripherals day in and day out, on 24/7, only rebooted with software updates… still standing. It's been years! (Oh and the BT trackpad and keyboard date from 2010… )

The only issues I have with Bluetooth are flaky connections… like my Apple Watch not always unlocking the Mac automatically. 🙂

Hopefully now that you have read the responses to your question you can now stop worrying about it — there are far worse things to be concerned about.
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macrumors 604
Sep 7, 2010
Bluetooth on an wireless device like an iPhone and iPad is so taxing on the Hardware resources on those devices, applying the same logic here.
Of all the forms of wireless communication that mobile devices are capable of, such as wifi and cellular, I'm pretty sure that Bluetooth is actually the least taxing. I mean, isn't that the point of it? It's low power because it just communicates over short distances directly between devices, whereas wifi has to connect to a router that could be on the other side of a building through solid walls, and cellular has to connect to towers that could be miles away.
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macrumors 604
Sep 7, 2010
Honestly, it sounds like people on these forums are constantly inventing things to worry about on their Macs instead of just using them and enjoying them. This has been the trend since the iPhone “throttling” escapade.

If you’re that concerned, you really can’t go wrong with a pen/pencil and a pad of paper.
Are you kidding?! Pens/pencils run out of ink/lead (graphite). I'm constantly worried about minimizing my strokes to maximize their longevity! Did you know that writing in cursive actually shortens a pen's life?!

LOL. I'm just kidding, of course, but this is how many people sound when they obsess about protecting their devices from any kind of wear. I understand the impulse, but ultimately what's the point if you're so concerned about preserving the device that you can barely bring yourself to use it?
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