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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Nov 5, 2011
WDC Metro area
I ran the terminal command networkquality on my 2020 iMac, SSD, macOS 13.6 connected to my Synology router via ethernet.

It returned this:

Uplink capacity: 21.916 Mbps
Downlink capacity: 77.450 Mbps
Responsiveness: Low (526.316 milliseconds | 114 RPM)
Idle Latency: 16.250 milliseconds | 3750 RPM

I then immediately ran the Ookla speed test, insuring that a nearby server was chosen and it returned:
Download: 82.41 Mbps
Updload: 90.8 Mbps
Ping: 10 ms

Anyone know which to believe and why?


Sep 20, 2013
What command flags and arguments did you use when running networkQuality?


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Nov 5, 2011
WDC Metro area
Oh, oh! I am embarrassed to admit that you lost me at "command flags" and "arguments". I simply launched Terminal and pasted in that networkquality command.


Sep 20, 2013
I am embarrassed to admit that you lost me at "command flags" and "arguments". I simply launched Terminal and pasted in that networkquality command.
Ok. Thought you might have run it against a specific host.

One of the flags is "-s" which will run the downlink/uplink tests sequentially, which is how Speedtest by Ookla does it. For me, with the "-s" flag, both `networkQuality` and `speedtest` report pretty much the same results.

❯ networkQuality -sv ==== SUMMARY ==== Uplink capacity: 88.361 Mbps (Accuracy: Medium) Downlink capacity: 646.911 Mbps (Accuracy: Medium) Uplink Responsiveness: Medium (545 RPM) (Accuracy: Medium) Downlink Responsiveness: Medium (273 RPM) (Accuracy: Medium) Idle Latency: 64.125 milliseconds (Accuracy: High) Interface: en0 Uplink bytes transferred: 122.951 MB Downlink bytes transferred: 973.106 MB Uplink Flow count: 20 Downlink Flow count: 20 Start: 11/6/23, 9:45:49 PM End: 11/6/23, 9:46:19 PM OS Version: Version 13.6 (Build 22G120) ❯ speedtest Speedtest by Ookla Server: **************** ISP: **************** Idle Latency: 65.92 ms (jitter: 21.27ms, low: 43.41ms, high: 80.89ms) Download: 663.65 Mbps (data used: 1.1 GB) 207.71 ms (jitter: 59.84ms, low: 53.03ms, high: 733.44ms) Upload: 82.98 Mbps (data used: 93.7 MB) 412.68 ms (jitter: 81.11ms, low: 47.45ms, high: 942.31ms) Packet Loss: 0.0%
Last edited:


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Nov 5, 2011
WDC Metro area
Thanks for taking the time to respond; I thought I had probably lost you when I 'fessed up to not understanding the terminology you were using. Good of you to hang in there.

I ran your networkQuality -sv command in Terminal and then ran Ookla and the results were reasonably close:
Up 84.150
Down 75.232
Latency 16 ms

Up 82.87
Down 91.44
Latency 11 ms

Thanks again for your help; learned something new today...the best kind of days IMHO.
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