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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jan 7, 2023
iPhone 12 Pro Max
iOS 17.2.1
Google Maps
2022 Lexus RX 350

When driving with Carplay active and displaying Google Maps (no route in progress), I have a 'weird' situation. The map is displayed with the direction on the top (not north on top). Situation: Occasionally the display will slightly spin either clockwise or counterclockwise and then immediately spin back to normal. Almost like the GPS lost its mind for a moment.


Thanks for any insight.
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macrumors 601
Dec 22, 2016
This only happens to me when initially taking off - GM needs to get its bearings sometimes, but then kicks in….the delay sometimes has me cursing, as I want to know which way I’m supposed to turn when exiting an unfamiliar street/alley.


macrumors 601
May 27, 2008
GPS on its own doesn't know which way you're traveling. It compares where you are to where you were to figure out which way you're going. Compass doesn't really help, since your phone could be placed any direction in the car, especially when using CarPlay.

it's possible that one past location or a current location that's off by a bit will cause it to think you're traveling a direction you're not. For GPS being off by 20 feet isn't that unexpected. if your last positin was off by 20 feet to the left, you'll see a bit of an angle, If your last position was incorrect and 20 feet in front of where you actually were, or your current comes in 20 feet behind where you actually are, then it's possible it would think you're traveling in the other direction, until the next position comes in and it sorts itself out.
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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jan 7, 2023
GPS on its own doesn't know which way you're traveling. It compares where you are to where you were to figure out which way you're going. Compass doesn't really help, since your phone could be placed any direction in the car, especially when using CarPlay.

it's possible that one past location or a current location that's off by a bit will cause it to think you're traveling a direction you're not. For GPS being off by 20 feet isn't that unexpected. if your last positin was off by 20 feet to the left, you'll see a bit of an angle, If your last position was incorrect and 20 feet in front of where you actually were, or your current comes in 20 feet behind where you actually are, then it's possible it would think you're traveling in the other direction, until the next position comes in and it sorts itself out.


On the surface your explanation makes sense and I understand it. However, I never have this issue when using just my phone with Google Maps. This only occurs when disppaying through CarPlay.
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macrumors 6502
Feb 15, 2022
Bucks County, PA
I’m thinking it’s more your car than the iPhone. I have a Toyota and a Honda. The problem you mention only happens when in my Toyota but never in my wife’s Honda. Also, in my Toyota, sometimes I get a blank screen upon connecting and I have to press a few physical buttons for it to work. And from time to time my iPhone 15 PM connects to BT and CarPlay and sound is messed up—I have to reboot.
It only happens in my Toyota. So I’m guessing the same for you.
I’m on 17.4 and I have far fewer problems now than I did on 17.3 and 17.xx


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jan 7, 2023
I just upgraded to 17.4 so let's see what happens.
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