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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jun 10, 2020
Hi Guys.
Something's up with Logic on my mac. Yesterday working fine, today Logic won't even play. Just get the error message that it can't process all the data in time. The project has not changed since yesterday - I've not added anything new to it. I'm running a fair few plugins but nothing crazy, I'm always bouncing-in-place and freezing tracks (pre fader) in order to help things along. In fact I turned off a whole bunch of heavy plugins (reverbs and tape simulators, etc) to test and it still won't play. Even soloing a single track with no plugins on it - it won't play. The CPU and HD bars just leap to max and the error message pops up. Buffers are on 1024.

With the project loaded (not playing) the CPU bar in Logic jumps about wildly, from halfway to max and everything inbetween.

Activity Monitor:
shows Logic CPU% jumping around from 7% to 17% ish (again - with a Logic project open but not playing - it won't!).
In the Memory tab it shows Logic as 1.9GB. In the Energy tab Logic is firmly at the top jumping about from 150 to 250-ish in the "Energy Impact" column (no idea what this means, I'm not using battery, I'm using power). On the Disk tab Logic says 8.4MB.

I've not downloaded any new plugins in over 6 months, not installed anything new on the mac in years.

I haven't updated in years because I'm afraid all my old 32 bit plugins won't work.

I also have Logic X (plan is to phase out Logic 9 once all these old songs are finished) and, while my newer tracks play on Logic X for a few bars, the CPU bar sits at max the whole time and I eventually get the overload message, on projects that were playing back fine a few days ago with nothing new added.

It's the same with my Apogee Ensemble switched off, just using the Mac's sound.

I want to stress that nothing has changed and it didn't grind to a halt over time - it just suddenly stopped playing. My drive did fill up at one point two days ago and Logic wouldn't play (the HD bar just maxed out and error message popped up) but I've since deleted some stuff freeing up 37GB. It worked again after that; this problem has occurred literally the next day. I've tried an SMC reset (apparently on old machines it's as simple as shut down, unplug the power supply, wait, and then fire it back up), and did the PRAM/NVRAM reset with the command/option/P/R keys held down at startup.

Note: as I write this Chrome is getting slow and jerky and in the Activity Monitor Chrome is jumping between 50-ish and 500-ish in the Energy tab (even after having closed Logic). Could it be some kind of spyware on my machine or something?!

I'm on MacPro6,1
Memory 16 GB 1866 MHz DDR3 ECC
Processor 3.5 GHz 6-Core Intel Xeon E5
Software OS X 10.9.5 (13F1911)
Graphics AMD FirePro D500 3072 MB


macrumors 68000
Mar 12, 2019
Stupid questions, but have you tried just reinstalling Logic? It's very possible some configuration file got corrupted.

For that matter, especially if you're noticing other computer oddities, you might consider reinstalling the whole OS. Back up everything important, make a Mavericks USB installer, format your main drive from the USB installer's copy of Disk Utility, and proceed with the install.

The latter method is almost certain to fix the problem since it resets everything, unless you have a hardware issue.
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