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macrumors 65816
Oct 16, 2013
Well, for anyone still interested, I went with unlisted option 4: M3 Pro with 36 GB.

Not what I had in mind going into this.

It feels rock ’n’ roll to spend that much dough on a computer, but at least I’ll not regret the memory amount.

If I could have got the entry-level M3 with 32 or 36 GB of RAM, I probably would have (may be why Apple doesn’t offer that).

Alas, this did mean I had to promise myself I would sell one of my least-used camera lenses. And I will. But I haven’t used that lens in months, whereas I use my computer every day. It makes some sense.

Excited to be boarding the Apple Silicon hype train at last. My 2019 iMac purchase was awkwardly timed.
What was the reason for you to spec up? Are you still happy with your decision?


macrumors member
Original poster
Jan 20, 2024
In a twist of fate that I didn’t report, the company I ordered from had a problem and couldn’t fulfil my order. I had to re-order weeks later, and when I did, I ended up reverting back to my option number 2 (entry-level M3 with 24 GB). Got cold feet about the cost of the M3 Pro with 36 GB of RAM, even though by then I’d sold a camera lens to fund it.

Am I happy? About the performance, battery life, the 24 GB of RAM rather than 36 GB in the end, etc – yes, yes, yes. It’s awesome! Incredibly fast. And 24 GB is heaps for my usage, it turns out. My memory pressure in Activity Monitor is always green, not even orange. Good webcam and speakers, too.

But I’m not quite as happy overall as I have been with some Apple products in the past.

First, because this computer is oddly bulky and heavy. It doesn’t look especially modern. I’m used to new Apple products looking like they’re from the future, and this one definitely doesn’t. It looks old from day one, especially in the classic silver I got.

Second, despite that weight, the feeling of quality is not quite there. The keyboard, while good, feels like it’s sitting on a hollow shell of paper-thin aluminium alloy. It’s kinda bouncy and cheap-sounding.

The chassis twists under its own weight when you pick it up by a corner. The display twists too.

The effect is nothing like the old Ive-era machines, which felt like they were hewn out of billet.

Contributing to my second complaint are the Pro’s fan vents, which are at an awkward place right where you grab the computer.

And the feet are flat, not domed as they used to be, so they catch bags a little more and don’t always find solid surface but ‘hover’ on crumbs on the coffee table or whatever, since they have a large catchment area that is often not completely flat.

Third, it was the most expensive computer I’ve ever bought. The prices have very nearly jumped the shark, here in Europe at least. You understand why Mac sales are struggling a bit. The perceived quality versus price is not really what it was ten years ago. Still the best computers you can buy, obviously.

Taking all of that into account, and having seen the launch of the M3 Air since I bought my Pro, I would probably have gone for the M3 Air with hindsight. No big deal, though, and there are benefits to this Pro despite my moaning above.

Just one man’s opinion …


macrumors 68040
Aug 31, 2003
Silicon Valley
Taking all of that into account, and having seen the launch of the M3 Air since I bought my Pro, I would probably have gone for the M3 Air with hindsight. No big deal, though, and there are benefits to this Pro despite my moaning above.

Just one man’s opinion …

I don't think you would want to chance your DaVinci Resolve workflow on a MBA. It'll probably work just fine, but given all the second guessing you've done, that might be one you shouldn't second guess.

Also, I hope I'm not being offensive, but just reading through a few of your messages, it seems to me that you overthink things and revisit your decisions past any useful purpose to the point that it affects your quality of life.

You got yourself a very capable machine. As with everything, there are tradeoffs.

You can what-if until it drives you insane. Let go and get on with everyday life. If you later conclude you made a mistake, just learn from it and make a better decision next time.


macrumors 65816
Oct 16, 2013
In a twist of fate that I didn’t report, the company I ordered from had a problem and couldn’t fulfil my order. I had to re-order weeks later, and when I did, I ended up reverting back to my option number 2 (entry-level M3 with 24 GB). Got cold feet about the cost of the M3 Pro with 36 GB of RAM, even though by then I’d sold a camera lens to fund it.

Am I happy? About the performance, battery life, the 24 GB of RAM rather than 36 GB in the end, etc – yes, yes, yes. It’s awesome! Incredibly fast. And 24 GB is heaps for my usage, it turns out. My memory pressure in Activity Monitor is always green, not even orange. Good webcam and speakers, too.

But I’m not quite as happy overall as I have been with some Apple products in the past.

First, because this computer is oddly bulky and heavy. It doesn’t look especially modern. I’m used to new Apple products looking like they’re from the future, and this one definitely doesn’t. It looks old from day one, especially in the classic silver I got.

Second, despite that weight, the feeling of quality is not quite there. The keyboard, while good, feels like it’s sitting on a hollow shell of paper-thin aluminium alloy. It’s kinda bouncy and cheap-sounding.

The chassis twists under its own weight when you pick it up by a corner. The display twists too.

The effect is nothing like the old Ive-era machines, which felt like they were hewn out of billet.

Contributing to my second complaint are the Pro’s fan vents, which are at an awkward place right where you grab the computer.

And the feet are flat, not domed as they used to be, so they catch bags a little more and don’t always find solid surface but ‘hover’ on crumbs on the coffee table or whatever, since they have a large catchment area that is often not completely flat.

Third, it was the most expensive computer I’ve ever bought. The prices have very nearly jumped the shark, here in Europe at least. You understand why Mac sales are struggling a bit. The perceived quality versus price is not really what it was ten years ago. Still the best computers you can buy, obviously.

Taking all of that into account, and having seen the launch of the M3 Air since I bought my Pro, I would probably have gone for the M3 Air with hindsight. No big deal, though, and there are benefits to this Pro despite my moaning above.

Just one man’s opinion …
Thanks for your feedback! I got the M3 15" Air which I like very much but I agree the prices got really crazy. It was over 2700 Euros for the 16/2TB.

The 13" MBP I used before cost me be back in 2012 1100 Euros and was upgradeable which gave it a long long life (8GB/1TB SSD). It still works very fine unfortunately more and more apps stopped working after update cause of outdated OS.
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macrumors member
Original poster
Jan 20, 2024
Also, I hope I'm not being offensive, but just reading through a few of your messages, it seems to me that you overthink things and revisit your decisions past any useful purpose to the point that it affects your quality of life.
I have a slight tendency in that direction, yes. But I am also aware of it and take measures to keep it in check.

You can what-if until it drives you insane. Let go and get on with everyday life.
Sure. I’ve done that. You’ll notice I practically stopped posting here after I made my decision. I like doing careful research before buying something important to me. Then I commit to the decision and leave it alone for years. This will probably be my only Mac for five years, and when I start looking into computers again, I will have to research from scratch again. You won’t find me looking at benchmarks for the M4 chip when it comes. I’ll be happily using my M3.

But if someone asks, I’ll give my honest opinion and not pretend my computer is perfect.
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Mar 8, 2022
In a twist of fate that I didn’t report, the company I ordered from had a problem and couldn’t fulfil my order. I had to re-order weeks later, and when I did, I ended up reverting back to my option number 2 (entry-level M3 with 24 GB). Got cold feet about the cost of the M3 Pro with 36 GB of RAM, even though by then I’d sold a camera lens to fund it.

Am I happy? About the performance, battery life, the 24 GB of RAM rather than 36 GB in the end, etc – yes, yes, yes. It’s awesome! Incredibly fast. And 24 GB is heaps for my usage, it turns out. My memory pressure in Activity Monitor is always green, not even orange. Good webcam and speakers, too.

But I’m not quite as happy overall as I have been with some Apple products in the past.

First, because this computer is oddly bulky and heavy. It doesn’t look especially modern. I’m used to new Apple products looking like they’re from the future, and this one definitely doesn’t. It looks old from day one, especially in the classic silver I got.

Second, despite that weight, the feeling of quality is not quite there. The keyboard, while good, feels like it’s sitting on a hollow shell of paper-thin aluminium alloy. It’s kinda bouncy and cheap-sounding.

The chassis twists under its own weight when you pick it up by a corner. The display twists too.

The effect is nothing like the old Ive-era machines, which felt like they were hewn out of billet.

Contributing to my second complaint are the Pro’s fan vents, which are at an awkward place right where you grab the computer.

And the feet are flat, not domed as they used to be, so they catch bags a little more and don’t always find solid surface but ‘hover’ on crumbs on the coffee table or whatever, since they have a large catchment area that is often not completely flat.

Third, it was the most expensive computer I’ve ever bought. The prices have very nearly jumped the shark, here in Europe at least. You understand why Mac sales are struggling a bit. The perceived quality versus price is not really what it was ten years ago. Still the best computers you can buy, obviously.

Taking all of that into account, and having seen the launch of the M3 Air since I bought my Pro, I would probably have gone for the M3 Air with hindsight. No big deal, though, and there are benefits to this Pro despite my moaning above.

Just one man’s opinion …
I agree with you about the keyboard, the bulky old fashioned design (that is annoyingly hard to pick up one handed compared to the previous models), the stupid big feet, the vents, and how they don't feel as high quality as a few years ago. Haven't noticed any chassis twisting/contorting, though.


macrumors 65816
Oct 16, 2013
I'm sorry about what I wrote. That was so wrong headed and presumptuous.
I liked your words, those were wise words. I think this kind of thoughts lies in our human nature. "What happens next and am I prepared?" Remembers me when it comes to backpacking. Most will pack too much for a hike because of these thoughts which ends up in a much too heavy back pack with stuff never needed and never used.
In computer terms this is money spent for HW you never need. But most spend it because "In future I might do this and that and therefore I need the bigger machine now. I need to future-proof".
Then looking back many many will realize they did their usual stuff only with a big machine 😁


macrumors member
Original poster
Jan 20, 2024
I'm sorry about what I wrote. That was so wrong headed and presumptuous.
Hey, go easy on yourself! You noticed my overthinking tendency and gave good advice. No need to apologise. But I appreciate the gesture all the same. Take care.

By the way, when I said I wouldn’t be looking at M4 benchmarks, I had no idea the M4 had just dropped! (Or was about to drop – not sure of the exact timing.)

Makes no difference to me, though. See you all in five years, I hope …
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