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macrumors member
Original poster
Oct 23, 2018
Hi all,
I hope there is someone here who can give me some ideas on an issue I am having on a Macintosh SE I am restoring.

The Mac had (has) a number of issues which I am addressing. I can boot to desktop. The mouse I got was working until one day it stopped working.

What happens is that the cursor appears on top left as usual. As soon as I move the mouse, the "Apple" menu opens (as if I clicked the mouse button but I didn't) and that's it. Everything seems to be frozen then and I have to reset/power cycle.

- I did not hot-plug the mouse :)
- Before the mouse stopped working I disassembled and cleaned the floppy drive. When I plugged the drive back in, the mouse was behaving as above. Not sure if that was just a coincidence.
- If I plug a diskette before I move the mouse, I have a dialog informing me the disk is unreadable (needs formatting, which is correct). If I plug the diskette AFTER I moved the mouse and the computer "crashes", no dialog appears.
- If I press the debug button when the computer seems to be crashed, the debug dialog appears as normal

I looked into the ADB a bit deeper with my oscilloscope.
- All traces are ok
- ADB signals are present on the bus. In fact I see the ADB chip requesting Address 2 (the keyboard) to "TALK" before I move the mouse. After I move the mouse, the address changes to 3 (the mouse) and I see signal on the bus when I move the mouse. So all seems good there.
- I see signal going OUT of the ADB to the VIA (Port B)
- I see the VIA's IRQ and Chip Select showing more activity when I move the mouse.

So it seems to me the mouse is chatting, the ADB is translating and sending something to the VIA and the VIA is reacting.

I do have another mouse (and a keyboard) coming. Plus a Floppy emu. So I will know shortly if the mouse is just defective.

If anybody has any ideas, I am all ears :)

Thank you!
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