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Staff member
Jan 20, 2005
You've basically proved my point, views matters. As I also pointed out, advertisers are not interested in existing registered users seeing their ad's they want new registered users because a new registered user means a new view and every new view on an ad means more money to MR and this is why MR will not change it's policy on how it handles newly registered users because the site owners knows it could affect them financially.
I don't know how you've gotten things so backwards. Of course we want new members. We also want them to find the forums useful. Allowing them to post from the start is a huge part of that. Can you imagine having a question (potentially a pressing one), going through the effort of signing up to a community, and then finding out you couldn't do anything? I certainly wouldn't be back.

The vast majority of spam never makes it into the forums. We do occasionally have attacks that manage to evade our defenses and are able to cause issues until we can counter them. That's a trade-off but it's one we're making from a user standpoint, not a financial one.


macrumors 6502a
Sep 16, 2007
I’ve made two reports of batches of spammers. Both were dealt with within a day.

As someone who runs a forum, I can tell you b*tching about mods doesn’t endear you to them. They’re volunteers and so-called volunteers aren’t even paid!

They hate spammers. They don’t “let them post because it increases revenue”.

If you want it to stop and want to help, volunteer to be a mod.
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macrumors Haswell
Jul 29, 2008
In a coffee shop.
Who are you to say someone is lazy?
Very well said.

And, unfortunately, this is something that needs to be said.

One of the great advantages that MacRumors has, the membership who is willing to help anyone even with the most rudimentary questions.
That is exactly the point, and that is why many individuals who joined the forum to ask a question (and had it answered pleasantly and helpfully) decided to stay.

There may be snarky people here, but unlike reddit, people will go above and beyond to help
Doesn't matter if they have no clue or choose to post a thread instead of other means to get the answer
And again, agree completely.
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macrumors Haswell
Jul 29, 2008
In a coffee shop.
Asking for help can be generalized into two categories, Category 1: Those in genuine need who have no clue how to search for info and Category 2: Lazy. Those who know how to search for the info they need but are too lazy to do so.
As @maflynn so rightly asks: Who are you - or any of us - to say someone is lazy?

Based on my experience of being here, the huge majority of help falls into category 2.
It is a spurious distinction, but, anyway, I beg to differ.
Anyway, the pie chart you based one of yours post on disproves many of your points because you pointed out the pie chart shows that the biggest number of newbies asking for help are those who ask a question and then disappear.
They join the forum to ask a question - which is exactly what I did.

Some stay, many leave; that is their choice.

However, if their query is met with a dismissive and unwelcoming response, they would leave all the faster.

@WildCowboy states that he would have, and I, most certainly, would have done so, had I met with such a response.

Moreover, in an Apple forum where people can spend incredible amounts of time arguing over the most arcane details of the latest iPhone, I am at a loss to see why Apple enthusiasts (and experts) would not wish to answer even basic queries about Apple products from people seeking information.
This disproves the argument that newbies want to engage further into the forum.
That is their choice; who are we to sit in judgment on that choice?
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macrumors 68040
Apr 26, 2013
You lot will have to talk amongst yourselves because as much as I would like to respond to the recent posts I unfortunately cannot because whilst my responses would be clean and to the point they will probably anger/upset too many people (viewing members probably) and I will be in breach of forum rules (already happened not so long ago).
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