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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Oct 21, 2012
Capri - Italy
Have no clue why it won't mount the disk even tho the enclosure is recognised by MacOS, here a screenshot showing enclosure being seen:

Schermata 2024-03-02 alle 14.27.48.png

Schermata 2024-03-02 alle 14.35.48.png

Any clue?


p.s. actually after quite a while being connected it mounts onto the desktop but if computer goes in stop, even tho I have disabled the sleep for hard drives, it gets unmounted and as such, being a backup drive, the backup process gets interrupted
Last edited:


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Oct 21, 2012
Capri - Italy
An ExFAT disk formatted by a Mac or PC?
A Mac!

I can format it again as it's a backup drive and, fingers crossed, I have the whole content onto both the Mini's HD and the external drive serving as a photo archive, how should I format it like for max compatibility and considering I only use Mac so no need for FAT or NTFS?



macrumors Penryn
Feb 20, 2009
IF this is a platter-based hard drive, it ought to be formatted HFS+ ("Mac OS extended, journaling enabled, GUID partition format").

EXCEPTION: if you're going to use it for a time machine backup, it MUST be formatted in APFS.

If the drive is an SSD, it can be in either APFS or HFS+.

If it's just being used as a photo "archive" (not tm backup), I would format it in HFS+.
A drive in HFS+ can be "seen" by 3rd party Mac utilities and recovery software.
But if it's in APFS, almost nothing can "touch it" (other than disk utility).


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Oct 21, 2012
Capri - Italy
It's a WD RED 4TB with spinning disks and I won't use with TimeMachine but with another backup software, if I get it right HFS+ is the way, I repeat, it's a backup disk where I save content from the MacMini, the external drive (a raid1 array) serving as a photo archive and another external drive (also a raid1 array) where I store various stuff


macrumors Penryn
Feb 20, 2009
What backup software will you use?
It depends on the version of the OS you use.

I believe that if you use SuperDuper or CarbonCopyCloner for backing up newer versions of the OS, it will require that the backup drive be in APFS.


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Oct 21, 2012
Capri - Italy
I use SyncFolders, basically it makes a specular copy of what I have on the built in drive and external archive drive to the external one we are discussing about (actually it also copies computer drive selected folders onto the same raid1 array I use to store the photo archive as to have redundancy and then everything from raid1 array to external backup disk), I am ready to go and format if that helps solve the issue, the computer won't mind copying some 3TB+ stuff on a Sunday, APFS or HFS+? Which other parameters once I decide to format?

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