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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jul 11, 2003
I have connected my Epson C82 (usb) to my lan with a print server and can print over the lan from an iMac running OSX. I had to install a Postscript Interpreter (Ghostscript) and Gimp-Print drivers to get Print Center to see the printer. Now I would like to print from two other macs that run OS9 and a Win98 laptop - all on the same lan. Can this be done? If so, how?


macrumors 65816
Jan 1, 2002
I Believe in OS 9 all you have to do is go to the chooser (Apple Menu>Chooser) and select the printer from your AppleTalk network. Of course, you need to have the proper printer drivers installed first and your network configured, but after that, it should just be picking it in the chooser. If the OS X machine is serving the printer, then make sure in your System Preferences you have "Printer Sharing" turned on.



macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jul 11, 2003

Thanks for the reply!

When I go into the Chooser I see the C82 Series Driver in the window on the left but there is no port to select in the window on the right. This is the same whether Appletalk is active or not. (OS version is 9.1)

PS: I am not using Appletalk connectors to connect to the lan. I am using Cat5 cable from ethernet port on iMac to a Belkin router. Should Appletalk be active or not?

Thanks for any help...


macrumors 65816
Jan 1, 2002
When you click (or double click) on the C82 in the chooser, does it change anything in the right hand window? i.e. does it give any network info or ip info? You might also check under the Apple Menu and Network Browser. Many times this will find the network for you. I believe AppleTalk should be on, but it has been a while. I'm pretty dure it should be on though.



macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jul 11, 2003
Hi Gus,

When I double click on the 82C in the chooser, nothing shows up in the right hand window - no ntework or IP or anything else.

I tried the network browser and still could not see the printer. Only the other iMac that is also on the network.

However I did have some luck with the Desktop Printer Utility. I created a new Appletalk Printer with the utility and it found the print server with C82 connected to it! The setup requires a PPD file (Postscript Printer Definition) for the C82. The OS only comes with Lasewwriter PPD's. I checked the Epson cd that came with the printer but no luck. When I sent a print job through the new desktop printer using a generic Laserwriter PPD I got garbage text on the C82, but at least the iMac and the printer are communicating accross the network. Now I think if I can get the correct PPD it may work.

I did a google search and found a download from Adobe that had some Epson PPD's but it only had files for printers that are older than the C82. I'll try Epson Tech Support next...

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