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macrumors member
Original poster
Feb 13, 2003
Rugby, UK
Hi all

My mother has just fallen in love with the new 24" iMac and sees it as an ideal machine for photography business. She is currently an XP user, mainly working in Photoshop, and would be looking (initially) to use the computer in XP via Boot Camp.

My question is whether XP via Bootcamp (with all of it's new, updated drivers) is stable enough to be used as the primary operating system on the iMac. I have read that there are incompatibilities with the bluetooth mighty mouse/keyboard in XP (and have therefore advised her against this tempting option), but are there any other known issues that may cause her problems?

I'm sure she'll "switch" completely once she gets to use OSX, but at this time, XP must work, and work reliably.

Many thanks for your time taken in reading this, and for your anticipated responses.




macrumors member
Original poster
Feb 13, 2003
Rugby, UK
balamw said:
Have a look in the Windows on Mac forum. There a quite a few people using XP exclusively on the Core Duo Intels, coming soon for the Core 2 Duo ones.


Moderator: Any chance you could you move this post to that forum please?


macrumors regular
Aug 27, 2006
It shouldn't be a problem if you use Windows XP as the primary as long as you keep it updated (security fixes and stuff) cause what is it they say? Once you plug internet into a Windows machine, 16 seconds later you already have a virus? Anyways watch out, cause Macs running Windows still get affected.
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