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macrumors newbie
Jun 23, 2003
Montreal QC
Originally posted by scem0
I like them.

They are exciting and colorful.

But nothing exceptional.

Still good though :).


I beg to differ. The one thing that ads must do is cut through the rest of the crap that is competing for your attention, whether you are mindlessly watching TV, making dinner, having a conversation, making out... if an ad, by its very starkness and simplicity makes you stop and watch and give it your attention, it is effective. The fact that the ipod ads do this and they carry brand identity, capitalizes on a existing image, and conveys the image of hip and cool and "I have to have it" then it is highly effective. And effectiveness aside -- this ad is incredibly artistic -- compare the ipod to any other ad out there. It stands aside because it makes you want to look a second or third time (or more) -- It is so simple you can get it instantly, but it takes you a few watches to really absorb it. Truly I think it is something that can be studied in a graphic design school.

It cuts a swath -- I think (IMHO) it has a chance to redefine imaging in advertising for the next couple of years. It is an exceptionally good ad.


macrumors newbie
Jun 23, 2003
Montreal QC
Originally posted by BOOMBA

You can only buy WHITE, correct?

Is it just a graphical thing for ads?


I think this is brilliance actually--- The idea is that the colour isn't the unit -- its the music that is on the unit. Also when you think about it -- white is comprised of ALL colours.

Nicky G

macrumors 65816
Mar 24, 2002
Re: Bad ad....

Originally posted by kangaroo
...they opted for a visual gimmick which preaches to the choir and, probably, alienates a whole bunch of people who might otherwise be interested in an iPod.

If you are "alienated" by some black people (literally) dancing around to that "darn urban music," you probably need to get your head checked. Not having it appeal to you in particular is one thing, but how the heck does it "alienate" you? You alienate me by spouting such oddities.


macrumors regular
Jul 1, 2002
San Francisco, CA
Originally posted by PeteyKohut
I was watching VH1's 25 Greatest Commercials of All Time and I saw the new iPod commercial. Also, Apple's 1984 commercial was featured in this special from what I have heard. I started watching at #15 of 25 and I didn't see it, so they must have ranked it lower than 15. Idiots!!!

It came in at #18. Love the commentary by the webmaster.

Take care,


macrumors member
Apr 2, 2003
Long Beach California
Re: Re: Bad ad.... NO THE ADS WODERFUL

Originally posted by Nicky G
If you are "alienated" by some black people (literally) dancing around to that "darn urban music," you probably need to get your head checked. Not having it appeal to you in particular is one thing, but how the heck does it "alienate" you? You alienate me by spouting such oddities.

Thank you, I am rested and not early as beligerant as I was, but you nicely stated what I'm feeling. Apple's image has always been good in the eyes of its faithful customers, but it can go a long way toward bringing the public to percieve apple as a maker of the finest quality technology devices. Most of the younger generation, believe it or not have already had the "macs are gay" mentality impressed upon them. Its true, ask any twelve year old on the schoolyard what they think about Apple's computers and thats probably what you will hear. The Ipod is obviously not "gay" Its the bentley of portable music

For those of you who, think this commercial appeals to too small a segment of the population, well I am glad you aren't in charge of apples advertising. What Apple needs, isn't marketshare necessarily, its new customers, customers who will stay loyal to the Apple brand because they will recognize the quality as soon as they pick up their ipods. The "under 25 crowd" as someone already referred to, is the best source of new customers, those of you who said you didn't like the commercial, I don't think it matters if you like it. You already bought your ipod.

People who see the ads with the flashing white ipods will remember "Hey 50-cent had one of those...." maybe thats what I want for my big christmas present this year. While they play with their pod over the next year, they will most likely use itunes on windows. When they see itunes on windows, they will want to take a closer look (or maybe a first look) at 10.3. Next xmas, they'll probably be wanting a g5 imac to dance around with.

Apple, it seems to me, is growing in its hipness, even more so than the image its carried in the past. I only see this increasing in the future, as long as apple keeps us intrigued with sexy new products, functional jewelry, whatever you want to call it. I just hope this doesn't make people tired and weary of apple instead, but who really would get tired of looking at or using an ipod.


macrumors 65816
Apr 9, 2003
Re: Bad ad....

Originally posted by kangaroo
If this ad were truly effective it would appeal to a broad market as opposed to a particular demographic,

You don't know advertising and marketing, do you?

Doctor Q

Staff member
Sep 19, 2002
Los Angeles
Originally posted by Thresher
God, this commercial is HORRIBLE from a marketing perspective.

The urban music and dancing appeals to a TINY segment of the market for this device. The much larger market for it is suburban, middle class people. Maybe their kids are listening to this kind of music, but their parents (the ones buying the iPods) most assuredly are not.

I am one of those white, middle-class, suburbanites and this ad definitely turns me off.
I think that if they run two sets of ads, one directed to kids and another directed to their parents, each target audience will be turned on by the ones intended for them more than they will be turned off by the ones intended for the other group. Net result: more demand among both groups. Also, parents may be the source of much of the purchase money, but when Mom and Dad finally decide to get Junior that music player, it's Junior who decides which brand/model.


macrumors newbie
Aug 7, 2003
Excellent Ad

I love this ad, If i didnt already have two ipod s i would go buy another. The song is an excellent choice, upbeat, urban but not too urban, and eye-catching too. I just wish there was a non-silhouetted version so i could get a better look at the girl in green.:D Good work Apple, it almost makes me feel like I have some rhythym.


macrumors newbie
Jul 22, 2002
right on the money, coolbreeze!

Originally posted by coolbreeze
BTW, I want to meet the girl with the green background (yes, simply based on her silloutte). Her moves are hot! (especially in the last green background frame...those hips!!):cool:

You know it! I caught the ad as my beloved Yanks were playing. Those hips got me going! I'm glad someone else was paying attention!

BTW, like your tag, coolbreeze. Reminds me of one of my favorite scenes in "Dead Presidents."




macrumors member
Jun 4, 2001
I haven't read some of the later posts, so this may have already been noted, but I downloaded the ad to my comp (to keep for posterity) and noticed the file name, "". I suspect by the naming convention that indeed more ads are to come featuring different types of music genres.


macrumors newbie
Jul 22, 2002
That sounds likely

Originally posted by dfa4
I haven't read some of the later posts, so this may have already been noted, but I downloaded the ad to my comp (to keep for posterity) and noticed the file name, "". I suspect by the naming convention that indeed more ads are to come featuring different types of music genres.


That makes sense to me, should be interesting to see what else comes along.

Liked your web-site! Cornell man, eh? Well done!




macrumors regular
Feb 5, 2003
Re: Re: Bad ad....

Originally posted by kangaroo
If this ad were truly effective it would appeal to a broad market as opposed to a particular demographic, it would explain what it is and why its better than the ‘other guy’s product’ and finally, it would tie into iTunes and a larger campaign that seeks to normalize Apple’s digital hub concept. A talented ad agency could do all of that in as little as 15 to 30 seconds.

Instead, they opted for a visual gimmick which preaches to the choir and, probably, alienates a whole bunch of people who might otherwise be interested in an iPod.

Originally posted by Mason
You assume that Apple won't also be releasing a new campaign with the anticipated release of iTunes for Windows next week. This could merely be the first salvo in their marketing strategy.

I don’t assume anything about what Apple may or may not do. My comment was related only to the ad at hand. Since Apple has acknowledged that iTunes isn’t so much a profit engine as it is a gateway or "Trojan horse" to incite interest in the iPod, then they certainly should ‘release a new campaign’ to tie them together.

Originally posted by Mason
Further, I don't see how this would alienate anyone. Just because it has dancing and a pop song?

If you, personally, don’t like the style of music used in the ad then it might ‘turn you off’ or ‘alienate’ you to the product. Music is personal. Substitute music that you don’t like in the ad and I suspect your reaction will be less favorable. It’s that simple.

Originally posted by Nicky G
If you are "alienated" by some black people (literally) dancing around to that "darn urban music," you probably need to get your head checked. Not having it appeal to you in particular is one thing, but how the heck does it "alienate" you? You alienate me by spouting such oddities.

I never said I was alienated—reread the post. So you don’t like my use of the word ‘alienate’? You’d feel more comfortable if I had used ‘not appeal’? How about you getting a life and not taking yourself so seriously—it’s just an ad. And although I won’t suggest that you get ‘your head checked’ I will suggest that you read posts at least twice, keep a dictionary nearby and don’t be so belligerent.


macrumors 65816
Apr 9, 2003
Originally posted by dfa4
I haven't read some of the later posts, so this may have already been noted, but I downloaded the ad to my comp (to keep for posterity) and noticed the file name, "". I suspect by the naming convention that indeed more ads are to come featuring different types of music genres.

Ya think?

I think this thread proves once and for all the folks who should NOT be in charge of Apple's advertising are its fans.....

[Sidenote: I deal a lot with fringe theatre. The most vital, edgy and creative among them are pretty conversant with hip hop, spoken word and other urban genres. Hmmm. Vital. Edgy. Creative. Wonder what type of computer would go under that.....]


macrumors 6502a
Mar 5, 2003
Jeez guys, Where Is the Love? I mean, all this yelling about blackness and whiteness and alienation makes me want to get up on stage and yell to everyone, black or white, "Hands Up"! Or, "Let's Get Retarded and stop getting so anxious about color lines". I mean, you know we all like the way Latin Girls dance. Hey Mama, you know they're Sexy.

Get my point?


macrumors regular
Apr 2, 2003
North America
Dancing fools

Did you notice that the silhouettes were dancing by themselves?

I would rather that my dance partner hears the same tune so that we can dance together. That's why we use a portable CD player/boom box. We both can hear the tune.

I feel sorry for those unfortunate tekkies who can't get a date.


macrumors newbie
Jul 22, 2002

"Ya think?

I think this thread proves once and for all the folks who should NOT be in charge of Apple's advertising are its fans....."

You are probably right. But this thread isn't about whether or not Apple's rabid faithful should be in charge of advertising. It's just a collection of honest reactions. Some of which I agree with, some I don't. But who knows, maybe some of us learned something.

"[Sidenote: I deal a lot with fringe theatre. The most vital, edgy and creative among them are pretty conversant with hip hop, spoken word and other urban genres. Hmmm. Vital. Edgy. Creative. Wonder what type of computer would go under that.....]"

Ya think? ;)




macrumors newbie
Jan 23, 2002
Boogie down...

Originally posted by Flowbee
PS - I really like the new ad. Very attention-getting yet no 'hard sell.' Very Apple. :)

I REALLY like the commercial and I'm white and listen to Christian Rock music!

It makes me boogie! :D


macrumors member
Mar 11, 2003
Zurich, Switzerland
Wow. Just so the ad and didn't read anything in this thread, and here's what I think about it:

It's not the kind of music I like. Looks like I'm not in their target group. But the ad is just:

Wow. Great.

I'll go seeing it again.
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