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macrumors 601
Aug 9, 2002
This is good to hear, and i believe it pretty much. But if the powerbook doesnt have a superdrive i want the following:
Radeon 9000 graphics card
1ghz g4
Bluetooth wouldnt be a bad thing either.

As for the ibook, 600mhz, 700mhz, 800mhz with the 600 costing only 999
no more plain CD-rom
price cuts by $100 across the board
10gb more HD space

I know i am asking for alot from the ibook, and we may not get all of that, but i expect the powerbook to be as i stated


macrumors newbie
Sep 16, 2002
Austin, Texas...y'all
Keeping my fingers crossed

...that this info is accurate. I'll be buying an iBook before Christmas. Would love to get a speed bump + bigger HD for the same $ or less (always nice).

Anybody wonder if these "bumped" notebooks will boot strictly in Jaguar, or will they also feature Classic? I know that Jobs said all Macs will be carrying OS X only as of 1/1/03, but I wonder if they would release updated Macs so close to the deadline w/ both OS' on board.


macrumors regular
Jul 23, 2002
Sounds pretty good.

I'm going to be getting a new TiBook once they come out.

A radeon 9000 would be nice, but I'd rather have the GF4 Go. More games are designed for nVidia hardware, like possibly UT2k3.

But anything better would be nice.


macrumors newbie
Nov 3, 2002
Regina, Sask
I actually had an order placed for a 667 Ti book,.. then I cancelled it. Waiting for these new ones. I'd be more than happe with either a Radeon 9000 or the GF4 Go. But then again.. the 7500 works for me. its all good!


macrumors regular
May 4, 2002
Re: New Powerbooks and Cheaper New iBooks

Originally posted by Gaz
The recently very reliable Think Secret has posted the following story:



i also hope this is true, but i wouldn't go so far to say that think secret is 'very reliable'


macrumors regular
Oct 20, 2002
I wonder if I place my order today, just to get things going(at the apple online store)
Then on the 5th or the 6th they release new modles of the Ibooks if I can upgrade my order without too much BS:rolleyes:

Over Achiever

macrumors 68000
Originally posted by demonx
I wonder if I place my order today, just to get things going(at the apple online store)
Then on the 5th or the 6th they release new modles of the Ibooks if I can upgrade my order without too much BS:rolleyes:

Its a trick that might an order the day before and when the new computers come out, the order gets updated...someone on MR has done this before. Although with imminent price drops, why would you do it? :rolleyes:


macrumors 6502a
Jan 5, 2002
Originally posted by Chaszmyr
This is good to hear, and i believe it pretty much. But if the powerbook doesnt have a superdrive i want the following:
Radeon 9000 graphics card
1ghz g4
Bluetooth wouldnt be a bad thing either.

As for the ibook, 600mhz, 700mhz, 800mhz with the 600 costing only 999
no more plain CD-rom
price cuts by $100 across the board
10gb more HD space

I know i am asking for alot from the ibook, and we may not get all of that, but i expect the powerbook to be as i stated

The plain cdroms are really meant for schools who don't want their students to be burning cds or watching dvds during class.

Anyways, MacNN forums has almost undeniable evidence that there will be $200 price cuts on the new Powerbooks.


macrumors newbie
Nov 3, 2002
Regina, Sask
how could you argue with a $200 price cut.. heck you could get a fancy haircut and have cash left over for dinner with that! ;)
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