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macrumors G4
May 26, 2005
Working for MI-6
Lacero said:
You do realize what makes Apple and Macs great is OSX, and not the chip that powers it, right? There could be a hamster running a treadmill in my G5 and I wouldn't really care nor mind.

Here's to the Crazy Ones

WHAT? You mean there are are no hamsters in my Power Mac G5?! When I placed my call to Apple to order my G5, the person on the line assured me that I would get two hamsters in my G5. Bummer. ;) :)

P.S.- What about my iBook G4...what is in there? ;) :)


macrumors 601
Apr 8, 2004
just makes you wonder who actually reads these forums:cool:

i always had an image of us all just being the faithfull who use the Mac, but it seems there might be people here with some media power:eek:

who knows maybe the royal steveyness has even graced these boards ,or even registerd :eek:


macrumors 604
Jan 20, 2005
liketom said:
i always had an image of us all just being the faithfull who use the Mac, but it seems there might be people here with some media power:eek:
CNN reads Mac Rumors. (or at least it gets filtered to them, but same nevertheless)

I've heard some other financial and business newspapers refer to Mac Rumors as well.

Here's to the Crazy Ones


macrumors 604
Aug 2, 2002
Cork, Ireland.
yellow said:
There's a lot of reasons that there are Windows viruses, but despite the whole market share issue, there are TENS of MILLIONS of Macs running OS X. To date, there's been no mass viruses that affect OS X (4 years of 'viable' versions). There were some rootkit-type things, but they all required the user's interaction to compromise. I'm sure some motivated individuals have attempted to write a 'virus'/'trojan' for Mac OS X..

It might be harder to write a virus for OSX than Windows, but I can't really think of any way that OSX makes writing trojans more difficult. Once that application (or even its installer) is running on your machine, you're effectively placing complete trust in the developers.


Moderator emeritus
Oct 21, 2003
Portland, OR
whooleytoo said:
but I can't really think of any way that OSX makes writing trojans more difficult.

To be effective, it would require your admin password to be entered.. whereas in Windows, there's no such beast.

However, any exploit that used an escalation of privs to get itself installed would be a much more "true" piece of malware. To date, nothing..

<WHAP> Take that, you bloddy dead horse! <WHAP>


macrumors 604
Aug 2, 2002
Cork, Ireland.
yellow said:
To be effective, it would require your admin password to be entered.. whereas in Windows, there's no such beast.

The reasons trojans are so effective, is that they also have a legitimate, useful purpose that entices users to install them; so many users would blissfully enter in their admin password to install them, and then the damage is done.

Not that installers are necessary, if the trojan is an application on a disk image (drag install), no admin password is prompted for or required - unless you're a non-admin user dragging it to a location such as Applications.

In any case, even if the user is logged as a non-admin, the trojan could easily still scan his emails, and files in his home folder, search for useful data (bank details, credit card details, social security etc.), possibly now even faster with the Spotlight API, and the OS offers no impediment.

The only thing OSX really protects in this case is the System itself, and that's the one thing that's of little interest for a spying trojan, and if damaged can be easily replaced with a reinstall. It's the user's personal data which is more sensitive, and more likely to be irreplaceable; and there's nothing impeding a trojan there on OSX.


macrumors 68030
May 7, 2002
2 Much Infinite Loops
liketom said:
who knows maybe the royal steveyness has even graced these boards ,or even registerd :eek:

you know what? actually i would bet that that is the case. surely a newb, because he is busy planning how to implement the iWalk <d'oh>.


macrumors G4
Aug 24, 2003
i freaks me out when i search for something in google and something i wrote comes up but this just takes it to a new level.


macrumors 68000
Aug 13, 2003
quae tangit perit Trump
Macmadant said:
the more commen apple become the more viruses will be produced only reason there is windows viruses is becuase they own 95%
totally random point btw

This is one of those internet memes that simply won't die. Even the most basic statistical thought tells us this idea is wrong. If 95% of viruses operate on 97% of the computers (this is also a poor data point, using the oft-repeated 'market-share' numbers from Apple and ignoring Linux and others entirely) than one has to immediately wonder where the other 2% came from. If we then incorporate a better figure: 99.99% of viruses operate on something like 90% of computers then we must really wonder why this difference exists. If we also consider that Linux is incorporated in many of the main webservers, we must wonder why there aren't Linux viruses.
Simply put, the relationship between market-share and viruses is not specifically related.


macrumors 68000
Aug 13, 2003
quae tangit perit Trump
Lacero said:
CNN reads Mac Rumors. (or at least it gets filtered to them, but same nevertheless)

I've heard some other financial and business newspapers refer to Mac Rumors as well.

Are they kidding? Next they'll be using Wikipedia.


macrumors 6502a
Apr 7, 2005
Monterrey, México
meh, it's not like you're the first MR's member to be immortalized on the web, check this out. You'd think I'm famous now, but wait 'til my masters discover that their horse can type on a Mac ;):eek:


macrumors 6502a
Mar 29, 2004
Lacero said:
There could be a hamster running a treadmill in my G5 and I wouldn't really care nor mind.

Probably not you, but the SCPA would care ;-)
And Apple would never do that. There's no way you can prevent Mac OS X from running on Non-Apple hamsters...

Lord Blackadder

macrumors P6
May 7, 2004
Sod off
I don't think it's bad journalism to quote MR threads - as long as it's done in the context of reporting popular opinion and such like.

Quote MacRUMORS as a source of fact is pretty sloppy though.
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