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macrumors 6502a
Jun 9, 2013
I see they're trying to take their leaders before Apple becomes an independent nation. Seriously, I didn't know Apple had such a team.


macrumors 603
Jan 8, 2009
Quite true. I'd rather have a government filled with technocrats (industrialists), rather than a government run by career bureaucrats. Neither scenario is perfect, but I do prefer the former.

Technocrats/industrialists have useful skills and knowledge in industry, commerce, technology, economics, etc.

We will rule the world! ;)


macrumors 6502a
Apr 14, 2013
Since when did physical attractiveness or lack of it have anything at all to do with skills and abilities.


macrumors 6502
Jun 30, 2003
Redondo Beach, CA
Paying for the privilege of dealing with them

Maybe she can tell me why I have to cough up $2500 a year just for the privilege of being required to deal with the State Department. :mad:


macrumors 603
Jun 16, 2008
That's the best photo you guys could find of her??

watching her face on a Retina screen hurts :eek:

I'd tread lightly here, guys. There were already at least 7 posts that were removed because they went down this route. But I'll repeat parts of mine that were in response to it.

1. she has more brains than all of us here, with having 2 law degrees, one of them from overseas,

2. she makes a hell of a lot more money than all of us and from that, has a lifestyle we wish we could have, and

3. if you look closer at the picture, you'll notice the wedding band on her ring finger. So she's married, and probably has children. How would you feel if someone criticized your mother or wife on their looks?

So she's definitely beautiful to her husband and children, and has the money to back it up.

U.S. Editor H. L. Mencken once said, 'Criticism is prejudice made plausible.'

Something to think about.

Since when did physical attractiveness or lack of it have anything at all to do with skills and abilities.

This, ^20000.



macrumors 6502
Jul 25, 2010
It's a two-way street, guys. Apple just hired someone from the Environmental Agency, so they need to send somebody back to the government. And remember, it's handy to have a few friends in the government...


macrumors 65816
Apr 4, 2007
los angeles
I'd tread lightly here, guys. There were already at least 7 posts that were removed because they went down this route. But I'll repeat parts of mine that were in response to it.

1. she has more brains than all of us here, with having 2 law degrees, one of them from overseas,

2. she makes a hell of a lot more money than all of us and from that, has a lifestyle we wish we could have, and

3. if you look closer at the picture, you'll notice the wedding band on her ring finger. So she's married, and probably has children. How would you feel if someone criticized your mother or wife on their looks?

So she's definitely beautiful to her husband and children, and has the money to back it up.

U.S. Editor H. L. Mencken once said, 'Criticism is prejudice made plausible.'

Something to think about.

Why are you quoting me? I said nothing about her attractiveness or lack thereof, I was just pointing out macrumors picked a terrible photo to use.


macrumors 603
Jun 16, 2008
Why are you quoting me? I said nothing about her attractiveness or lack thereof, I was just pointing out macrumors picked a terrible photo to use.

Your post implied that you did have a problem with how she looks. Since you've cleared up your reasoning behind it, please accept my apologies.



macrumors 65816
Apr 4, 2007
los angeles
Your post implied that you did have a problem with how she looks. Since you've cleared up your reasoning behind it, please accept my apologies.


I really don't care what she or anyone else looks like for the sake of public office. Google her name and there's plenty of other stock photos that could have worked better.


May 3, 2009
She'd have to be crazy.....

That's the mindset she wants you to believe.

Why would she leave? The pay can't be better. And DC bureaucracy is so not what she's probably used to being inside of. Although, public servants should ideally have some altruistic nature; too bad they rarely have any.

That's almost as bad as leaving Apple for Microsoft.

It's about the lobbying.

And in a free market where its proponents constantly whine about government involvement, the "leaving Apple for Microsoft" comparison is no comparison in any way shape or form. ;)

I think I speak for everyone when I ask, "Apple has a team that handles federal, international, and state government relations?"


Yup. Another of many corporate lobbyists, which is what Obama was railing against in 2008 and has yet to move forward with... thanks to the patent 'reform' of 2011, being first to file sure as heck won't help small businesses - that is the sort of regulation people do not want, but the big guys are the one who convince us about regulations being bad but then use their lobbyists to craft legislation that help them but hurt smaller competition. And those regulations will be defended until people see through it and a new tactic is needed. I mean, free market/trickle down/supply-side economics/voodoo economics are all the same thing.


macrumors 68040
Jun 6, 2005
Quite true. I'd rather have a government filled with technocrats (industrialists), rather than a government run by career bureaucrats. Neither scenario is perfect, but I do prefer the former.

Technocrats/industrialists have useful skills and knowledge in industry, commerce, technology, economics, etc.

Bureaucrats only have trained skills in cheating, lying, stealing, coercion, bribery, theft, manipulation, demagoguery, etc.

Based on history the time it takes the former to transform into the latter is not long.


macrumors 6502a
Feb 23, 2012
inb4 PRSI

I'm really getting tired of this whole "revolving door" policy in Washington. That said I don't know much about this candidate so I'll withhold judgement in this case.

I don't mind it in this direction. If they want people who know how to deal with businesses and government, a higher-up from a business makes sense. What pisses me off is when they use their position to help their former business, and when they leave the government to take a higher-up position in a business.
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