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Feb 5, 2007
I don't like it. Slim is sexy but silver is ugly! I'd buy a Black 55" thick Macbook before any slim SILVER laptop.


macrumors 65816
Jun 10, 2007
Seriously--there are zero replaceable parts on this thing. This *definitely* isn't aimed at people who want any kind of control over their hardware. No drive upgrades, no memory changes, not even a spare battery switch. If you've got to get everything through Apple, that's...yeah.

hopefully apple/hon hai isnt getting exploding sony batteries like last time, this macbook air cant take any heat what so ever and will make whatever battery inside fail even faster.


macrumors 6502
Jan 4, 2008
I said no haters.
??? Are you that fragile??? I thought only 13 year olds used the word "haters?"

In case it matters, I like the new Air. Unfortunately I don't really have a use for one that I can think of. I need the power of a MBP but wouldn't mind having an Air to toss in a briefcase!


macrumors 6502a
Jul 20, 2007
Edmonton Canada
Love it! Just ordered! It has the things that I was Hoping for a SSD , Powerful CPU, 3100x GPU, magnet latch and a backlit keyboard. Sure it costs a lot but so do most ultra's. The only BAD thing is I have to wait 2 weeks to get it.:D


macrumors 68040
Nov 7, 2006
Defenders of Apple Guild
I like how you don't have to worry about replacing the battery yourself.

Pfft. Who replaces batteries? Just throw the whole thing away!

I know a rich friend of my Uncle's cousin's daughter in law's sister who just preordered 20 of these. Unlike the rest of us he couldn't be bothered with batteries, he just drops each computer into the trash when the battery runs out.

Only losers swop batteries.


macrumors 68000
Aug 8, 2006
their is NO service charge on the battery replacement so why all the fuss? youd have to go to apple to buy a new one anyway so its not gonna be much more effort.


macrumors 6502
Feb 19, 2007
Love it! Just ordered! It has the things that I was Hoping for a SSD , Powerful CPU, 3100x GPU, magnet latch and a backlit keyboard. Sure it costs a lot but so do most ultra's. The only BAD thing is I have to wait 2 weeks to get it.:D

Congrats! I canceled my order so I can pick it up directly at the store when they get them. Can't wait!

David G.

macrumors 65816
Apr 10, 2007
I like it a lot. But i won't be getting one, the price of it is out of my league(I'm just a highschooler after all.)


macrumors 6502a
Oct 21, 2007
There are always folks with more money than management--even among students! I'll keep my eyes open. :D

Depend on who is paying for it; I notice that alot of parents in the US tend to spoil their kids rotten when they go off to University.

For the 'rest of the world', the MacBook Air will be relegated to the kids of parents who have far too much money to know what to do with; note those who drive SUV's and hummers (or as we call them down here, Fendalton Tractor).

In NZ$ - its $2999 for a low end MacBook or $2200 for a high end MacBook?


macrumors G3
May 25, 2004
i think its awesome for the market its intended for. I think its price fair and the design is amazing (from the pics i've seen) only negatives is two things one USB port and lack of additional batteries. Compared to having a spare on long flights but it does last 5 hours. I think this is going to be a great seller and fits nicely into Apple's line up.


macrumors 6502
Mar 29, 2006
i like it. I'd definitely consider buying one.

I'd love to take my MBP to class with me each day, but it is a bit big to take with a stack of books, and the power adapter, etc. By itself, the MBP is not bad to carry around, especially in a backpack, but since soooo many professors ask you to bring a textbook with you, that kind of trumps the MBP.

The MBA looks like a great laptop to put in your bag without a lot of weight, but also not compromising on the necessities of portability. 17 USB ports is not a necessity, neither is ethernet, replaceable battery, and other things, like firewire. If this computer was a bit lower in price, closer to $1000, I'd be ordering one now and ebaying my MBP. Obviously, the price is indicative of the technology and innovation that was needed to build this laptop.

I'm certainly impressed with Apple, and it's influence on and with companies like Intel, to work together to build something this cutting edge.

I hope to come by one in the near futures.

Apple, you're still OK in my book. Don't bother with all the haters.


macrumors 6502a
Jul 30, 2006
well, to be honest, i kinda like the MBA.

it makes me feel good about purchasing applecare for my MBP a couple wks ago. :D


macrumors regular
Nov 9, 2007
This looks awesome, but what is up with only one usb port and no ethernet???, what happens when I want to use a usb mouse and charge my iPod?? Apart from that the MBA looks amazing


macrumors 601
May 9, 2006
Isn't it ironic how you buy a ultra portable laptop, only to have to have a USB hub clutter up your desk?

Another thing to lose as well!

Agreed. But people don't seem to grasp that this machine isn't intended as a primary computer. Its purpose seems to be to act as a satellite to a main desktop machine. So the issues of optical media, lack of ports, etc are largely irrelevant - it's not designed to exist entirely on its own, simply as an extension of a larger ecosystem.


macrumors newbie
Jan 15, 2008
I love it!!!! I just ordered mine a few minutes ago.

I'm no computer expert, just a regular user. The MBA is perfect for my lifestyle. I don't do much more on my computer than email and web browsing, photobooth, itunes and word processing. I'm a writer, so the keyboard is important to me, but I also need a good sized sreen. On top of that, I lug my computer around everywhere, and now also have a baby in tow, so the light weight is crucial for me.

My trusty Powerbook G4 finally died last November, after four good years of service, and I've been anxiously waiting to get a replacement. The MBs never really appealed to me because of their plastic shells (the metal was my favorite part of my Powerbook), and they're beginning to look a bit outdated. The MBP is just too big, and the extra power means nothing to me!

Truly, the price is a bit high, and I have the luxury of being able to afford it. However, the MBP and the competitors' comparable computers I considered seemed similarly priced. When looking for a computer that will last me the next four years, the MBA is well worth the extra money.


macrumors 65816
Mar 3, 2007
I actually really like the MacBook Air. It's great for what it is. Its actually priced right as well!

It'd be a great companion computer to a desktop or something like that. With the SuperDrive it CAN be a primary system.

Despite my other comments here lately about Apple in general, I think they did great with this. I hope it does well.


macrumors 6502a
Oct 21, 2007
I'd slit his throat for the environment he is killing.

The car drivers of the world seem to have no problems with polluting their air by their right to drive a car, but hate it when people upgrade their computer. Cripes, I bike everywhere, if i wanted to clock up as much pollution as you, I'd have to go through 100 computers in a year.
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