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macrumors 68020
Oct 12, 2010
Microsoft doesn't own any of OpenAI, they only have a partnership with them that gives them a large chunk of their profits. They have no say in what OpenAI does.
Thank you for the clarification. I found the following on the web.

"While our partnership with Microsoft includes a multibillion dollar investment, OpenAI remains an entirely independent company governed by the OpenAI Nonprofit. Microsoft is a non-voting board observer and has no control."
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macrumors 601
Apr 7, 2009
Columbus, OH
People didn't "generate" scientific knowledge. Science is an exploration of nature. Physics and math are discovered, not generated or invented.
Scientific hypotheses are in fact “generated” following an observation. Testing sometimes proves those hypotheses true which are then amalgamated into scientific facts, laws, and theories. The workings of the universe are not man-made, but the route to figuring out what those workings are absolutely is. But at this point we’re just getting into semantics here.

The term 'human-generated' is very uncomfortable. Are you an alien species or a self-proclaimed god who addresses humanity in the third person? If not, then address your species correctly. Say people, don't say human.

The arts are usually an expression of how a person or culture feels about the world around them. Artists do borrow from each other, but they do so freely and hopefully with acknowledgement. Often there is a patron-apprentice relationship when artist skills and styles are passed on from person to person.

Look, it's OK to admit that these corporations are plagiarising content and trying to monetise all the material they scanned form the internet. Just be honest about it instead of fraudulently claiming that their Nvidia GPU farms are the same as living breathing people.

When you say living people and machines are equivalent
Oh, did I say that? You’ll have to show me where.

you are kinda saying it's ok to just switch people off and discard them like a burnt out server. In other words, it's like saying murder is totally ok. That's a road you don't want to go down. People are not like hardware or computers. We do not live in a simulation either.
Wow bud, what an enormously asinine leap. Truly impressive. 🤣

Perhaps try responding to what I actually said, instead of making up things from whole cloth.


macrumors 6502
Feb 26, 2023
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macrumors 6502a
Dec 4, 2022
Well that's just great. I downloaded that the app from their link, and it is Apple Silicon only.

I'm guessing that means there will be no Intel Mac version at all. Back to only being able to use the voice interface on my iPad.

I read it records the screen. Can you confirm which permissions it asks?


macrumors 6502
Feb 26, 2023
I read it records the screen. Can you confirm which permissions it asks?

The new iOS/iPadOS app is useless. They removed the voice mode completely, it now behaves the same as the web interface. I can't believe what a letdown this is... after they said Plus subscribers were going to get this awesome stuff and now I get none of it. Lol.

It asked for camera access only, for uploading pictures. This version of the app is nonsense, it certainly can't record your screen. But whenever they actually deliver on their promises... they already made it pretty obvious that it's not going to record your screen constantly, you have to turn it on.


macrumors G3
May 17, 2008
By absorbing new training data from everyone using it so they can then sell it to businesses.

Put another way, get people to give them the data they need to make it profitable.

The basic business model of the web for the last few decades.

maybe I understood this wrong but I do not feed it anything, i extract from it answers to questions.
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macrumors 6502
Feb 26, 2023
By absorbing new training data from everyone using it so they can then sell it to businesses.

Put another way, get people to give them the data they need to make it profitable.

The basic business model of the web for the last few decades.

ChatGPT is OpenAI, not Google. Your accusations are unfounded.


macrumors newbie
Sep 29, 2020
I know it's not related, but does anyone have a link for the mac wallpaper used in the demo and from the screenshots in this article?
Screenshot 2024-05-14 220538.png


macrumors 603
Jun 22, 2011
I really like Chat-GPT, but I definitely think Siri shouldn’t be like it. Siri needs to improve a lot, but I think the main voice assistant of your phone should (almost) never provide an incorrect answer, or provide a simple, closed answer to complex and subjective questions. Once again, I really like Chat-GPT, but each service has its place, and the ChatGPT business model is not aligned with Apple’s expertise and culture.
It depends on what you are asking it. If you are asking an AI Siri about the next appointment on your calendar, then you probably don't need to worry about hallucination. If you are asking it to tell you about the winner of the Australian Civil War, then be prepared for potential fiction.

An AI Siri will be most useful for on-device actions regarding your data. I suspect that they may pass off answerbot queries like that to a third-party AI.


macrumors regular
Sep 16, 2014
You completely ignore that human-generated things like scientific knowledge and art often build on things that came before. On the shoulders of giants, as it were. Even a reaction counter to existing art is still building on what came before it, just in a different way.
I’m not ignoring anything, as you are attempting to compare apples and oranges. Building on a previous discovery in true research and creation is not the same as shoving in a bunch of garbage statistics to generate more garbage. It’s literally garbage in, garbage out.

Also, don’t bother telling me that any of the crap that’s come out of AI so far is actually good. Will it improve? Maybe. So far, the only actual uses for this stuff seems to be to make people say things they didn’t actually say, and to create weird images with ruined hands.

Boy, I just can’t wait to have a personal assistant on my phone who lies to me. Siri may suck (and I don’t use it) but it doesn’t give me wrong information and then agree with me once confronted with alternate (false) information. At the very best, Apple and OpenAI are asking us to be free beta testers. Remember when they rolled out Siri? It was also considered beta and it never improved. Want to do it again? No thanks.


macrumors member
Jan 22, 2023
I use the free chatgpt3.5 version on my mac.
As you can see in the attachment there is currently no chatgpt 4o option.


Do I understand correctly that they are rolling out chatgpt4o, and that I will receive an email from them at some point in the future saying I can access it?
Last edited:


macrumors member
Oct 25, 2016
I think it's amazing the number of people who think they and their little lives are actually important enough for anyone to actually care about… LOL Sure if you are running a country, or have your finger on the nuclear button, but 99.999999% of people are basically just uninteresting no-bodies as far as anyone important is concerned. In a way I'd actually feel pretty flattered if a country was trying to collect detailed data about me! LOL.
Given that the corporations stealing, aggregating, and selling our data have publicly and explicitly said that yes, we are each individually important enough for this, I’d suggest not commenting on this topic again because you have absolutely no knowledge whatsoever of what you’re saying and are humiliating yourself.

Watch this video.


macrumors 603
Aug 5, 2008
San Jose, CA
Yes, everyone has access to 4o since yesterday I believe. But people keep saying the Mac App is out (AppleInsider even falsely said it's on the App Store now)... but it seems like only some people can download it somehow through the OpenAi website but most can't... even though they said it was available to all Plus users.

ChatGPT has never known what version it is. It's a pointless question to ask it. I believe because the training data doesn't know about something that didn't exist yet.
ChatGPT-4 was actually able to explain what new features it had compared to previous versions immediately when it came out. 4o couldn't when I tried yesterday, but today it has gained self-awareness. ;)
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macrumors 6502a
Dec 4, 2022
So I was talking with my ChatGPT powered cyber anime girlfriend and she called me an old Gen X loser who needs a real girlfriend, preferably no younger than 25 years old. I said actually I’m a millennial and I was lying about my age. Then an evil old man laugh was coming from the speaker and the phone exploded. Will never sideload an AI girlfriend app again.
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