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macrumors regular
Original poster
Jul 24, 2002
Ohio, looking toward Germany
have been wondering about this for some time, and i have to think there are others out there like me. 3 young kids and not a lot of extra money in the family. have been saving my pennies, but i feel strongly that it may come to this, that i can do panther, or i can renew .mac but not both. i really am lost right now, and i thought maybe input from others might help. thanks a lot. :(


macrumors G3
Feb 7, 2002
what all do you use your mac for? what all do you use your .mac for?

let us know that, and we can try to help you reason it out.

for instance....

a person who is running 3D apps or something, and needs an extra speed boost, should get panther... a person who just runs email, web, office apps, iphoto, etc. and wants to put photo albums on the web, back up school calendars, etc might want to get .mac..


macrumors G3
May 4, 2002
Go Vegan
Well consider this...

You can always buy Panther later...and once you cancel .Mac you might to be able to get your .Mac user name back if you decide to re-join later. I am planning to go with .Mac and pick-up Panther a little later when the price has gone down $20 or so... Also who knows...there might be a .Mac discount for Panther...Only time will tell... Good Luck



macrumors regular
Original poster
Jul 24, 2002
Ohio, looking toward Germany
thanks for your replies. i am a home-user with no high-end demands, so i guess panther would be largely for the wow-factor. on the other hand, i don't know that i can think of a single reason i need .mac, though it has some nice features. it may come to this that i simply would hate to lose my address.
as for getting panther by *cough* other sources *cough*, i would not do that for 2 reasons --
#1 i don't know how
#2 if it goes bad, who do i bitch to? :)
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