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macrumors 68000
Feb 2, 2009
I'm sorry to see PRSI go. I learned quite a bit there.

I always found PRSI to be a place where reasonable people could have reasonable conversations. Things didn't always stay on course, but generally speaking, I enjoyed my time there and somehow managed to avoid getting nailed by the mods.

What I find offensive is nearly any thread attached to a main story. They're filled with ignorance, negativity, unfounded attacks on people they don't know (Tim Cook for example), misinformation, WAY to many people who clearly didn't read anything past the headline. And that's just if it's one of the better threads that stays more or less on topic. It does no good to speak up because they're not there for a conversation and don't even reply to comments. They're just tossing their trash out the window as they drive by. At least in PRSI, if someone was spouting nonsense, you could call them on it.

Hopefully the elimination of PRSI will allow more time to work on some of those issues.


macrumors 68000
Apr 24, 2010
Rock Ridge, California

For those who engaged in honest discussion in PRSI...


Much respect.


macrumors 68020
Jan 18, 2008
Hawaii, USA
I don't believe PRSI made up the bulk of my activity on this site, but I went there from time to time. If nothing else, it was a fun way to see how like-minded people approached current issues. Some people were polarized one way or another but it felt like one of the few places on the internet these days where you could find people willing to engage with something of an open mind. Granted, topics become contentious easily (perhaps more so these days than in the past) and I know most of us were seeing the sanitized version, not knowing how many cleanups the moderators had to engage in.

On one hand, yes, it's sad to see it go. I appreciate the people who spent time writing their thoughts and responding to my own. (@Southern Dad I haven't forgotten you, and was often hoping to see your return.) On the other hand, I often think about how net-based discussion of these issues doesn't seem to be doing society a whole lot of good, so maybe it's for the better. Hopefully it has the intended effect.


Jan 10, 2012
Wow it's gone. I imagine there will be more than just a few unhappy people about this. And wow, suspensions already in this thread. :/ It really bugs me to see suspended especially of long time accounts - there's a lot of people I used to follow and enjoy talking with that are forever gone now. <sigh>. I've blocked PRSI (ever since feature was available) because whenever I got involved I ended up wasting the time of the mods. Who am I to tell someone how to organize and run their house?

Macrumors is a massive forum and the one place that I've gone to for tech news and likeminded Apple lovers like myself since 2011 (I registered in 2012). Things gotta change just like people change I guess. I do get the sense that people don't get along as well as they used to. Some people seem to enjoy frustrating others, making wild statements, and trolling. I learned a lot just reading PRSI for the many years that I did before blocking it entirely a year or two ago - met a lot of really great posters/people.


macrumors 68000
Aug 26, 2009
I visited here and posted before joining in on the political forum, and I’ll do the same now. Was fun while it lasted, but this is an Apple tech-centered site, and the other stuff takes the focus away.

There’s a million other places to discuss politics.

Michael Scrip

macrumors 604
Mar 4, 2011
There’s a million other places to discuss politics.

That's true.

But we're already here... ;)

Oddly enough... my 2nd-most-visited forum is Neowin... which is a Windows-centric tech site. But they have a very active non-tech "off-topic" subforum which includes these certain sensitive topics.

So it is possible for a "tech" forum to handle non-tech topics.


Mr. Awesome

macrumors 65816
Feb 24, 2016
Idaho, USA
Aw man. Was just looking for that forum to give a quick “happy Independence Day.” I guess I’ll do it here instead.

The PRSI forum was honestly one of the best politics forums on the internet. A lot more reasoned debate than anywhere else, instead of the usual “You don’t agree with me so you’re wrong.”

It was nice, but I can definitely see why it was removed. Still, it’s sad that our country has gotten to the point that we can’t have reasonable political discussion. ?


macrumors 6502a
Sep 18, 2012
Welp, I made this account a long time ago after a spill over from The Verge over an Android vs iOS debate. I really stopped caring about that whole festival and found PRSI far more entertaining. I don't give a **** about Apple products.

So in honor of our fallen sub forum I say to thee. **** this ****, I'm out.


macrumors 68000
Oct 7, 2018
Stalingrad, Russia
I think that discussing politics requires a lot of knowledge and experience, after all there is a good reason why Henry Kissinger is still very active as there is not many people that can match his experience and do the same work.
Obviously you don’t always have to be a professional in order to discuss politics. Sometimes it is good to see just what the general mood and perception of the changing reality forum users have and the politics section of the forum accomplished this just fine.


macrumors 6502a
Feb 26, 2017
United States
I don’t know if I just don’t have the same sensibilities as others, but I really never saw PRSI getting out of control. It was really quite tame compared to political discourse I see basically anywhere else. It’s a bummer to see it go. I know there are other places to discuss current events, but it was nice seeing from the same users. Oh well, I understand the decision from a moderator’s point of view. When it seemed like there was a new feedback post every other day from someone complaining about how a post in PRSI was moderated, I had a feeling it wasn’t long for this world :)


macrumors G5
May 18, 2008
I don’t know if I just don’t have the same sensibilities as others, but I really never saw PRSI getting out of control. It was really quite tame compared to political discourse I see basically anywhere else. It’s a bummer to see it go. I know there are other places to discuss current events, but it was nice seeing from the same users. Oh well, I understand the decision from a moderator’s point of view. When it seemed like there was a new feedback post every other day from someone complaining about how a post in PRSI was moderated, I had a feeling it wasn’t long for this world :)
That was my take as well, and unfortunately most of the mod complaints were by people I rarely if ever saw in PRSI itself. Squeaky wheel gets the grease I guess.


macrumors 68000
Mar 14, 2011
@arn As someone who had blocked PRSI but still saw spillover of its existence through other forums, thank you for being willing to try this solution. It can't be easy, like a lot of other things about running a site this big. Let's see if it helps.

It bears mentioning that this won't affect my decision to re-up membership when that time comes.


macrumors 68030
Jan 22, 2009
Houston, TX
We are closing the Politics, Religion, Social Issues forum, effective immediately.

For regulars of the PRSI forums, I apologize. We've long kept a politics forum on this site in order to allow users to discuss practically any topic beyond just Apple and Tech. And that's the reason I've defended keeping it over the years. However, due to a number of issues, it seems the best course of action now is to close the PRSI forum indefinitely.

Complaints about political discussion have been around since near the beginning of the site. In 2002, there were complaints about political discussion taking over the site - As a result we opened a politics subform to contain that conversation. That didn't last very long and required us to close the politics forum in 2003. We reopened them with stricter rules shortly after.

At this point we are going to prohibit all political and social issue discussions from the site with the exception of News stories that are categorized under Political News. We will also continue to post some news stories related to politics and social issues without comment threads. Over time, we will re-evaluate the need for political discussion in news stories at all.

It will be back.

Is / was PRSI a good thing? Berely.
Was it necessary? Yes.

PRSI is an amalgamation of news items from around the world, touching on things that neither one mainstream side nor other would spend more than 5 seconds on, if at all. Bits of information that can be just as important as the money making headline news.
I actually saw a fairly good, even balance of political discussion that is hard to find else where. Yes, it did get out of hand at times, but good points made nonetheless.
I have especially seen the shifting opinions/positions of a bunch of smart, well read, alert people here.
Sure we may not agree with each other, but many arguments did bring perspectives?

It will be back.
PRSI will not be the same as before because like anything systems have to change like everything else.

It will be back.
Because in the end society works best when people speak their minds, with civility.

It will be back.

PS: Kudos to mods to controlling us bunch of cats. :)
This "pause" probably was much needed.


macrumors 6502a
May 16, 2010
What I find offensive is nearly any thread attached to a main story. They're filled with ignorance, negativity, unfounded attacks on people they don't know (Tim Cook for example), misinformation, WAY to many people who clearly didn't read anything past the headline. And that's just if it's one of the better threads that stays more or less on topic. It does no good to speak up because they're not there for a conversation and don't even reply to comments. They're just tossing their trash out the window as they drive by. At least in PRSI, if someone was spouting nonsense, you could call them on it.
I'll second this. In my experience, the threads for "sensitive" news stories are regularly cesspools of uninformed comments and trolls. In most cases they might as well be public Facebook comments on a shared piece of news. PRSI was never like that. I understand that is in part because of some intense moderation efforts, and I think our collective hats should be off to those that kept it as amazing of a space as it was. A thousand Thank You's. Truly.

It will be back.
Because in the end society works best when people speak their minds, with civility.
Amen. Without places for those discussions, we're doomed to ignorance.


macrumors regular
Jun 11, 2014
Bought my first Mac - a Mac Pro tower - in 2005 and started coming to the forums with my endless newbie questions that same year. I had a different name then. The forums were invaluable through the iPod years and then the game-changing release of the iPhone in 2007.

I fell into the PRSI tractor beam in 2007 and enjoyed it, even after privileges were lost and such.

Have still been peeping in as a non-privileges lurker for past few years. I don’t know what the straw was that broke the camel’s back, but I’ll say the PRSI became in recent years little more than a contest for one poster to call another poster “HYPOCRITE!” without actually using that word. No one could debate an actual issue in recent years, because of whatabout-isms and “well where were you when?!” responses. For some/most here in the waning days of the PRSI there was no greater endorphin release than leveling a suggestion of “hypocrisy!”


Final thought - I wish the PRSI weren’t actually vaporized. I understand closing it. But would be nice to be able to at least go back and view the old threads.


macrumors 65816
Apr 11, 2011
That was my take as well, and unfortunately most of the mod complaints were by people I rarely if ever saw in PRSI itself. Squeaky wheel gets the grease I guess.

I think you are correct. Plus someone new would find it and immediately become a bomb thrower requiring Mod intervention.

On the positive side, I will get more work done.
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macrumors regular
Nov 11, 2010
Congratulations on making a tough decision, I was never involved in any of the political threads, though I'm thankful I won't see them on the forum any more, there's a right place for them no doubt, it's not here though.
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Mar 7, 2007
Midwest America.
I'm on an aviation themed blog/website, and the politics infects much of the 'discussion'. There are people there that seem to be semi-pro flame throwers, and others that play a ridiculous game of 'I know I am, but what are you'. Some are so contrary, and they reflexively flame posts by certain people. It's made the site really hard to take in any degree at times, and the noise, and bile drown out the root conversations the whole thing was started for. They need moderation, but the task would be herculean. There are so many people causing so much mayhem...


macrumors 68020
Jul 8, 2008
It was a disappointment to always see tech articles that relate to the LGBTQ community relegated to the PRSI forum. As a gay person whose life has been politicized for as long as I can remember, it wears on you. For once I would like to see an article posted that relates to my community that just gets to be an article, without preemptively tagging it as political (aka controversial).

Granted, not everything in the PRSI forum was about LGBTQ folks, and I recognize a lot of people enjoyed that forum. And maybe I'll miss it more than I think I will. But at the end of the day, I hope you'll continue to share Apple news as it relates to the LGBTQ community and trust forum members to be adults in the comments.


macrumors 68040
Jun 8, 2009
I am sad to see PRSI go. I fail to understand why people who didn't want to read about politics couldn't simply chose not to visit the PRSI forum, but perhaps I am missing something. I do understand the decision of the owners of MR though - it must have been a hassle moderating all of those comments. Thus, thank you for putting in the Herculean effort for so long. ?

On my part, I think I will be coming here less often. I used to come to MR to keep track of revolutionary changes in technology. Now the stories are like "Apple releases MacOS ∞.∞.∞+1 public beta', but that's not MR's fault. After 40+ years of personal computing, there is very little left to invent and progress seems incremental for the foreseeable future. I hope I am wrong - perhaps the new generation of chips will stir things up a bit by allowing local AI (more than just Siri).

One more thing: Every technological advance comes with social impacts, environmental impacts, legal regulations, etc. that determine how technology will be used. I honestly don't know how politics can be separated from technology (e.g., Apple is trying to distance itself from surveillance capitalism in the public's eye, an inherently political move that determines their software and hardware development). Indeed from the Mac's very beginning, the democratisation of computing - a political aim - was what made people enthusiastic about it. (Well, maybe that and QuickDraw...)

Source: link
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macrumors G5
May 18, 2008
I think this thread on the closing of PRSI kind of lays bare the entire thing in a nutshell:

PRSI regulars writing well reasoned and passionate responses, and then a couple of random flybys that were never seen there giving two word answers praising the decision.

For anyone thinking that closing it is going to somehow reduce the political talk forum wide…that’s just not how humans work.
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