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macrumors 68020
Mar 1, 2004
ohh this is awful, the comments in this thread are so nasty and shows you why polls like this shouldn't be created..


macrumors 603
Jun 25, 2002
LaLaLand, CA
Long post, but worth the read...

MacNut said:
you can't really totally blame Bush
He actually said policies, but yes we can. He is the President. The buck stops there. No more excuses, no more passing the blame. I thought only liberals did that, and here I am voting for one instead of this faux neo-con we have now.

relimw said:
My two cents...
Everything you've said doesn't sound very good. Luckily it's nothing like what Kerry is planning. If you actually read his plans, you would know they are nothing like what Bush is telling you Kerry is planning to do. There is no global test and there is no huge tax increase to pay for stuff no one cares about. Just like socialist does not equal liberal, and liberal does not equal bad. Considering Bush isn't a real conservative like I am anyway, it's pretty much a moot point.

adzoox said:
I would disagree, I am glad we have a President that won't back down from a decision. Even if it ended up being wrong. At least he won't say I'm sorry, to compromise his integrity to get re elected.
Even if he is wrong? Tell that to the thousands killed or injured in Iraq, and their friends and families. Or the people affected by 9/11 who watch as Bin Laden is still out there, garnering more support over the Bush administrations mistakes. As he glossed over a report before hand saying "Bin Laden Determined To Attack", fights the creation of a national security agency and the 9/11 commission, then claims it a victory for himself when it happens anyway. Turning the sympathy America was garnering to hatred for very valid reasons. Or goes out of his way to make a case for invading a country with very little proof, and even more proof saying there are no ties to Al Qaida or WMDs. Ask Richard Clarke, or Howard Dean.

Then, instead of talking about the things he has done or plans to do, he criticizes Kerry for being stupid enough to believe his president would do this carefully and well thought-out. But Kerry's a flip-flopper because he changed his mind when he saw it all go to Hades, just like after watching the same thing happening in Vietnam. You know, the war Bush and Cheney dodged that people (including me) criticized Clinton for dodging. Yet Kerry fought in, then came back to tell us we should stop sending people to kill and to die for very bad reasons. Bush should apologize. He's made a lot of mistakes, and his smug attitude and "you're with me, or you're against me" system is not working anymore. I'm against you Mr. Bush, because I'm for America. And you have been nothing but BAD for Americans and for the world.

wdlove said:
No one comes to power, but by the will of the father. So I'm confident of the choice that will come.
God only helps those who help themselves. Always with us as a silent observer, leaving us free in our will. Please tell me you are not voting for Bush and his "holy war". A man who talks about religion and uses it to propagate hatred vs. Kerry who actually seems to live for the better parts of the Catholic faith. Namely peace, and helping those less fortunate.

As a believer in God, and a pretty practical guy, I cannot in good conscience vote for Bush and his administration of destruction in the guise of faith.


If any of you are still confused, read what SiliconAddict had to say. He made a lot of good points (albeit angrily, but maybe that's a good thing). If we've changed 1 mind, it will be worth it. No matter what you believe, you cannot believe Bush has been a good President who doesn't owe an apology to the world for his administrations mistakes. He is the Commander in Chief, he is responsible for everything that happens on his watch, and I have not heard any remorse. He must be blind and deaf to not see what is going on around him.

~Shard~ said:
Hmm, I didn't know Steve Jobs was running for President... :cool:
If only...


macrumors 603
Jun 25, 2002
LaLaLand, CA
samh004 said:
ohh this is awful, the comments in this thread are so nasty and shows you why polls like this shouldn't be created..
Nothing wrong with a good, open debate. Better to talk about it, and get it all out there in the open so people realize what's going on. A lot of people here in America have their heads buried in the sand.

How are things over there in the land of mandatory voting? I hear you guys had your own election. Who won?


macrumors 68040
Jul 23, 2002
Jobs' Spare Liver Jar
Wow. Lots of BS flying around in this little gem.

Two of the stinkers:

That independents make up the majority of voters; here's what I find:

204 million eligible voters (age 18 or older)
63 million registered Democrats
47 million registered Republicans
32 million registered as independents or with minor party
62 million not registered

The other one, that South Carolina couldn't go to Kerry even if he won the popular vote because SC is "60% Republican/Conservative, is also pure BS.

source, SC Secretary of state:

When a presidential candidate wins a state's popular election, then that candidate's party electors will cast their votes for president

Anyway, now we've got this this turd dropped in our laps here in the Pol/War forum.

What starts here is usually kept free of such nonsense by the regulars' fact checks. Let's hope it's just stopping by on its way to the wasteland.


macrumors G4
Jun 29, 2002
Republic of Ukistan
wdlove said:
My only solace in the upcoming election is my faith in God and Jesus Christ. I pray daily for our leaders and the election. No one comes to power, but by the will of the father. So I'm confident of the choice that will come.
I bet that's what devout Germans thought once, too. Why bother to vote at all?


macrumors G4
Aug 24, 2003
i'm hoing to reply before this thread get's ugly.

vote god damn it, none of this cant be arsed wont make a difference crap look how close the last election was.

i still have a horriblew feeling that bush will win because kerry is a wuss he cant even throw a ball straigh who the hell is going to vote for him?,

go kerry by all means but i dont think the american public will go for him.

if only there was a thierd party that had half a chance of getting in like the librals do here.

Dont Hurt Me

macrumors 603
Dec 21, 2002
Yahooville S.C.
Hector said:
i'm hoing to reply before this thread get's ugly.

vote god damn it, none of this cant be arsed wont make a difference crap look how close the last election was.

i still have a horriblew feeling that bush will win because kerry is a wuss he cant even throw a ball straigh who the hell is going to vote for him?,

go kerry by all means but i dont think the american public will go for him.

if only there was a thierd party that had half a chance of getting in like the librals do here.
Just have to say that i heard Kerry had a torn rotator cuff so thats why the bad throw. I had one and it took a year and a half to heal and i probably throw like a girl now. I think the problem with our political sytem is we have to many people vote party instead of the candidate. I have met many many people who only vote their party period! SAD isnt it. screw those freaking partys and vote the man. :eek:


macrumors 68020
Sep 16, 2003
The Dallas 'burbs
Ok, Ok, I didn't vote in 2000, neither did my wife. We had differring views on the candidates (despite agreeing on most issues). We would have cancelled eachother out. Not to mention there was probably a greater chance of winning the lottery than Bush losing TX.

There is more than one reason I am voting this year. I think there is a slim possibility that Bush could lose TX since even his hometown newspaper supports Kerry.

I also am dead set against re-electing our house rep. He was a co-sponsor of H.R. 2028. They've wasted time and money on getting a bill that will not pass the Senate, moreso will be struck down my the Supreme Court almost immediately. They must go.


macrumors 6502a
Oct 24, 2002
Greenville SC
Are you serious?

jared_kipe said:
I have no real reason to vote, my state is already locked in as voting for the canidate I would vote for. Thus, no real reason to vote besides getting that sticker.

Your profile says Seattle, which means WA.

Your state isn't considered a swing state but many have said Washington will have a strong Republican vote - eventhough the state is generally liberal leaning.

Don't panic

macrumors 603
Jan 30, 2004
having a drink at Milliways
jared_kipe said:
I have no real reason to vote, my state is already locked in as voting for the canidate I would vote for. Thus, no real reason to vote besides getting that sticker.

Yes there are reasons to vote. This country needs an electoral reform really bad. In particular we need to get rid of the electoral votes. If there is a huge discrepancy between popular and electoral vote, this will give a lot of boost to the arguments for change (but hopefully we won't get a president representing the minority of the country again).
So maybe next time your vote will really count.


macrumors regular
Aug 1, 2003
atszyman said:
Ok, Ok, I didn't vote in 2000, neither did my wife. We had differring views on the candidates (despite agreeing on most issues). We would have cancelled eachother out. Not to mention there was probably a greater chance of winning the lottery than Bush losing TX.

There is more than one reason I am voting this year. I think there is a slim possibility that Bush could lose TX since even his hometown newspaper supports Kerry.

Doesn't really mater what a small town paper says, Bush will win TX very easily, Last time he won it 68% to 28% Gore.

Even if Bush let an intern bl*w him he'd win TX.


macrumors 65816
Jan 8, 2003
San Francisco, California
Dont Hurt Me said:
screw those freaking partys and vote the man. :eek:
or woman :D

but I agree, too many people vote blind because of their party, which campaigns tend to depend on in elections. If people actually knew who they were voting for, there would be a lot more crossover votes.


macrumors 68020
Sep 16, 2003
The Dallas 'burbs
nacl99 said:
Doesn't really mater what a small town paper says, Bush will win TX very easily, Last time he won it 68% to 28% Gore.

Even if Bush let an intern bl*w him he'd win TX.

I never said it was a good chance but I think there is a better chance of him losing it this year than 2000. He may have pissed off enough people that we pull the Dems out of the woodwork to vote him out.

I can dream.


macrumors 68040
May 27, 2003
Asheville, NC
~Shard~ said:
Too late...
Eh, this really isn't that ugly. You wanna see ugly...go check out the Political Forums over at Spymac. People on both sides of the fence acting like little 6-year olds. :rolleyes:


macrumors 68030
Jul 22, 2003
Somewhere Else
~Shard~ said:
Hmm, I didn't know Steve Jobs was running for President...

MattG said:
I'd vote for him!

Hey, we can be as in the dark about the running of the nation as we are about product launches!

Today the country is in a swirl over new regulations for the inspection of meat products. Sources confirm there may be changes brewing and speculation has run wild due to the greater number of Beef Industry lobbists on Capitol Hill...

"We know someting's up," some burger eaters said, "that what happens when you have a VEGAN in office!"

Today the keynote speech at VETOExpo 06 was fairly ineventful. Untill the very end. President Jobs came running back on stage after finishing...

"And there is one more thing... North Korea has threatened to use The Bomb!"


Just kidding everyone.

The first time I was able to vote for president was in 2000. I was quite dismayed at how the whole thing played out I'm hoping for something a little more "normal" for this year.


macrumors P6
Jun 4, 2003
MattG said:
Eh, this really isn't that ugly. You wanna see ugly...go check out the Political Forums over at Spymac. People on both sides of the fence acting like little 6-year olds. :rolleyes:

Very true. I've seen far worse discussion actually in MacRumors' own Political Discussion forums. But hey, that's why they're there!


macrumors 68020
Nov 18, 2002
i also wouldn't say i didn't vote, i wasn't old enough, i would have for sure if i was 18 during the 2000 elections. I am definitely voting this year. And for the rest of my life for that matter.


macrumors newbie
Aug 31, 2004
interesting debate....

I have a suggestion for another poll [no sense of humour failures please]

1. MacPolls should always be Mac related
2. Get a life

On topic....

Please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please vote Kerry and you'll hear the whole world sigh with relief.


macrumors 6502a
Feb 14, 2004
South Jersey
drift said:
Please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please vote Kerry and you'll hear the whole world sigh with relief.

Especially the terrorists- wouldn't want to make planning attacks on American soil any harder than it has to be— that might offend them... Afterall, 10 out of 10 terrorists surveyed agree , anyone BUT Bush...;-)

Mike Teezie

macrumors 68020
Nov 20, 2002
jemeinc said:
Especially the terrorists- wouldn't want to make planning attacks on American soil any harder than it has to be— that might offend them... Afterall, 10 out of 10 terrorists surveyed agree , anyone BUT Bush...;-)

You are kidding right?
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