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When should we call time of death on AVP?

  • Now, it’s hard to turn this ship around

    Votes: 20 12.7%
  • 1-3 months, Apple will ignore it in their financial updates

    Votes: 5 3.2%
  • 3-6 months, when YouTube, Spotify etc still boycott

    Votes: 7 4.4%
  • 1 year, when there is no gen 2 and a price drop

    Votes: 48 30.4%
  • 2 years when OP prophesied

    Votes: 25 15.8%
  • I will never accept it even when it happens

    Votes: 53 33.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


macrumors 6502a
Apr 2, 2008
Well that's a bollocks poll with a maximum option of 2 years.

There's no way with the R&D they put in it'll be written off that soon. Most version 1 products are pretty ropey/limited. There will definitely be a version 2 to give a release where they jumped some way up the learning curve and will no doubt be well under development. Then version 3 will be in development while 2 is in final stages. It'll easily be 3-4 years to see what software comes out and what hardware refinements they can pull off as to seeing it's true trajectory. So VP won't be canned for a good 5 years minimum, and by then a lot may have changed and improved. Apple TV was known as a "hobby" by Jobs for a few years as they new it wasn't mainstream. And that's still not the gaming box it could be if they tried, but still has a lot of owners now it's been about for years. I think the VP will be the same.


macrumors 65816
Jul 18, 2010
Piplo, you nailed it!

Lame poll, especially shown by the HUGE CHASM between
  • 2 years when OP prophesied
  • I will never accept it even when it happens
As you've persuasively argued, it will likely be on the market for at least 3-4 years and, as many others have stated, it could, in future iterations, go on for a long time.

The survey's choices are a riot, too. If one thinks 2 years, they must agree that is “when OP prophesied“ but anyone who thinks longer than they must be those who feel “I will never accept it even when it happens”. 🙈

That’s pretty funny and it made me chuckle. This poll would serve well as an example of how NOT to construct an item in a survey design course!

Fundamentally, as still others noted, is the problematic definition of success and failure and, thus, what is meant by the loaded phrase “time of death”.

I'm among those who think the product is quite niche, that wearers look ridiculous, and am concerned about the potentially devastating impact on teens, young adults, and the society in general. (Those impacts include health effects on the eyes and the brain, not just on social relationships and personal development.)

But I also respect Apple, know its smarts and long-term views, and can accept that many others think differently about it. I get that it appeals to many and has some potentially incredible uses, so I could not answer such a poll, especially constructed as it is!

Hope someone else will give the thread an update on the actual results. I'm hardly going to cast a vote with such a “leading the witness” type set up just to see the results!


macrumors regular
Mar 30, 2008
I admit that I'm being a bit petty, but, yeah, Apple finds it feasible to sink tons of speculative money into going for what I think is going to be a very niche market with the Captain Rocket Headset aka AVP, but they couldn't give loyal Apple consumers a 27" iMac.


macrumors P6
Mar 19, 2008
Apple needs to put all their effort into AI and just can this thing. It’s a waste of their time and money honestly. It will NEVER have mass market appeal. People don’t want to wear stuff on their head around like this all day.

Totally agree
Waste of resources, especially if they aren’t going to lean into mainstream gaming (which needs controllers)


macrumors 6502a
Jun 27, 2008
Totally agree
Waste of resources, especially if they aren’t going to lean into mainstream gaming (which needs controllers)
Well, you don't have to buy it; I'm unsure if you know that. It pretty much goes to everyone else here. Overall, posting an inflammatory title is just a ploy to get attention. Which, yes, I'm guilty of responding to as well.

Those people who have it and like it are unlikely to understand why someone who clearly does not are trying to judge when a product should be discontinued.


macrumors 603
Aug 28, 2013
Los Angeles, USA
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macrumors 68030
Dec 3, 2016
I was panned on here for rightfully declaring the Vision Pro DOA (dead on arrival) a few weeks ago.

A lot of the pushback was on the fact it hadn’t actually released yet.

Well now it has, and my two year prophecy is already looking generous!

The reviews are, on the whole, poor.

The return rates are rumoured to be sky high. This is likely to stop any launch in the UK or Europe where consumer rights are much stronger than in the USA.

It’s time to be brave and answer the inevitable question now of when, not if, we call time of death.
Bad poll; choices are intended to present the OP's wrong-headed position.

Imagine the same absurd questions asked about the Apple Newton. The Newton's technology experiment helped lead to what Apple is today. Yet the OP would have had the world attempting to "call time of death" on the Newton. Sheesh.

Note that I am not saying that the AVP is the Newton, I am saying that the OP's entire thought process is wrong. Like evaluating AVP as if it was simply putting gold color on sneakers and selling them for $400.

I would say much stronger things but it would violate TOS.

P.S. No, I did not select a choice from the intentionally misleading poll. The OP's poll choices are a silly trick most children should be able to see through by the 6th grade or so.
Last edited:


macrumors P6
Jan 17, 2013
Wales, United Kingdom
The vision pro is the future.

You will see.

They will all see.

For who? I can’t see this being a viable product for the average family, teachers, doctors and nurses or even the average office worker. It’s a leisure device and a very expensive one at that and unfortunately requires the user to wear it on their face. That in itself cuts down who it appeals to, to a certain degree.

Maybe Apple will have a very niche market for this, like other products that they sell to very few but have sold for years, but I can’t see this being the future in the broader sense.

Cape Dave

macrumors 68020
Nov 16, 2012
For some reason, this thread made me think of the Mac Cube. I remember loving the design of the cube, but never bought one... its issues were identified before I was in a position to consider buying one, and then it was cancelled. I still love the design of it though.

Time will tell if there are such fatal design issues with AVP.

What is different for me this time though is that I have no love for the design of this product. This is the same lack of love for the design of any current or past VR headsets. They just are not appealing to me from a design perspective. So I have no idea, or opinion, on what might come of AVP. It will be interesting to see what happens though... will it be a success, like most of Apple's endeavours, or will it have a short life, like the cube.

For me though, somehow playing with an old cube sounds like more fun than playing with AVP this evening.
I remember that hot box :)


macrumors 68000
Oct 15, 2022
I admit that I'm being a bit petty, but, yeah, Apple finds it feasible to sink tons of speculative money into going for what I think is going to be a very niche market with the Captain Rocket Headset aka AVP, but they couldn't give loyal Apple consumers a 27" iMac.
Apple hasn’t been a traditional computer company for long time. iMac is a tiny fraction of Apple revenues. It’s better to be relevant in future than be stuck in the past.


macrumors 6502
Jan 26, 2016
my expectation is that in 1-2 years every Apple podcast will have people complaining "why hasn't Apple done anything with the Apple Vision Pro to make it more useful for productivity?" just as what happened with the iPad


macrumors 6502
Dec 20, 2021
You sound pretty desperate for validation so Im not going to engage on that front.

However, I actually agree that the Vision product - either the current 'pro' or potential 'non-pro' future versions has a huge hill to climb.

Firstly, it's pretty clear that for most people with a normal level of income, even with the allure of the apple badge, $3,500 is beyond the level of affordability. It is simply a product that many cannot afford.
In comparison to the MacBook line... there is a reason of course why the Air sells the most and only a small number of buyers go for the pro line over $2,000.

The thing about VR/AR is that mostly it involves these big chunky headsets and their use cases are incredibly niche because of it. You wouldnt want to be using one in a room where others are not. If you think its a good idea to wear one in the street then good luck to you - not the least because you are advertising you have a $3,500 device about your person... but the disconnect from the environment around you is very unwise. Also in a coffee shop - you really need to be aware of whats going on around you. At home you dont want to be the only one on the sofa wearing one - and good luck affording one for all members of the family. Many people have commented on its discomfort and short battery life and inconvenience of the battery wire.

For the future... I agree in fact that this product cannot be a runaway success. It might well be paving the way for future technologies that are far more socially acceptable such as the AR glasses that are already on the market which just look like sunglasses and are nowhere near as obtrusive. The xReal Airs are a good example and im sure Apple will eventually follow that route.

The thing with the current $3,500 Vision Pro is that there is a lot of hype, and artificial interest. It's so clear that many were purchased by people simply taking advantage of Apple's generous returns police with zero intention of keeping it beyond that. Mostly people desperate for attention, clicks, likes, shares, multiple YouTube videos content.... then send it back.

I would be genuinely interested to see how things pan out here - but I dont think the Vision Pro will ever be a big seller. Given its price point and Apple's business acumen of course it will be a 'profitable' product for them... but I wonder how long it will continue in its present form. Best case I can see is that lessons will be learned and a cheaper product will take its place and ditching the superfluous stuff like the external screen eyesight stuff. I really get vibes of the first gen HomePod which was unceremoniously discontinued once the mini was a proven success.

As much as I dislike Meta and Zuckerberg, and as poorly judged as his recent video was..... I actually agree with him - The Meta Quest 3 *does* a lot that the VP does, and for 1/7th the cost with an integrated battery. It is certainly the better buy right now and Meta are correct to capitalise on the VP's notoriety right now because the Quest 3 gives you 90% of the functionality of VP at 1/7th the price. I would recommend anyone interested in what the VP can do to research hoe the Q3 does it and frankly the experience is just as good.
The funny thing is that everyone I know who actually owns a Meta Quest says it looks like a joke compared to the Apple Vision Pro for those who have actually used the Vision Pro. So all of this noise on the Internet seems completely fabricated. For all of the nonsense about the Vision Pro being a toy, the Quest is literally a toy, it looks like a game from 2005 HAHAHAHAHA

Toally embarrassing for the Apple haters.


macrumors 604
Oct 23, 2010
my expectation is that in 1-2 years every Apple podcast will have people complaining "why hasn't Apple done anything with the Apple Vision Pro to make it more useful for productivity?" just as what happened with the iPad
Most people want to be able to use one or a few devices especially at $3.5k why buy it if you still need a MacBook to do your job?


macrumors 604
Oct 23, 2010
I believe it will be just like the iPhone mini. Beloved by a minority, disappointing sales figures to Apple, and 2 generations before they pull the plug to cut their loses.
I think the sales will outperform what naysayers are thinking but I do think it will be a minority project at least initially.


macrumors 68000
Jun 13, 2011
I'm not a believer and have little to no interest in VR/AR to begin with, but I'd say give it a year at least to see what catches on and allow for more apps to hit the store to try stuff out, killer app or not.

The one thing to me that sticks out as a feature that was poorly planned and executed is the outward-facing display, but that doesn't make or break the product (it's just gimmicky and unintendedly creepy).
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