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macrumors G3
Original poster
May 25, 2008
Similar to the purchase thread, post the last thing you got for free! It can be anything really. Please try to post a picture.

Replacement MacBook Pro with a new full year of Applecare :) My old Applecare expires this month so I got lucky.



macrumors Nehalem
Feb 19, 2005
I would not call exercising you rights under a warranty as a "freebie".


macrumors Nehalem
Feb 19, 2005
Typically you do. My MP was bought in 5/2008, replaced in 2/2009 and AC was to end 2/2010 but they wiped out the previous AC I had purchased and applied it to the new machine to give me coverage to 2/2012. So yeah, you get a new machine and new warranty. Great all the same, but certainly not a freebie. You should post all the cases you get for free to review then sell off. That's a bit more impressive. ;)


macrumors 6502
Dec 24, 2007
The damage was free, courtesy of ice on a hill. The new bumper is gonna cost me a little bit.


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macrumors 6502a
Aug 5, 2010
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8C148 Safari/6533.18.5)

Well my girlfriend has been in this freebies kick lately and has gotten us a LOT of really good stuff. Shes also been entering contests like crazy. But the biggest three things we've won are an iPad, a trip to Waco (hotel and tickets to attractions), and tickets to are Sheryl Crow and Colbie Caillat. Whoot!


macrumors Core
Feb 9, 2008
1TB Western Digital Passport Essentials SE:


I received it in the mail last week delivered via UPS. It came from Western Digital and it had my address on the package. It didn't have a name, just said "End User." I don't know why I got this drive. I called their customer care about returning it, but they insisted that if I didn't want it I would need to pay for return shipping.

I'm not paying for return shipping. Anyways just gave it to a friend who needed it.


macrumors regular
Dec 15, 2010
Apple replaced my severely cracked screen iPhone 4 today at no charge, so I would consider that a freebie.

How come? My iPhone 4 fell out of my pocket while I was sat in the garden chair and the case I got from Apple came of when it landed. The phone bounced and landed again - screen cracked.

Apple won't repair it as it was accidental damage.


macrumors Penryn
Dec 27, 2002
Location Location Location
Typically you do. My MP was bought in 5/2008, replaced in 2/2009 and AC was to end 2/2010 but they wiped out the previous AC I had purchased and applied it to the new machine to give me coverage to 2/2012. So yeah, you get a new machine and new warranty. Great all the same, but certainly not a freebie. You should post all the cases you get for free to review then sell off. That's a bit more impressive. ;)

I think you get another year's warranty, but not if you have AppleCare. If you bought Applecare on your 1st/original laptop, and it gets replaced after a year due to recurrent problems, then your new laptop simply has 2 years remaining.

That's what happened to me. My replacement computer had 2 years of warranty because that's how much was remaining from my original 3 year warranty (1 year standard + 2 years Applecare).


macrumors 68020
May 30, 2010
Well my girlfriend has been in this freebies kick lately and has gotten us a LOT of really good stuff. Shes also been entering contests like crazy. But the biggest three things we've won are an iPad, a trip to Waco (hotel and tickets to attractions), and tickets to are Sheryl Crow and Colbie Caillat. Whoot!

That's very cool, but usually I find with competitions from companies and suchlike I just get a ton of spam and advertisements etc., even if I opt out so I just don't bother. I suppose that's the reason why they have these competitions, so they can make money *that sounded stupid!*.


macrumors 6502a
Nov 9, 2009
Long Island
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/532.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.5 Mobile/8B117 Safari/6531.22.7)

150ft of coaxial cable and a few splitters, delivered by cablevision.
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