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macrumors member
Jan 31, 2003
I'd be willing to bet that we will also see new iBooks.

It's been too long between drinks for the iBook.

I will be suprised if we don't see G4 iBooks with SuperDrives.

So the 12" could be demoted from PowerBook to iBook (it was only ever a G4 iBook anyhow).


macrumors member
Jun 12, 2003
Philadelphia, PA
Originally posted by crees!
I'm switching and I'm buying whatever the heck is thrown at us tomorrow... hands down.

Ditto that. I love the eMac I'm using now, but it's college-- a man needs his powerbook :D

Also hoping that "Garage Band" is released and that it turns out to be advanced-consumer-grade audio recording software/hardware...

But the powerbook comes first.

Edit: If it is a G5 PB (probably not, but here's hoping), don't those prices seem ridiculously low? I know, I know, they're cheaper to make (and IBM doesn't suck the nut that Moto does), but it's much newer technology... I think the delays and everything are pointing towards a 7457. An up-clocked 7455 just seems too hot for a 'Book that already has heat problems.


macrumors god
Staff member
Apr 9, 2001
The "pulled" specs where roughly

$1999, 15" PB, 1.0GHz, up to 2GB RAM, 64MB VRAM<BR>
$2?99, 15" PB, 1.25GHz, "" ""
$2999, 17" PB, 1.25GHz

the reason they were removed is that they are likely at least in part, wrong.


Lord Bodak

macrumors 6502
Jun 24, 2003
Chesapeake, VA USA
Originally posted by arn
The "pulled" specs where roughly

$1999, 15" PB, 1.0GHz, up to 2GB RAM, 64MB VRAM<BR>
$2?99, 15" PB, 1.25GHz, "" ""
$2999, 17" PB, 1.25GHz

the reason they were removed is that they are likely at least in part, wrong.

Thanks arn.
New or old, I just want my 12" TO SHIP!!!!!


macrumors member
Jun 12, 2003
Philadelphia, PA
Originally posted by arn
the reason they were removed is that they are likely at least in part, wrong.


Do you have new information that suggests these are wrong ? (I, for one, am hoping that they're understated...)

I know, I'm going crazy when the thing's almost 4 hours away, but still... I loves me some PowerBook rumors :rolleyes:


macrumors member
Jul 1, 2003
Ugh, at least some of those had better have 128MB video RAM...

Other than that, it's pretty believable specs. Would have been a decent upgrade 4 months ago.

Or...they could be G5's at those clock speeds :D


macrumors member
Mar 30, 2003
the "new" powerbook

hey, maybe it will be the new 1" cube powerbook with intercranial holographic projection!


macrumors regular
Feb 4, 2003
All the secrecy is about Apple releasing a new....

NUMBER! Yes, the never before used "?"!!!

As in "The new PowerBook is only $2?99!!"

"Please, no bills larger than '?'."



macrumors god
Staff member
Apr 9, 2001
In case everyone missed it, I think the most interesting part of all this is:

"Based on some final whispers... the previous "software announcement" rumor was actually supposed to read "hardware announcement"...."



macrumors member
Aug 26, 2003
hardware announcement = g5 ;D

please please let g5=hardware announcement be what your hinting at arn, i have been waiting for almost a year, got myself an apple loan today so i can order a new "whatever" the second it comes out, and my deepest wish would be a g5 powerbook, i have not been expecting it, though it seems all the stars might have alligned in the right place and we might at least get an "announcment" with the ability to order tomorow.

omg i cant wait any longer


macrumors regular
Nov 6, 2002
This Old House
Originally posted by arn
In case everyone missed it, I think the most interesting part of all this is:

"Based on some final whispers... the previous "software announcement" rumor was actually supposed to read "hardware announcement"...."


The iVideoPod?

The iTablet?

The hardware accelerated RDF? :cool:


macrumors regular
Nov 6, 2002
This Old House
New monitors. That's gotta be it. The 17" especially is a little long in the tooth, especially considering you can buy one for under $400 with rebates. Apple's is just grossly overpriced. Maybe a widescreen 17" or 19" LCD to join the ranks? New enclosures (Aluminum)?


macrumors regular
Feb 4, 2003
Originally posted by arn
In case everyone missed it, I think the most interesting part of all this is:

"Based on some final whispers... the previous "software announcement" rumor was actually supposed to read "hardware announcement"...."


As in MacWhispers??? Arrrgggghhhh!!!! Now they'll be nuthin... nuthin I tell ya!!!


macrumors member
Feb 4, 2003
Concord, NC
What's Already In Stores:

Okay. I can't hold it anymore. Right now, in an Apple Store somewhere in the south (protecting a friend who works there) is a collection of the new low-end 15" PB models. They will be shipping and ready for purchase tomorrow. I'm sure this applies for all if not most of the Apple Stores. The specs on the low-end: very similar enclose to the current 17" PB's, thinner (how thin, he didn't say), up to 2GB max RAM, 64 MB VRAM, 1 GHz (1.25 GHz in the yet unavailable model -- not in his store, anyhow). He didn't get more than that off the box before they shoved them away for tomorrow. I know this guy well enough to bet my firstborn on the truth of it.


macrumors god
Staff member
Apr 9, 2001
btw, the wrong-ness in the specs are probably due to the pricing and distribution.

15" 1.0, 1.25 is still possible.



macrumors 603
Re: Sounds fine to me

Originally posted by nagromme
Tlike Cardbus expansion, lighted keys, DVI out... not to mention battery back-up.)

I live in CA where we don't get power outages much so everyone is dependent on plugged-in computers, TV's Radio's, etc. Well, in our local resort community we had a power outage for almost 10 hours. I was on the internet as usual, the phone line working on a separate circuit, and the TiPBG4 battery good for almost 4 hours of working time when set at half processor speed. A few breaks for drinks (important to conserve battery life, don't you know), and I was the only one with full communication access and updated news on the power outage in my neighborhood.

Macs are emergency tools.



macrumors 601
Mar 12, 2002
BrisVegas, Australia
yes!! hardware!! :D everyone's hyped about a G5 PB now... but if they're still G4, they'll have to be 7457s, and from what i've read they're not a bad processor. they would still be sweet!! :D

hey supercres! i think most sites will have some sort of upto the minute report... there were quite a few that did that around WWDC. you could do a search and see who they were...

also the MacRumors IRC channel would be a good place to be. ;) #macrumors... i think that's right... or i might be trying to mislead everyone so it doesn't clog the server!!:eek: :p :D


macrumors 604
Re: Re: Sounds fine to me

Originally posted by Rocketman
I live in CA where we don't get power outages much so everyone is dependent on plugged-in computers, TV's Radio's, etc. Well, in our local resort community we had a power outage for almost 10 hours. I was on the internet as usual, the phone line working on a separate circuit, and the TiPBG4 battery good for almost 4 hours of working time when set at half processor speed. A few breaks for drinks (important to conserve battery life, don't you know), and I was the only one with full communication access and updated news on the power outage in my neighborhood.

Macs are emergency tools.


So soon you forget the power crisis fiasco of last summer that caused the rest of the west coast to give you our power. This in tern caused us to buy power at a higher price elsewhere causing price hikes and yes does it sound like I'm a little perturbed by the arrogance that is Californian resource consumption.

No hard feeling to you. I'm sure you shut off everything when your not using them right!?


macrumors 6502
Jul 1, 2003
Re: Re: Re: Sounds fine to me

Originally posted by MacBandit
So soon you forget the power crisis fiasco of last summer that caused the rest of the west coast to give you our power. This in tern caused us to buy power at a higher price elsewhere causing price hikes and yes does it sound like I'm a little perturbed by the arrogance that is Californian resource consumption.

No hard feeling to you. I'm sure you shut off everything when your not using them right!?

Maybe you haven't heard, but that "power crisis" was an engineered fraud designed to steal money from Cali and nearby states. It has nothing to do with Cali resource consumption. Los Angeles, by far the greatest consumer of power in California, had exactly 0 problems. Why? We have our own regulated government power monopoly, so Enron's manufactured power crisis didn't affect us. Go Government Monopoly! Err...


macrumors member
Jul 1, 2003
Oh, now, I'm sure it's just a coincidence that the areas of California with government owned power didn’t have black outs. Yeah, just a coincidence :D
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