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iRaynor SK

macrumors 6502
Original poster
Nov 15, 2014
Banská Bystrica, Slovak Republic

I got a camera, which supports RAW photos. I need a app for managing my photos. I don't want a library, I want Folders and Photos. I use iMazing on Mac for File Management. On iPad, I need ability to open photos from another apps and vice versa directly in iPad (aka "Open with..."). An ability to show my GPS-tagged photos on one map would be great.




macrumors 68040
Jul 13, 2008
Ugh. Photo management on the iPad is a chore, especially with RAW.

And folders and Photos (I assume you mean the app) are kind of incompatible; Photos does its own organization and as you've noticed iOS isn't a folder-based system.

Not only that, but iOS can use RAW like the Mac OS does. But only a very very few apps actually can edit or mess with the RAW itself; most only work on the JPEG that gets made as a rendering of the RAW. Photogene is one that does, and some apps explicitly designed for RAW. The workflow is rather tedious though, since getting the edits out can be work.

For just metadata, try PhotosInfoPro. It does something clever: you can keyword, geolocate and add other metadata by generating XMP sidecars. Then you export just those, which are text files, and hence don't use much bandwidth. Then mate them up with the RAW copied off your camera's card later on your Mac and there's the info (making sure not to change file names).

For organization, I prefer Photosmith and Lightroom, or Lightroom Mobile. For both I can use smart previews instead of big RAW files. But those need Lr on the desk/laptop. Photophile is pretty useful, as is Photo Shack.

Using iMazing may make your photos transfers easier; I use Phoneview myself but they are similar. Good luck.
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