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Original poster
Jan 13, 2004
Hi all: Hopefully you can assist me in getting a fellow Mac Users new computer online !

They have an ADSL connection with five external IP numbers connected to a Zyxel HW65231 with the optional WLAN card. The person who set it up made it that there was only ONE IP number assigned to the WLAN for additional security OVER the WEP key, i.e. you had to have the right IP number and WEP key to use the service.

Unfortunately, the person has died and the family who I am looking into this for *for no money* have been given no paperwork to suggest what programming he has done. I am not familiar with Zyxel kit either.

I have the admin password and can look into all of the options but I see nothing relating to the setup of this specific IP number for WLAN only use. But the former guys email confirming what he had done and why.

I want to assign another IP number to the WLAN so that they can use their new Macbook as well as the familys G4 Powerbook wirelessly rather than drag cables hither and tither. A google search did not reveal anything but I guess I am using the wrong magic words.

Anyone who could maybe steer me in the right direction would receive a large helping of virtual gratitude.

Many thanks!!
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