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macrumors regular
Original poster
Feb 18, 2020
Hi all,

Does anyone own this sacred graal?
My current dream would be to run Mednafen on Mac Os X 10.5 but I cannot find any compiled version for it :(

Seems like the biggest show stopper is having SDL 2.0.5+.

Thanks :)


macrumors newbie
Jul 8, 2022
I can help you out with the SDL2 part - for the SM64 project, someone made a port of SDL 2.0.6, you can find it here. I haven't personally tested it as I'm a bit leery towards installing compiled source outside of MacPorts, since it can be a pain to remove afterwards, but it seems to work fine for that project at least, so it might work for Mednafen as well.

That said, RetroArch does have some compiled Mednafen cores available, and there's a pretty new version of RetroArch (1.8.8 I believe) I got working great by copying the cores from 1.7.5 to it, on my PowerBook G4 running Sorbet Leopard. I've only tested GB, GBA, NES, and SNES emulation, but they all work pretty well, and perform much better than the Bannister emulators or old standalone versions I found.

I noticed from your post history you're looking for PC-Engine emulation? Is that correct? If so, I do seem to have a mednafen PCE core in here. I've never used it, but give me an example of a game you'd like to run in it, and I'll see if I can get it to work. If so, I'd be happy to zip up my installation and drop it on MEGA or Mediafire or something for you, and then it should just run on your end (if it works that is).


macrumors regular
Original poster
Feb 18, 2020
I can help you out with the SDL2 part - for the SM64 project, someone made a port of SDL 2.0.6, you can find it here. I haven't personally tested it as I'm a bit leery towards installing compiled source outside of MacPorts, since it can be a pain to remove afterwards, but it seems to work fine for that project at least, so it might work for Mednafen as well.

That said, RetroArch does have some compiled Mednafen cores available, and there's a pretty new version of RetroArch (1.8.8 I believe) I got working great by copying the cores from 1.7.5 to it, on my PowerBook G4 running Sorbet Leopard. I've only tested GB, GBA, NES, and SNES emulation, but they all work pretty well, and perform much better than the Bannister emulators or old standalone versions I found.

I noticed from your post history you're looking for PC-Engine emulation? Is that correct? If so, I do seem to have a mednafen PCE core in here. I've never used it, but give me an example of a game you'd like to run in it, and I'll see if I can get it to work. If so, I'd be happy to zip up my installation and drop it on MEGA or Mediafire or something for you, and then it should just run on your end (if it works that is).
You are indeed a mirage!

I would really be thrilled to have that retroarch working...
A simple example of something that really does not work with bannister / magic engine is street fighter 2 CE...

Deeply thanks!


macrumors newbie
Jul 8, 2022
Yep, seems to work great. I googled "PC-Engine Street Fighter 2 CE rom", found one, and opened it up in RetroArch using this PCE core. Game started right up, the graphics look good, and the sound emulation seems decent. Game plays at full speed, as far as I can tell at least. I don't know the controls so I couldn't test the gameplay too extensively, but I've attached pictures of the title screen and of E.Honda demolishing me in a 1v1 :)

Just give me a bit to bundle up the files and figure out where to upload them, and then hopefully you can get revenge for me.


  • PC_Engine SF2 Titlescreen.tiff
    108.9 KB · Views: 59
  • E_Honda Wrath.tiff
    165.5 KB · Views: 54
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macrumors newbie
Jul 8, 2022
Alright, I believe I have it all set! You can download it here.

I put it up on MEGA because they provide a lot of space for free; hope that's okay, I know they have a pretty heavy interface. If it's an issue, let me know if there's another file hosting site you prefer and I'll see if I can re-upload it there.

I left a README.txt that provides some guidance on how to set it up, hopefully it proves helpful.

There are a LOT of small files in one of the directories, I believe it's the cheats directory, so it takes an eternity to unzip despite the relatively small size. I apologize in advance for that, and if I need to put together another archive because this one doesn't work, I'll see if I can delete it to speed up the process (and then I think you can re-download the cheats if you'd like using the download menu in RetroArch).

This is going to be quite finicky, since it's literally just a copy paste of the application, so I expect some things might not work right away. Let me know if you run into any problems, and I'll do my best to assist!

Good luck, here's hoping it works on the first try!


macrumors regular
Original poster
Feb 18, 2020
I never want to hear about E. Honda doing good, your revenge will be served 100%

I think it works amazing because sprites show up all garbled in magic engine / bannister!

Deeply thanks for your kind help!


macrumors newbie
Jul 8, 2022
Oh, and something that just hit me that I forgot to put in the README.txt; in other versions of RetroArch, you can just select a file and it'll recommend you a core automatically, but for some reason, this version doesn't do that. Instead, you need to first load the core using Load Core, then let it take you back and select Load Content, and point it to your file, and it'll then suggest the core you picked earlier. Probably not too hard to figure out, but just in case it trips someone up.
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macrumors regular
Original poster
Feb 18, 2020
I tried this on retroarch versions available online...
When I do select core it brings me to the core folder which is...

Even if I downloaded a version with core available.

I hope with yours it will work, I will test it today, fingers crossed and deeply thanks :)


macrumors regular
Original poster
Feb 18, 2020
Oh, and something that just hit me that I forgot to put in the README.txt; in other versions of RetroArch, you can just select a file and it'll recommend you a core automatically, but for some reason, this version doesn't do that. Instead, you need to first load the core using Load Core, then let it take you back and select Load Content, and point it to your file, and it'll then suggest the core you picked earlier. Probably not too hard to figure out, but just in case it trips someone up.
The plot thickens!

I downloaded your archive...
Opened it...
Retroarch starts (but black window).
I choose core and yeah, a few cores are there!
I choose pc engine, then load content, choose street fighter and...
Music starts yeeeeeehhhhh but...

Screen is black? :'(


macrumors newbie
Jul 8, 2022
Aww, that's unfortunate, but that sounds like a very plausible explanation. My Go5200 isn't that much more powerful, but it does support a newer version of OpenGL and a much newer Shader model, so that might be why it works fine here.

Can you try opening a terminal and running "/Applications/ --verbose"? This should cause it to spit out a lot of diagnostic text, and will hopefully explicitly say if the GPU is the issue. Ignore anything about font rendering or unicode; that's because it's missing the default font and falling back to a bitmap version, which I found much easier to read.

There may still be hope; RetroArch apparently supports an SDL backend for rendering, which might be able to work around your old GPU. I don't know if it'll be fast enough to handle both emulation and graphics rendering, but I'll see if I can get something working, although no promises since I don't know how RetroArch was compiled in the first place.


macrumors newbie
Jul 8, 2022
Hmm, so unfortunately Macports' version only starts at 1.9.1 and sets a minimum of 10.6, and having looked at the original version of RetroArch from 1.8.8, it requires the use of Xcode, which I'm not very familiar with. It's going to take me quite some time to puzzle this out, if I can manage it.

Just to confirm - does the menu itself render, and you only see a black screen once you actually try to load a game? Or does RetroArch show you the black screen right away, without you ever seeing the main menu?


macrumors regular
Original poster
Feb 18, 2020
Hmm, so unfortunately Macports' version only starts at 1.9.1 and sets a minimum of 10.6, and having looked at the original version of RetroArch from 1.8.8, it requires the use of Xcode, which I'm not very familiar with. It's going to take me quite some time to puzzle this out, if I can manage it.

Just to confirm - does the menu itself render, and you only see a black screen once you actually try to load a game? Or does RetroArch show you the black screen right away, without you ever seeing the main menu?
All I see is a black screen since the first moment.
Deeply thanks for your effort on this, I will try the suggested command today.
While I start to lose hope for retroarch I still suspect (confirmed by the fact that the mednafen core is there) that compiling mednafen could be possible.


macrumors newbie
Jul 8, 2022
Hi Itpritt! Alright, so I've been exploring the possibility of compiling mednafen directly, and I've got SDL 2 compiled. I hacked together a Portfile that can build the SM64EX version within Macports, so it hopefully won't conflict with other stuff, and as a bonus this might let SDL 2 be used for other programs that depend on it (if it works correctly, I haven't been able to test it yet).

If you (or anyone else) is interested, attached to this post you'll find a file - a zip archive containing both the overlay and the SDL source code, each in a .tar.gz (I couldn't attach .tar.gz directly to this post). Here's what you need to do: (and I apologize for how tedious and ugly this is going to be, I'm still very new to working with MacPorts):

(Also, I'm assuming you have macports installed and it's at /opt/local , the default installation location. If not, wherever you see this path, change it to wherever your repo is located)

Step 1: Extract the .zip file, then extract the sdl_overlay.tar.gz file (but don't extract the other one, the sdl2.0.6-master.tar.gz). I extracted mine into ~/src , but pretty much any location will work, just make sure you remember where it is.

Step 2: Edit /opt/local/etc/macports/sources.conf . At the bottom, you'll see a line that says something like rsync:// . Above it, write a line that starts with file:// , and points to the sdl_overlay folder. So mine would be "file:///Users/mirage/src/sdl_overlay" for example. It has to be before the official macports repo so it has priority.

Step 3: Make a folder called "libsdl2" in /opt/local/var/macports/distfiles , and copy the sdl2.0.6-master file into it. Don't extract it - MacPorts will do that itself.

Step 4: run "sudo chown macports /opt/local/var/macports/distfiles/libsdl2/leopard_sdl2.0.6-master.tar.gz". This will ensure the macports build user can access it.

Step 5: All you should need to do now is "sudo port -v install libsdl2". Assuming I haven't forgotten a step, it should extract the file, compile it, and install it automatically - it compiles fine on my PowerBook, although I have yet to actually test it with anything. As a warning, there is one file in the build process that takes much longer to compile than the others, so it might appear frozen at one point. It's not, it'll just take a while before continuing.

If I can test that it works with something like Mednafen, and after I have someone more experienced than me look it over and help me figure out how to get it to stop tacking .tar.gz to the end of the distfile, I'll see if I can get it merged into the MacPorts base tree, so you won't have to deal with this yourself. But until then, if you want to try compiling Mednafen manually, this will remove a significant roadblock for you.

If you give this a try and run into any issues, please let me know! I tried to be thorough, but I'm certain I forgot a step or hardcoded something incorrectly. Don't expect it to work on the first go, this setup is incredibly brittle haha.

And if you decide to undo it, don't forget to delete or comment out the overlay line in your Macports sources.conf file after uninstalling it.

On to Mednafen itself!


    4.3 MB · Views: 88
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macrumors 68000
Sep 3, 2021
Hi all,

Does anyone own this sacred graal?
My current dream would be to run Mednafen on Mac Os X 10.5 but I cannot find any compiled version for it :(

Seems like the biggest show stopper is having SDL 2.0.5+.

Thanks :)

I have SDL2 v. 2.0.9 on 10.6 PPC:

If anyone want to try building it, I can share my portfile and patches. They are WIP stage though. No clean-up, no guarantees whatsoever :)
Last edited:


macrumors newbie
Jul 8, 2022
I'd certainly like to give it a try! I got Mednafen to build after holding back Jack (current version seems broken on ppc), but I can't get it to render a window, though it doesn't crash and is hogging the CPU so it does seem to be doing something.


macrumors 68000
Sep 3, 2021
I'd certainly like to give it a try! I got Mednafen to build after holding back Jack (current version seems broken on ppc), but I can't get it to render a window, though it doesn't crash and is hogging the CPU so it does seem to be doing something.

I dunno if it works (check the trac thread), but I will look through patches and upload here.


macrumors 68000
Sep 3, 2021
@barracuda156 @Mirage256 since you're working on SDL library, maybe you can get Giana Sister PPC OS X to work. I did not have luck a few years ago... Here's my old thread:

The developer’s site sort of suggests it should work:
Given it is 2016, the latest SDL2 should not be needed at all.

P. S. I can try it on a PowerMac next month. Atm only got machine with Rosetta.


macrumors regular
Original poster
Feb 18, 2020
Hi Itpritt! Alright, so I've been exploring the possibility of compiling mednafen directly, and I've got SDL 2 compiled. I hacked together a Portfile that can build the SM64EX version within Macports, so it hopefully won't conflict with other stuff, and as a bonus this might let SDL 2 be used for other programs that depend on it (if it works correctly, I haven't been able to test it yet).

If you (or anyone else) is interested, attached to this post you'll find a file - a zip archive containing both the overlay and the SDL source code, each in a .tar.gz (I couldn't attach .tar.gz directly to this post). Here's what you need to do: (and I apologize for how tedious and ugly this is going to be, I'm still very new to working with MacPorts):

(Also, I'm assuming you have macports installed and it's at /opt/local , the default installation location. If not, wherever you see this path, change it to wherever your repo is located)

Step 1: Extract the .zip file, then extract the sdl_overlay.tar.gz file (but don't extract the other one, the sdl2.0.6-master.tar.gz). I extracted mine into ~/src , but pretty much any location will work, just make sure you remember where it is.

Step 2: Edit /opt/local/etc/macports/sources.conf . At the bottom, you'll see a line that says something like rsync:// . Above it, write a line that starts with file:// , and points to the sdl_overlay folder. So mine would be "file:///Users/mirage/src/sdl_overlay" for example. It has to be before the official macports repo so it has priority.

Step 3: Make a folder called "libsdl2" in /opt/local/var/macports/distfiles , and copy the sdl2.0.6-master file into it. Don't extract it - MacPorts will do that itself.

Step 4: run "sudo chown macports /opt/local/var/macports/distfiles/libsdl2/leopard_sdl2.0.6-master.tar.gz". This will ensure the macports build user can access it.

Step 5: All you should need to do now is "sudo port -v install libsdl2". Assuming I haven't forgotten a step, it should extract the file, compile it, and install it automatically - it compiles fine on my PowerBook, although I have yet to actually test it with anything. As a warning, there is one file in the build process that takes much longer to compile than the others, so it might appear frozen at one point. It's not, it'll just take a while before continuing.

If I can test that it works with something like Mednafen, and after I have someone more experienced than me look it over and help me figure out how to get it to stop tacking .tar.gz to the end of the distfile, I'll see if I can get it merged into the MacPorts base tree, so you won't have to deal with this yourself. But until then, if you want to try compiling Mednafen manually, this will remove a significant roadblock for you.

If you give this a try and run into any issues, please let me know! I tried to be thorough, but I'm certain I forgot a step or hardcoded something incorrectly. Don't expect it to work on the first go, this setup is incredibly brittle haha.

And if you decide to undo it, don't forget to delete or comment out the overlay line in your Macports sources.conf file after uninstalling it.

On to Mednafen itself!

Thank you for this amazing work!
I will be back from holiday soon and will test this with pleasure! :D
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