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macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains

Fantasy, guns, magic, The Fold, a dark space that divides a country that’s full of monsters created by a magic guy, and a power struggle among different kingdoms. Halfway through Season 1 (4 episodes) and it’s good, but still deciding if I’m sold on it. :)

Anyone read the books? How do they compare with this series?


macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
I was not sure what the difference between Ravka and Grisha was...

  • Ravka- a Nation divided down the middle North-South by The Fold. There is East and West Ravka. Therefore to get from East to West Ravka, of Vice a versa, a dangerous trip across the Fold is required. Ravkas can’t go around because of hostile Nations that border them.
  • The Fold - a dark perpetually dark place full of monsters.
  • Fjerda- a hostile Nation to the North of Ravka.
  • Shu-Han- A people/country South of the fold, the Shuhan have closed off their borders.
  • The Grisha- The Grisha are a group of people with the ability to control and manipulate matter—a power known as Small Science. This is in contrast to Merzost, a much more dangerous magic that creates something from nothing. It is Merzost that allowed the Darkling to create the Fold. In the show, the Grisha's abilities lead some to call them witches.
Some links full of spoilers:
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Chester Stone

macrumors member
May 28, 2016
I enjoyed the Six of Crows - Crooked Kingdom duology, set in the same universe, much more than the Shadow and Bone series of books. Leigh really matured as a writer and you can tell.

If you're not sure and want to just read one book first, go for Six of Crows. Same universe, but the plot, worldbuilding, and characters set it apart.
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