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macrumors 68000
Jun 27, 2016
The only social media platform I signed up to was Facebook (in 2010). And the only reason I signed up was due to a lot of pressure from friends and family.

Social media really isn't my "jam".

It has been 2.5+ months since I logged into FaceBook.... and once I get to 6 months, i'll be looking into deleting my account.

Apple fanboy

macrumors Ivy Bridge
Feb 21, 2012
Behind the Lens, UK
The only social media platform I signed up to was Facebook (in 2010). And the only reason I signed up was due to a lot of pressure from friends and family.

Social media really isn't my "jam".

It has been 2.5+ months since I logged into FaceBook.... and once I get to 6 months, i'll be looking into deleting my account.
If you don’t have any friends or family it’s easier!


macrumors P6
Jan 17, 2013
Wales, United Kingdom
I think people often criticise social media because they think those on it don’t socialise physically and live through it. Some obviously do but to most I think it’s a tool that is just one part of communication. It’s a blank canvas and you make of it what you want. Nobody is forced to share pics of their dinner, dog or their kids etc.


macrumors 68000
Jun 27, 2016
If you don’t have any friends or family it’s easier!

The traditional modes of communication are still open, and i mostly communicate with close friends and family via email/iMessage/phone/facetime anyway, which makes Facebook redundant for that purpose.

Lately(over the past couple of years), ive been asked to join other platforms such as “whatsapp”... whats the point? Every year or two there’s a new platform which replicates email/phone/etc.

I realized that the only purpose FB served was “communicating” with acquaintances/not-so-close-friends-n-family, who i wouldnt communicate with on a regular basis anyway. Hence... pointless(for me).

Edit>> to each his/her own tho. I see social media as more of a time waster than anything else.
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macrumors P6
Jan 17, 2013
Wales, United Kingdom
Not really. Studies are now clear about the dangers of social media. (one among the many)

I did previously say it’s what you make of it. If someone has mental health issues and lives through it and becomes dependent on acceptance, popularity and social appeal, they are perhaps not the sort of person that should be signing up. I’ve been using social media for 15+ years now along with hundreds of people I know and have not encountered anybody who has committed suicide because of it. It’s a bit like saying pubs are bad because some people are alcoholics and can’t drink moderately lol.
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macrumors 604
Sep 5, 2005
Bath, United Kingdom
I do find it funny that some of the most vociferous opponents of Social Media are some of the most prolific posters here on MacRumours (and I presume other fora).

So communicating excessively about stuff with strangers is A-OK… but heaven help you if you catch up with aunts or cousins who live in different time zones…



macrumors 604
Mar 3, 2010
I do find it funny that some of the most vociferous opponents of Social Media are some of the most prolific posters here on MacRumours (and I presume other fora).

So communicating excessively about stuff with strangers is A-OK… but heaven help you if you catch up with aunts or cousins who live in different time zones…


There is a difference, the lack of social pressure for one. Second is scheduling. I think that most of us prolific dudes don't have a compulsive check of MR, and I am pretty sure that most of us don't check MR continuously while doing other stuff.
However yeah, I use this website way too much, however I am slowly cutting my time on here too (now the only time I check here is basically when there is some down time at work).
It’s a bit like saying pubs are bad because some people are alcoholics and can’t drink moderately lol.

If pubs collected information on 19,000 data points in order to attract them, keep them, and used a non linear reward system, and also sold their info to third parties then yeah... they would be bad.


macrumors P6
Jan 17, 2013
Wales, United Kingdom
I do find it funny that some of the most vociferous opponents of Social Media are some of the most prolific posters here on MacRumours (and I presume other fora).

So communicating excessively about stuff with strangers is A-OK… but heaven help you if you catch up with aunts or cousins who live in different time zones…


I know a guy who works within my company who is quite condescending about social media and is quite outspoken about how sad people are for using it. I’ve sat on a few occasions where he’s said in front on young girls and guys in the canteen that people ‘should get a life’ because he’s noticed it on people’s phones as he’s walked behind them. Incidentally this guy is 48, never been married and never mentioned a girlfriend and most of his stories consist of weekends camping or attending steam fares with his elderly parents. I wouldn’t be nasty enough to criticise his life, but I’m sad because I’m browsing Facebook? A little bit of electronic downtime is much needed with a wife and kids demanding my conscious attention lol.

I’ve made some very nice connections with people I’d lost touch with, family I don’t see very often etc through social media. It doesn’t mean we all have to give our details away willy nilly.


macrumors P6
Jan 17, 2013
Wales, United Kingdom
If pubs collected information on 19,000 data points in order to attract them, keep them, and used a non linear reward system, and also sold their info to third parties then yeah... they would be bad.
I find google searches to be more intrusive to be honest. I don’t have to be signed in to a browser and I get emails related to products I’ve browsed on a search or eBay.

My pub on the other hand charges me £3.90 a pint and that’s cheap these days. If I go down to Cardiff it’s closer to £4.20, now that is damaging.


macrumors 604
Mar 3, 2010
I find google searches to be more intrusive to be honest. I don’t have to be signed in to a browser and I get emails related to products I’ve browsed on a search or eBay.

Oh we have quite a few Big Brothers.

My pub on the other hand charges me £3.90 a pint and that’s cheap these days. If I go down to Cardiff it’s closer to £4.20, now that is damaging.

Switch to Bud Light ! :eek:


macrumors 604
Sep 5, 2005
Bath, United Kingdom
There is a difference, the lack of social pressure for one. Second is scheduling. I think that most of us prolific dudes don't have a compulsive check of MR, and I am pretty sure that most of us don't check MR continuously while doing other stuff.
You know, I'd take a large bet that many people here on MacRumours are using these forums while they are on their company's time or at university etc.
Unless they are unemployed, independently wealthy…

In other words, just wasting time.

Anyway! cheers for now.

Same time, same place tomorrow, right? ;)

There is a difference, the lack of social pressure for one. Second is scheduling. I think that most of us prolific dudes don't have a compulsive check of MR, and I am pretty sure that most of us don't check MR continuously while doing other stuff.
However yeah, I use this website way too much, however I am slowly cutting my time on here too (now the only time I check here is basically when there is some down time at work).

What social pressure?

Seriously. I am a 55 year old man, happily married for the past oh, 20 years… I have FaceBook and Instagram. Both useful. I check on them maybe once a day — notifications are off, and so… I do ask again:

What is this pressure you keep talking about?

I'm getting quite worried that I am obviously not doing Social Media right…

I use this website way too much, however I am slowly cutting my time on here too (now the only time I check here is basically when there is some down time at work).
Admitting you have a problem is the first step.
Well done!
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macrumors 604
Mar 3, 2010
What social pressure?
Seriously. I am a 55 year old man, happily married for the past oh, 20 years… I have FaceBook and Instagram. Both useful. I check on them maybe once a day — notifications are off, and so… I do ask again:
What is this pressure you keep talking about?
I'm getting quite worried that I am obviously not doing Social Media right…
Admitting you have a problem is the first step.
Well done!

Sorry but if you're not familiar with the problems of social media pressure, FOMO, self-esteem issues, and such it simply means that you haven't researched the various topics. Obviously being 55 and married helps you (yes, most like you use social media as a "grandpa"). The fact that you check social media once a day puts you outside the norm. The average use is about 140 minutes a day, of which 50 on Facebook products alone (FB, Instagram, WhatsApp).
You might also not be familiar with the issue of continuous dopamine release that is affecting our youth, so I suggest to study the issue.

Further readings:

This without considering the fact that obviously you at 55 formed your brain and behavior by socializing face-to-face, something that young kids don't do that much anymore.

I also suggest the movie "Eight Grade".
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macrumors 68000
Jun 27, 2016
I find the kind of tracking and profiling done by social media companies and search engines for purposes of advertising.... kinda creepy.

And yet, I acknowledge that most people probably feel differently about it.
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Original poster
Nov 30, 2014
Well, well, what a good solid conversation we have here.

For me personally, being off Social Media makes me 'feel' better. I was beginning to notice a sort of feeling of depression from some of the posts online (mainly Twitter; don't have Facebook, and hardly ever review Instagram). Being off Social Media, I tend to 'worry' less about things.

Now, having said all that, I also often feel certain topics and social conversations don't come my way for ages. And I mean ages, up to a month. I do however listen to BBC Radio in my car (Outlook and short stories), and that seems to keep me on track with what's happening in the World.

From memory, when Social Media started, Twitter in particular, one could have a real conversation with a stranger. Now, it's all about who is selling what, who is mad at whom, and who's talking about whom. Really, have we (and I say we, as I am including all humans), nothing else constructive to discuss, socially...?


Sep 10, 2009
I think people often criticise social media because they think those on it don’t socialise physically and live through it. Some obviously do but to most I think it’s a tool that is just one part of communication. It’s a blank canvas and you make of it what you want. Nobody is forced to share pics of their dinner, dog or their kids etc.
It can be that, but as you point out, it depends on how you use it. Though I suspect those who make social media their life and aren't paid for it are usually detached from reality and thus have a terrible social life outside of their bubble.

Having said that, some adults prefer to not use them, social media, in order to avoid relatives and friends they'd prefer to talk to once a year to every other year.
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macrumors 603
Feb 7, 2011
Oh we have quite a few Big Brothers.

Switch to Bud Light ! :eek:

As to my social media use, well similarly to other people here, keeping up with friends and family is the main reason to stay on facebook. I stay away, after some "experiences", from political discussion except once in awhile on Twitter. Twitter and Instagram are for following celebrities but I don't take it too seriously.

I actually like the iPhone screen time feature - it helps on weekdays especially.
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macrumors 604
Mar 3, 2010
I can't recommend this video enough. Mr. Haidt not only looks into those statistics that might or might not be well known (depression cases etc.), but he also discusses why girls are seriously affected negatively by social media when compared to boys.



macrumors 601
Nov 10, 2018
I think people often criticise social media because they think those on it don’t socialise physically and live through it. Some obviously do but to most I think it’s a tool that is just one part of communication. It’s a blank canvas and you make of it what you want. Nobody is forced to share pics of their dinner, dog or their kids etc.

Agreed. I definitely think it's worth having a Twitter account. I've been amazed at how rapidly several companies have responded when reaching out to them via Twitter about an issue. So much better than what I get by calling or emailing.


macrumors 604
Mar 3, 2010
Agreed. I definitely think it's worth having a Twitter account. I've been amazed at how rapidly several companies have responded when reaching out to them via Twitter about an issue. So much better than what I get by calling or emailing.

There is a difference between having an account and using it daily if not constantly. For example, I despise twitter but I do have an account. Used a couple of times to contact a couple of companies, that's it. I use it (and install it) only when needed (which is never). Zero notifications.
Same goes for FB, I don't have it on my phone. Right now, after a 2-months pause, I am using it about 10 to 20 minutes a week. I use IG a little bit more because there's almost zero politics or controversy, and I like watching pictures from the outdoors (and quite a few Instagram models, I must admit).


macrumors 68040
Sep 10, 2013
I can't recommend this video enough. Mr. Haidt not only looks into those statistics that might or might not be well known (depression cases etc.), but he also discusses why girls are seriously affected negatively by social media when compared to boys.

The sad thing is it's hardly optional for any young person these days. Everyone's on it and you pretty well have to be, too, if you want to have any kind of social life or even participate in many groups.

This comes with never being able to really be free of your social life as it follows you everywhere and around the clock.
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