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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Aug 9, 2009
Is there a way to split screen and run two apps at the same time in iOS? Perhaps an app that allows me to open two apps at the same time?
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macrumors 6502
Jun 10, 2021
iPadOS? Yes. iOS? No.

Or: you can do what you want trivially on an iPad, but you can’t on an iPhone. The closest you can come on the iPhone is the usual app switcher (swipe up from the bottom).

I wouldn’t expect Apple to ever support multi-window multitasking on an iPhone. Within rounding, 0% of iPhone users want this sort of thing. And, of the remainder, 80% would be unhappy with any reasonable implementation and only ever use it in extreme circumstances.

The screen is just too darned small for that sort of thing. Most apps already require careful design just to cram everything onto the small screen. Maybe on a ProMax? But you’d be left with less real estate for each app than you have on the mini full-screen, and it just doesn’t seem reasonable to require developers to support micro-sized windows for such an edge case.

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macrumors 68000
Apr 24, 2015
Lancs, UK
There is one exception to the ‘No split screen’ on iOS which is picture-in-picture. If an app supports that you can have the PiP screen on whilst using another non-media app.

I sometimes use this to watch my drive camera while waiting for a delivery or visitor to arrive and I am doing something on my phone.
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