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macrumors Penryn
Original poster
Aug 31, 2011
I know this isn't PowerPC, but since a lot of us use old Intel Macs I thought I'd bring this up.

In the past couple of days I've been experiencing an issue where moving my mouse cursor to the edges of the screen caused the Mac to switch spaces.

Turns out this is because SL seems to have two states when it comes to spaces. When you are moving a window around in the Finder you can switch spaces because you are dragging the window. That's normal and is one state. The other state is to be moving the mouse to the edges of the screen and a space does NOT switch.

But apparently SL can get confused. It thinks you are dragging a window (which you aren't) and switches spaces when your cursor goes to the edge of the screen.

There is an easy way to fix this. Find a window and drag it around a bit. When you let go, the proper state is forced and now the Mac will stop switching spaces when your mouse hits the edge of the screen (although you can still move windows through spaces in the normal manner).

Found the solution here:
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