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macrumors 68030
Original poster
Mar 28, 2008
Manchester UK
Love the new iPad Pro and the keyboard (mostly)!

I hate the position of the screen lock button. I keep clicking it accidentally when using the back-space button. I wish there was an option to disable the button or better still if it was swapped with the location of the ESC key.
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macrumors 68020
Oct 13, 2021
Do you have the 11”? I would have to try really hard to accidentally hit it on the 13” version.


macrumors regular
Jul 1, 2007
What a miserable design for the key. I'd rather it behave as a second delete key personally; there is no real need for a keyboard lock option... short of browsing porn at work I guess. (I am happy to have an escape button now though.)


macrumors 68020
May 19, 2015
That delete key is so big, and it may be the most used key on my keyboard apart from the letter keys, and the lock button is so small, I never thought it could be accidentally hit. It’s never happened so far and I’m very glad to have that lock button available. Although it would have been fine to have it where the escape button is since I‘ve never used that one; I’d like to find a way to remap that one to a Home button. But the lock button is fine where it is.
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