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macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains

2 Seasons so far. I’m on Season 1, Episode 4 and I’m really liking this twist on super heroes, corporatized, protect the organization, immoral, and murderous when necessary. Organized as a group called The Seven, under contract to Vought International, they are heroes to America, but with dark secrets. There are two women in the group.

Not all are bad, some feel stuck and frustrated, one, Starlight is new, innocent, uncorrupted, yet sullied in her introduction to being a team player, but not yet realizing the true character of the organization she has joined. There is another group who wants to take the “sups” (pronounced “soups”) as they call them down.

There is Billy Butcher (Karl Urban) whose motivations are not known, at least not midway though season 1. And then there is Hughie (Jack Quaid) whose girlfriend perishes in accidental an death involving a sup. Sex, extreme violence, intrigue this series will not appeal to some.

I’m still watching so please shield blatant spoilers with spoiler tags. Thanks!


macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
Season 1 talk. This story has gotten very interesting. The airliner incident and the choices made by Homelander to protect the organization. Guilt experienced by Maeve, and disgust of Starlight as in what did I get myself into? Now a revelation about the origin of supers.


macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
Apparently no one wants to talk about The Boys, that’s ok, I may understand. :)

Almost finished with Season 2 and the story has lost a bit of focus and I’ll acknowledge that the number of visually shocking elements seem gratuitous, heads exploding, being smashed, crushed during a sexual encounter, entire bodies vaporized into bloody mists, along with several sick relationships, and a sociopath, troubled, murderous super hero leads the group of corporatized heroes with the unlikely name of Homelander, wearing a cape patterned after the US flag. This is indeed the dark closet of super hero stories.


macrumors 68030
Mar 6, 2008
Apparently no one wants to talk about The Boys, that’s ok, I may understand. :)

Almost finished with Season 2 and the story has lost a bit of focus and I’ll acknowledge that the number of visually shocking elements seem gratuitous, heads exploding, being smashed, crushed during a sexual encounter, entire bodies vaporized into bloody mists, along with several sick relationships, and a sociopath, troubled, murderous super hero leads the group of corporatized heroes with the unlikely name of Homelander, wearing a cape patterned after the US flag. This is indeed the dark closet of super hero stories.
I'm somewhere on Season 2, but my wife does not care for it at all, so I only watch when she's not around. Since we're all at home for the holidays, I haven't watched in weeks.
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macrumors 68000
May 30, 2011
Watched it a few weeks ago and it was o.k.

Surely better than anything Marvel, but thats a rather low benchmark to pass.
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macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
Watched it a few weeks ago and it was o.k.

Surely better than anything Marvel, but thats a rather low benchmark to pass.
Actually what it does reveal is that people with super powers are still people with issues especially the way some of them were manipulated as they grew up.


macrumors 68030
Aug 15, 2009
I like it. I think it's an unfortunately realistic look at what some people might end up like if given super powers. I like the Homelander character even though he's the bad guy. He's pretty funny. And it strangely got me adding some Billy Joel to my playlists.
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macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
I am pleased with the end of Season 2, hardcore political, cultural, and corporatism satire. That’s all I can say here. :) It’s blatantly violent, sexual, and irreverent, so know what you are getting into before you start watching it.
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macrumors 68030
Aug 15, 2009
I am pleased with the end of Season 2, hardcore political, cultural, and corporatism satire. That’s all I can say here. :) It’s blatantly violent, sexual, and irreverent, so know what you are getting into before you start watching it.
Definitely nothing that anyone should try to take seriously. It's an over-the-top super exaggerated take on the politics and intrigue of a world with superheroes. And you better like dark comedy if you're going to watch this one. I laughed my you know what off when Homelander accidentally killed the guy and someone recorded it on a cell phone. His reaction when he was told about it was soooooo funny. I can't wait for Season 3.
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