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macrumors 6502
Oct 25, 2012
Personally I find HEIC from my iPhone 12mini a PAIN! Most are for sharing on Facebook so I have to import them to my computer, import them to Photos, then export them as .jpg to where they;'re needed. A pain!


macrumors 603
Nov 28, 2013
Personally I find HEIC from my iPhone 12mini a PAIN! Most are for sharing on Facebook so I have to import them to my computer, import them to Photos, then export them as .jpg to where they;'re needed. A pain!
I sync my photos using iCloud; all I need to do is go to facebook on the browser and it opens up Finder when I want to upload a photo, and on the sidebar is "photos". It'll read them directly from HEIC format.

(I don't have Facebook on my phone, so don't know if it can be done directly there.)
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macrumors G3
May 3, 2014
I noticed in the announcement for the new Nikon Z8 that HEIF is one of the supported file formats. My newly acquired Fuji XT-5 also offers it. A bit of Googling tells me that Canon has been doing it since 2019.

It seems as though it's becoming more common. It does have some technical advantages over JPEG, not the least of which is smaller file sizes that can avoid a lot of the artifacts of JPEG compression. Still, though JPEG is still so integral to the fabric of the web that it's probably going to be a steep hill to climb to replace it. With that said, one other early web format-GIF-seems all but dead but then they were kind of crummy in the first place.

Clix Pix

macrumors Core
My Sonys have it but I have never bothered with it since I shoot in RAW Uncompressed anyway. First thing I always do when I get a new iPhone is to make JPG the default, not HEIF. I am not interested in it and sharing images in that format doesn't work too well if the recipients cannot view HEIF photos anyway. I think JPG/JPEG will rule for a long, long time to come....
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macrumors 68030
Jun 24, 2012
San Jose, CA
Looks like HEIC support is finally coming to Safari - Interestingly there's also support for JPEG XL in Safari - making it the first browser (!) to have widespread support for the format.


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macrumors 6502a
May 19, 2014
madrid, spain
HEIC, great format, saves a ton of space. 12MP photo on my iPone is only 600 something kb.
But that's it.

Nobody is taking advantage of the tiny file size, not even Apple. Proof?
iCloud Photos shared album will still resize your photo into measly 3MP in JPEG, which has larger filesize than the original higher-res HEIC. Super dumb. You would think with iPhones as old as the 6s being capable viewing heic, Apple would just take advantage of it. Nope. You have amazing camera on your iPhone? Tough luck, your family can only see 3MP and 720p of your photos and videos, in old formats that takes more space. Genius Apple! :mad:

How about Google? I tried uploading to Google Photos as a shared album. Google stored it as is, heic full 12MP. Okay, good start. But when you save it or download it on your Android phone, Google "kindly" auto-coverts it to JPEG that is more than twice as large in file size. WTF? No options anywhere in Google Photos to prevent this.

Gee these silicon valley companies cannot even figure this out after all these years?
HEIC is a closed format which needs a license and then, pay for it.

Something companies dont want to do.

HEIC was born dead, and while JPG is around your favourite OS and tools as default for 30 years and more to come, HEIC wont, as new and more efficient open formats are coming.

So HEIC support would be dropped by Appe (only supporter) soon or later as they did with so many license and popular video codecs.

But Apple knows this very well, so Apple adopted just in order to save space in your iOS device. As soon as your picture/video are exiting the iOS device / iApp Appel option convert it to a future proof format effortless for you .
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macrumors 68030
Aug 28, 2007
SE Michigan
ok, so I have a Canon R5, and been shooting in RAW + JPEG format .. for whatever reason.
I need to look at the menu system and see if there's a RAW + HEIC format in there....


macrumors 65816
Jul 8, 2014
So basically what you are saying Companies don't like the subscription model either
Companies tend to have a lot more common sense than consumers. That’s how they make money. And by not paying for solutions to nano-problems.
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macrumors 68030
Aug 28, 2007
SE Michigan
lets see .. subscription models are how everything is going these days.

Entertainment - Netflix, Disney+, Max, Paramount, Hulu, Amazon prime (now you gotta pay $3 more/month for ad free), etc

Adobe .. yea ...

Cars - Tesla led the way, and all others following suit for their options/features now ..

High speed internet service ? This is a choice, not mandatory

Phone service ? This is a choice, not mandatory



macrumors Penryn
Feb 20, 2009
I'll predict that twenty years from now, jpeg will still be a commonly-used graphics file format.

And that by then, HEIC will be but a "forgotten memory" of the past...
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macrumors 68030
Jun 24, 2012
San Jose, CA
I'll predict that twenty years from now, jpeg will still be a commonly-used graphics file format.

JPEG doesn’t even support HDR though.

I’d like to see the world move towards JPEG-XL - Apple devices support this now, and includes both support for lossless, animations and HDR.

Nice part is that you can migrate JPEG to JPEGXL for zero quality loss but improved file size.
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macrumors 68030
Aug 28, 2007
SE Michigan
Btw, I sent a HEIC photo from my iPhone to my MacBook Pro via airdrop, then tried in the web based version to upload it here ..
Ha, even MacRumors does not allow HEIC uploads (on web version)
Try it people ..
I had to use preview, open it then export as a jpeg, wtf


macrumors G3
May 3, 2014
ok, so I have a Canon R5, and been shooting in RAW + JPEG format .. for whatever reason.
I need to look at the menu system and see if there's a RAW + HEIC format in there....

At least on Fuji, I'm not aware of it being an option. You can shoot HEIF to your heart's content, but not RAW+HEIF.

I don't think any of my Nikons can do it, unless there's been a firmware update to the D850(my newest camera) that added it, but I would doubt it.

For a really long time I did RAW+JPEG but finally gave up on it. I realized I was just using a lot of storage space to capture JPEGs that I never looked at, so started doing RAW only. The main cameras I use these days-my X-T5, D5, and D850, as well as my secondary cameras-the D4, D3X, D810, and D800 are all dual slot cameras. My only single slot camera is my Df, which I do use periodically but honestly I could do everything I do with it and do it better with a Z6 or Zf. In any case, I find it more useful if I want redundancy to just do RAW to both cards. I don't like having RAW and JPEG on the same card(It gets messy during import) so always do them to separate cards. I put RAW on the faster card(CF in the D800 and D810, XQD in the D4, XQD/CFe in the D850 and D5) but realized that the camera slows down to the slower card when writing to both at the same time. Even on cameras with matched slots like the D5 and X-T5, and both have relatively fast slots at that(although XQD/CFe is miles ahead of UHS-II SD)RAW+JPEG fills the buffer faster and makes it slower to clear than just RAW. There again, it's not a problem on the D5 since it can write faster than it can shoot as long as you're using good cards(G series XQD or decent CFe) but I have run into it with the surprisingly fast X-T5 frame rate even using the best UHS-II SD cards I can find.


macrumors 68020
Feb 20, 2012
Denver, Colorado, USA
The challenge with all of the various container formats (DNG, HEIF/HEIC, etc) that are supposed to be "universal" is that they rarely are. Everyone has to do something to support it. Just like the closed container formats for the various manufacturer's raw files. Something fairly standard like DNG is a great example. Unless you're in the Adobe-sphere, when they change the spec, like they did fairly recently, other companies have to tweak their code to be able to read the new versions, just like when a camera manufacturer releases a camera. For me personally, I've never seen any value at all in shooting in anything other than a camera's native raw format because I can control so much of the flow, including the final consumption format. MacRumors web and other sites have never supported HEIC and I finally gave up even worrying about it.


macrumors regular
Jun 26, 2010
At least on Fuji, I'm not aware of it being an option. You can shoot HEIF to your heart's content, but not RAW+HEIF.
FWIW, Fuji can do RAW+HEIF (I do on my X-H2). However, Fuji HEIF are not HDR/HLG, which is disappointing.


macrumors regular
Dec 18, 2016
I'll predict that twenty years from now, jpeg will still be a commonly-used graphics file format.
won't disagree, yet I wonder. Twenty years ago I was still shooting 4x5 on assignment, clients would still pay for lab costs and scanning. All my work was on Zip drives. internet slooooooow - hey day of Fedex

Too much advancement in TV screens for 8bit files, too much demand for video, hard drives/SSD size increase, maybe even tape? - there will be a demand for upgraded internet speeds/infrastructure

Jpg is a worthless file that only has one purpose to transfer a downgraded version over a restricted / constricted system once that's lifted
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