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macrumors bot
Original poster
Apr 12, 2001

Employees at the unionized Towson, Maryland Apple Store are this week negotiating with Apple for new benefits, and have asked for higher pay, tips, and changes to leave policies, reports Bloomberg.


Employee representatives have requested raises of up to 10 percent and they want Apple to implement a tipping system that would provide customers with the option to offer 3%, 5%, or custom tips when checking out with an in-store credit card transaction. "This will allow thankful patrons the ability to express gratitude for a job well done without any obligations," the union said. Tip money would be split among employees based on hours worked.

The union is requesting double pay for employees who work more than eight hours per day or 40 hours a week, along with more pay for employees working overtime on weekends. Employees also want higher pay over a larger number of holidays, a $1 an hour increase for workers who become first-aid certified, up to 34 weeks of severance pay for layoffs, extended paid bereavement leave up to 45 days per year, with pets and close friends to be included under the allowed time off, and expanded vacation pay.

The union said that "these are initial proposals" and that it realizes that this "is a negotiation." Apple's Towson, Maryland store unionized last summer, and it is one of two unionized retail locations.

Article Link: Unionized Maryland Apple Store Workers Request 10% Raise and Option to Accept Customer Tips


May 21, 2014
Just came back from a trip to NYC. The fast food payment terminal asked If I wanted to tip 18%, 25%, or 30%.
This financial culture is sick if you think it is OK to "pay extra" almost a third of the asked price.
Tip-based work should be illegal for everyone's sake.


macrumors 68030
Oct 11, 2008
Well that’s one way to make the average Joe hate unions even more. All for raises but tips? No way. Have too much of that in NA as it is. What’s next? Tipping the mailman? The cashier at Trader Joe’s?
But if you cat dies, don't need a few days off, ya know, paid time off?

That's what they are also asking for. Apple should close this location down.


macrumors 6502
Jul 29, 2004
Apple made $117 Billion revenue last quarter. FFS pay these people more. And for those who demonise Unions. You happy for obscene corporate profits while underpaying the very staff that are responsible? As for tipping, that's a bit counterproductive. In Australia we dont tip and businesses have to pay people appropriately. Tips generally are used as an excuse to subsidise the wages when the business should be paying people more.


macrumors 6502a
Jan 12, 2006
The raise I can see. But tips? I've never, ever, tipped at a retail store. That's just...weird. Maybe it was a throw-away negotiation request that they thought they could just say "okay, we'll take away the tipping request to get this deal done", but it stuck anyway. Like "We want the letter "M" stricken from the alphabet" or something else ludicrous.


macrumors 68030
Oct 11, 2008
Apple made $117 Billion revenue last quarter. FFS pay these people more. And for those who demonise Unions. You happy for obscene corporate profits while underpaying the very staff that are responsible? As for tipping, that's a bit counterproductive. In Australia we dont tip and businesses have to pay people appropriately. Tips generally are used as an excuse to subsidise the wages when the business should be paying people more.
FFS they get paid VERY WELL already. They have amazing benefits. This is just a bunch of people trying to jump on the unionize train which will end up with consumers paying higher prices and getting crappier, slower service.


macrumors P6
Oct 1, 2007
Starbucks asking for tips really butters my bread

The drink is already $6-7, any more and I am completely done

I believe in tipping to insure proper service not tipping to make up for a conglomerate’s greed

If you hand me an iPad after I order food and work in a food stand you get a buck or two. If you wait on me and actually wait and don’t piss me off you get 20%+ , often more if the bill isn’t much.

Else, scram.

For an iPhone? Bahahahaha you are out of your mind


macrumors G5
These Apple people are not demanding all customer's tip them... nor for Apple Inc. to tip them. I suspect that in service to some customers, some of those customers offer them a tip in appreciation. Apparently, they can't accept any such tip right now. They are apparently wanting that policy to change. If a customer offers them a tip, they want to be able to take it.

This is not about seeking a tip for a simple transactional service like selling a phone. But maybe someone spends 30 minutes to teach someone how to solve some problem or how to use some app features, etc. And that 1+ person objectively wants to give them something for good service. I'm not sure "we" should be passionately against it. That's between customer seeking help and the person delivering the help they want/need. Some customers might want to tip. That's THEIR business.

Someone comes in with all of their (subjectively priceless) data apparently lost. An Apple representative is able to figure out that its not really lost and helps them recover it. It's not hard to see that panicked customer perhaps wanting to reward the help with more than just a "thank you."

No one would ever be forced to tip- just as it is in all transactions. But if some customers want to tip for good service, that's not exactly an unheard of, insane or greedy concept. Those in industries where tipping is "normal" would even argue that the potential of getting some tips motivates employees to try even harder to deliver outstanding service... to EVERYONE (because even those purely motivated by tips doesn't know until AFTER they deliver service whether they get a tip or not).

If it's not mandatory to tip, I don't personally see anything wrong with this want at all. When my hot pizza is delivered on time in a little while by someone with only the skill of driving, I'll likely give them a few dollars. If my car won't start and someone pulls over to give me a jump to get me rolling again, I'm very likely inclined to give them something for their time & trouble too. If someone spends some service time at an Apple store teaching me how to do something I can't figure out, it's not like I would naturally NOT be moved to tip for good service either. Is pizza delivery or broken down car help and in-person tech help/services so different that only the former should be OPTIONALLY tip-able? I don't feel that way.
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