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macrumors 68000
Oct 4, 2008
The problem is they would need a steady stream of them. Just look at VR, while Half-Life: Alyx showed what VR can do on the gaming front it has not been the catalyst that many VR enthusiasts thought it would be. We haven't seen the influx of VR games from big developers that have taken inspiration from HL:A to provide it with the depth of the library to drive the VR userbase forward. We haven't even seen Valve carry on with the push. You need a good library to start with and to expand significantly month-on-month to encourage hardware sales. Apple would need to secure at least one exclusive on one very big game from an established franchise and then a good selection of other games ideally exclusives for at least a window of time and would have to keep cranking them out

TBH they would also probably be better not even calling it AppleTV, it causes too much brand confusion when someone buys the cheap one only to find it can't handle the games
Yes, Apple needs to do what they did with Apple TV+: commit to invest in the platform for at least 5-10 years. In the first few years, Apple TV+ was a bit of a flop: people talked about how little content there was and how there were very few great shows/films. However, Apple kept funding the platform and new content and now, whilst Apple TV+ isn't a full on success, I think it is widely respected for it's content.

The same needs to happen for AAA gaming to "stick" to the Apple ecosystem. It would be all too easy for Apple to see that almost no one is using the Gameporting Toolkit to release Mac versions of games and stop their gaming push again, but if they are serious they need to double down and pay more developers to bring games across.

There are many videos on YouTube showing DirectX 12 games running on Mac using the toolkit and Crossover with decent performance even considering the DirectX-->Metal and x86-->ARM translation layers. I suspect a lot of games would be a solid 30 fps on an M1 at 1080p on low/medium settings if they had native versions.
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