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macrumors member
Original poster
Oct 21, 2019
Hi all. I used to have an app installed on my Power Mac G5 running Mac OS X Leopard. It allowed you to change the "processor performance" setting (under "Energy Saver" in System from the menu bar. I cannot for the life of me remember the name of the app, despite endless web searching.

It had three simple options: "Slow", "Fast", and "Automatic", or equivalents. Its menu bar icon changed between a solid arrow pointing right on the "slow" setting, and two arrows (a la the "fast forward" icon) on the "fast" or "automatic" settings.

Here's a picture I drew of the app:


If I cannot find the name of this application I very well may die.

Hi all. I used to have an app installed on my Power Mac G5 running Mac OS X Leopard. It allowed you to change the "processor performance" setting (under "Energy Saver" in System from the menu bar. I cannot for the life of me remember the name of the app, despite endless web searching.

It had three simple options: "Slow", "Fast", and "Automatic", or equivalents. Its menu bar icon changed between a solid arrow pointing right on the "slow" setting, and two arrows (a la the "fast forward" icon) on the "fast" or "automatic" settings.

Here's a picture I drew of the app:

View attachment 1994759

If I cannot find the name of this application I very well may die.


It is, indeed, as @ervus noted, FastandSlow:


It gets use on my one and only multi-processor PowerPC Mac, a dual processor G5.

Project Alice

macrumors 68020
Jul 13, 2008
Post Falls, ID
This is interesting. How exactly does each mode perform? Do we know what clock speed it runs at under slow and automatic?
I always figured OS X did a fine enough job on it’s own with this.
This is interesting. How exactly does each mode perform? Do we know what clock speed it runs at under slow and automatic?
I always figured OS X did a fine enough job on it’s own with this.

For PowerPC Macs which feature it in the pmset parameters (it’s chip-dependent, basically), FastAndSlow’s settings are identical to the pull-down options in the Energy Saver settings, without the need to pull open that prefPane.

For example, my A1138 and A1139 PowerBooks lack it, so FastAndSlow doesn’t work with it.

But for my G5, the settings correspond to:

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