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macrumors 68020
Dec 11, 2010
Yeah I can accept an iPad isnt a Macbook.
But when you tease people with the absolute latest M4 processor, you signal the case that this device could do more.
How that works, how Apple choose to "dual boot" or allow access to common storage will no doubt still leave people whinging. :)

It does. They fit it into a much thinner and lighter case with one of the best displays anyone has ever seen. They said the display wouldn’t work without m4, so there is that. I doubt they would have been able to make it this light, either, without the more efficient chip. These are both extraordinary engineering feats on a product line that millions use (many more than use Mac) when you remove all the OS complaints.

Also, Apple didn’t release a new iPadOS at the same time as the iPad, so every reviewer knows this will change in a few months. It‘s essentially complaining about yesterday’s news when reviewing a new device. While I would like to see faster iPad development, I still think it’s an amazing device.

I doubt we will see MacOS on the iPad anytime soon. Would love to be wrong, but happy with the iPad the way it is, so that would just be gravy and probably something I would rarely boot up. It would be nice on the road, but not a necessity. I would still have a desktop Mac.
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